Stop in for a cup of coffee

Chris don't you know any older ladies you can call when you have cooking questions?
There's one I call and it is so helpful, she'll give me all the tips for how to make food turn out really good.
Apparently if you leave a frozen turkey out on the counter, it thaws too fast and releases a deadly toxin
:drama: :bs_flag:

Doesn't say that. 'Toxin' appears nowhere on the page.
Turkey Basics: Safe Thawing
and your counter is what? 55-65* at best?
Chris don't you know any older ladies you can call when you have cooking questions?
Or a foody TV/tradio/net shows like the Splendid Table or Milk Street or any number of shows that are into cooking tasty, yummy food.
as opposed to sanitized, bland, dried out guarenteed 'safe' food with half the nutrients removed.
My Thanksgiving feast..
Six vials of blood.
Finally got my coffee/toast. On my 2nd cup now.
Jeep in shop, blower motor works. So i dunno...
Everybody wants work done before bridge closes. In a hurry.
Today and tomorrow. Thats it.
I have enough on my plate.