Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yum! Love that stir fry.
At one time I had almost matched a really good chicken ginger from a truck by U Penn. My recipe has drifted since then and its about time to revisit what's in the marinade. Feel like I'm missing something. Its good, but not the same.
At one time I had almost matched a really good chicken ginger from a truck by U Penn. My recipe has drifted since then and its about time to revisit what's in the marinade. Feel like I'm missing something. Its good, but not the same.
I like Ginger. Mary Ann aint too bad either!
All those meals sound good. Wife is making Chicken Noodle Soup.
Like. Had some last week. I like making soup in the winter. I usually freeze the extra. I have a couple containers of ham and bean in the freezer. Getting about time to make some Chicken chili. It makes a lot.
Like. Had some last week. I like making soup in the winter. I usually freeze the extra. I have a couple containers of ham and bean in the freezer. Getting about time to make some Chicken chili. It makes a lot.
Yep, soup and chili! I usually make a gallon of chili at a time and freeze half. Which that other half will end up being my lunch for work.
All those meals sound good. Wife is making Chicken Noodle Soup.
IMO soup and salad go with every dinner. Although in the summer when its hot, pretty much give up on making soup. Once in a while I'll make a potato soup 'cause that's still pretty good cold. Served chilled is sometimes really good when made with a little shot worchestershire and drop of tabasco. I know it sounds weird but its good.
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Yep, soup and chili! I usually make a gallon of chili at a time and freeze half. Which that other half will end up being my lunch for work.
That's something I've never been successful at, homemade chili. Go figure. Chili and soup, chili over rice, chili with bread and salad - good every way.
I dont do a lot of cooking, I honestly hate it with a passion. I do have a couple of things that are my specialty and chili is one of them.. Im the only one allowed to make it in my house.
Did someone say chili?

Worked my first day on the new position today. All went good. Only 10hr day and spent most of it sorting out all the crap that goes with a move intercompany 30 yards away from where I was.
I baked fish and made up a combo of green beans and yellow squash.
With the gall bladder recently removed the wife eats a NO fat diet....won't hurt me either.
If you are anything like me...that puts you off the menu too!

Need to clean the 50 years of dirt and grime out of the metal ash tray and radio bracket.
I was thinking brake cleaner or paint thinner??
Any better ideas??
Right up there with calculus :rofl:
I aced that class. This class is extremely difficult because I don't have the right software to automatically solve the problems, it just won't work on any of my machines. There's 6-7 of us with the same issue, IT has been unable to help fix it too. So everything gets solved by hand and thus, a higher mistake rate. Especially when the book is geared solely around said software and doesn't tell you what equations are to be used if you did have to solve it by hand
Need to clean the 50 years of dirt and grime out of the metal ash tray and radio bracket.
I was thinking brake cleaner or paint thinner??
Any better ideas??
I would start with Formula 409 and a tooth brush followed with rubbing alcohol and go from there. Brake cleaner can etch the parts and you might not be happy with the result.

After the grime and dirt is gone, polish using a soft metal polish like Brasso.