Stop in for a cup of coffee

I think today is Noir Friday...
Since we were talking about Beetles last week, I thought I would continue it this week. Picked up an NOS Beetle door today that was still in the box! Big piece of this puzzle came home to roost today! Now to get it in motion.

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This beetle project here keeps on blossoming. Wheel cyls and brake hoses. Hope thats it for the brakes.
Electrical next. Then chrome and upholstery. Seats are sacked out.
Looks like another hot one.
Clean up the shop disaster and do a few small final things on the truck so we can drive it this weekend. Brake job on a ford edge today. Get 37 up on jack stands, i think the rear wiring runs under the car. I think that will change. The ford solenoid is gonna go too. Unless there is an issue with voltage drop from rear mounted battery.
Mornin all. Was hoping to sleep longer, but looks like I'm up. Guess I'll get moving and get over to Carlisle before long.
So, I took the pup out and it was nice and dry out. Sitting here sippin coffee and I hear rain. Really? F-n weather report has been back n forth all week, but yesterday it was looking good. Now showing showers all day... :BangHead: :wtf: :bs_flag: :mad::soapbox: :drama::mob:
Good morning. The opposite here, sipping coffee, fawn in back yard, mother turkey with two chicks, and going to a small town Main Street car show later today, limit 200 cars, a bit warm but NO RAIN
Just looked at weather on my phone and it's a completely different forecast than on the laptop. Both weather channel. - dry almost all day. Guess they are covering all the possibilities. LOL Oh well, doesn't change my plans. Heading out soon. Probably get there 9ish. I come in Gate one. Depending how I meander down through, should get to some of you guys within an hour of that...
Any one want a fully rebuilt new suregrip new gears new Moser axels 8.75 a body rear-end. 1500. It will go fast...