Stop in for a cup of coffee

66 or 67 B body? Those parts do have value. Too bad the compressors are so darned heavy!
68 C body .... this is my fury

If i could afford a/c for the dart i’d do it. We had an unusual summer, could use ac for 3 months instead of 2 weeks.
Well, when you put it that way...
If i get my hands on a big block, it’s going in my power wagon. The last 400 wnded up in a 59 regent. I regret not keeping it for myself, that thing goes for a boat...
PSA had some good deals, I had a cart loaded up, then decided to close... Midway's site for some reason pisses me off. I cant stand surfing that one... I checked it out but only spent about 10 minutes on it...
Yeah I hate their site too but the deals are legit
You guys must be talking about gun parts.
nope. Lost all mine in that boating accident in the South Pacific
I had 2 chances at that car in the past. Same color and trim.

Once in the mid 1980s for $2500, 90% restored...but I couldn’t afford it no matter how hard I tried.

Found another one in Cincinnati back in 2001, fully restored for $13,000...but I couldn’t afford it then either.

I still have my eye out for one, and now I CAN afford it...just need to find the right one.
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Dash cam opinions?
Theres some real assholes on the stretch of gravel for the bridge detour,they need to be on video.
Good morning everyone.

So. Yesterday was exciting. I went out to run an errand at lunch. Truck didnt feel right, then suddenly wasnt. I pulled off the frontage road to find the tire rod pulled out of the coupler sleeve. Upon inspection, the threads were all gone and the sleeve bolts were loose. I have put 1000 miles on the truck since the alignment was done. 500 being last weekend and had just run the freeway to work. If I hadn't went out at lunch, it would have broke on the way home at 75mph! Shop that did the work sent a flatbed and loaner. Should be fixed by EOB today.
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Good morning everyone.

So. Yesterday was exciting. I went out to run an errand at lunch. Truck didnt feel right, then suddenly wasnt. I pulled off the frontage road to find the tire rod pulled out of the coupler sleeve. Upon inspection, the threads were all gone and the sleeve bolts were loose. I have put 1000 miles on the truck since the alignment was done. 500 being last weekend and had just run the freeway to work. If I hadn't went out at lunch, it would have broke on the way home at 75mph! Shop that did the work sent a flatbed and loaner. Should be fixed by EOB today.
Someone is watching out for you, that sure could have been bad :steering::steering::steering:

You definitely got lucky Eric!
Morning to the rest of you misfits also!
Thanks, I feel right at home here now :lol: