Stop in for a cup of coffee

She said she was a beauty queen! I had no reason to question..
Especially since you won the same beauty contest the year before...

For an 11 year old truck, its still in decent shape..other than the oil leak.
Where is that other Landshark? I had it here a minute ago
Did you check your other hand?
I walked around looking for my phone the other day- i had it in my hand talking to a customer that called. The mind was playing tricks on me again...

[FOR SALE] - Small block electronic distributor with rare tan cap with brass posts $40
Lol this to me no. Not even a MP distrib and no tag on it so who knows what it is except a LA

And he says that the reluctor gap is .016" when it should be around .007"/.008"...

The cap is vented which interferes with some boots for the plug wires and no ribs on the inside of the cap to prevent spark jumping/arcing...
After watching all the commercials I'm not sure I want to vote for any of these idiots.

Sounds like our governor race... I'm not happy with our current guy, but his opponent is a billionaire that got caught taking the toilets out of his mansion to save money on the taxes...

Too bad they don't have a "none of the above" choice on the ballot....
pretty much. I think they are like lawyers on opposite sides of a trial. At the end someone goes to jail an they go for drinks.

Our state has had many governors go to jail....

That's the kind of @ssholes that run here... :rolleyes:


Two inmates are eating lunch... One of them says, "This food is terrible"...

The other one replies, "It used to be better when you were governor"... :rolleyes:
And its no coincidence that so many in public office are trained as lawyers.
The funny thing is, most lawyers are at least somewhat skillful in mediation. Althoiugh I've been surprised both ways; lawyers who love trial but show themselves to be good at handling a dispute between people, and lawyers who do a lot of out of court settlement but continue the gamesmanship when they should be working toward solution. Go figure.

A man walks into a bar and yells, "All lawyers are @ssholes"....

A guy from the back replies, "You better take that back"...

The first guy asks, "Are you a lawyer"???

The second guy responds, "No, I'm an @sshole"....
Other than the fact i ordered a wrong part, which hold up my next couple jobs, ok,and you?
Still thinking about the 3.9?
I’d rather have a 3.3.
If i had only kept my intrepid....

I worked on that line...

The 3.3 L north south engine had a blue stripe down the block....