Stop in for a cup of coffee

**** he also owns a prius! Imagine that. Memi I need a hit!

Well that was a long day.
Went through the caravan end to end, replaced lots of parts,got all the safety stuff taken care of.

Winter wheels cleaned/painted and ready to go on wife’s car.
Took extra care balancing so there will be zero vibration,i usually let .25 but i balanced them all to zero.

Hang em on the suv tomorrow.
Well that was a long day.
Went through the caravan end to end, replaced lots of parts,got all the safety stuff taken care of.

Winter wheels cleaned/painted and ready to go on wife’s car.
Took extra care balancing so there will be zero vibration,i usually let .25 but i balanced them all to zero.

Hang em on the suv tomorrow.
1 oz @ 60 mph exerts a force of 8# on the heavy side of the tire.
I always believed that an off-balance wheel causes accelerated
Wear on front end components.
I know it doesent take a lot to make em shake.
As I stared at the calendar images looking for things that need to be adjusted, I did this one.

I wonder what I will do with it?

Yup, thats a sharp looking one there,Dave.
Thanks, I’m pretty happy with it...especially since the image I started with was little more than a fuzzy postage stamp.

I’m getting better with my techniques to take horribly fuzzy small images and salvage them into something useable.

It’s easy to use good images to work from...but there is unmined gold in the crappy little fuzzy ones that make up the vast majority of what is out there.

This particular image couldn’t have been used without great time and effort to salvage it. Well worth the effort since cars like this aren’t around much anymore, much less have decent photos of them. The image I worked from is at least 30 years old.
Thats so cool. Like me ,scraping off the crud in an attempt to bring something back from the land of the lost.
Morning all....everything but my bladder knew we were suppose to get an extra hour's sleep.
It will later today. Its never bothered me, just makes a long day.
@toolmanmike @straightlinespeed
A guy I'd sent a PM to last May regarding MITP responded yesterday. He said the event is going to be held at Lake Elmo this year.
I send a email to the Director of MITP asking for clarification. I'll let you know if I get a response.
I guess I'll make another hotel reservation there, and wait to see what they're doing.
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Ok simple answer a hour later than yesterday. So if you knew the time yesterday the universe is still good.