Stop in for a cup of coffee

As I expected, the chilly foggy morn kept most of the Derelicts in their garages. So now the sun begins to make it's appearance :lol:
I may have to take another ride. I needed breakfast anyway.
Weird how?

You're always there, so what was different this go- round?
Since it was my first time (Q Karl) I too would be curious what made it different? Hoppy did not run out of beer or food, Mitch had plenty of Cigars, Wolfie had tee shirts, Tim was dreading one very long drive home. Craig and I drank bourbon! And there was ridiculously priced parts every where!
Thanks "Dave"....... :poke: :poke: :lol:
Dave’s not here…
Cheech & Chong cooking up their own biopic – KS95 94.5
Cheech & Chong cooking up their own biopic – KS95 94.5
Leveled the weeds around the house for the first time in weeks. Then knocked another chunk off the stump and moved more dirt. Hosed it down so I can see what I’ve got for the next round. Friggin hot out there now…

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Leveled the weeds around the house for the first time in weeks. Then knocked another chunk off the stump and moved more dirt. Hosed it down so I can see what I’ve got for the next round. Friggin hot ot there now…

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You are making some serious progress on that bad boy.
ok.. another 5 hours and the primer is finally on.... got 30 hours into a 3 hour job :) Looks pretty good..once paint is on and in the sun i'm sure it will look like someone took a hammer to it :) pretty happy so far though
Back home. Unloaded car and took a nap.
Sold 98% of what I brought.
Found a nice rebuilt thermo quad. $40.00
Just have to hope it was done right.
Tim's Tranny guy showed up 3 days latter then promised, but at least it arrived.
Paid for Tim's passes, and mine for next year. Also bought him a dog to take home.:rofl: read into that what you want.:poke:
Hope we can all do it again next year.
Keith I will get your hat to you this week. I have shirts to mail out so it will go with them.
Back home. Unloaded car and took a nap.
Sold 98% of what I brought.
Found a nice rebuilt thermo quad. $40.00
Just have to hope it was done right.
Tim's Tranny guy showed up 3 days latter then promised, but at least it arrived.
Paid for Tim's passes, and mine for next year. Also bought him a dog to take home.:rofl: read into that what you want.:poke:
Hope we can all do it again next year.
Keith I will get your hat to you this week. I have shirts to mail out so it will go with them.
ok.. another 5 hours and the primer is finally on.... got 30 hours into a 3 hour job :) Looks pretty good..once paint is on and in the sun i'm sure it will look like someone took a hammer to it :) pretty happy so far though
Good to hear and I'm sure it will turn out well.
Back home. Unloaded car and took a nap.
Sold 98% of what I brought.
Found a nice rebuilt thermo quad. $40.00
Just have to hope it was done right.
Tim's Tranny guy showed up 3 days latter then promised, but at least it arrived.
Paid for Tim's passes, and mine for next year. Also bought him a dog to take home.:rofl: read into that what you want.:poke:
Hope we can all do it again next year.
Keith I will get your hat to you this week. I have shirts to mail out so it will go with them.
Glad you had a good time Ray and I bet the car got better fuel milage on the way home. :thumbsup:
Good afternoon all. Made it out to Ohio. I passed lots of Mopars on their way home from Carlisle. And then ran into a bunch of classics out here in Ohio on their way home from the Good Guys Car Show here in Columbus. I may need to stop at summit and browse on my way home. does anyone need anything? :poke::lol:

Good afternoon all. Made it out to Ohio. I passed lots of Mopars on their way home from Carlisle. And then ran into a bunch of classics out here in Ohio on their way home from the Good Guys Car Show here in Columbus. I may need to stop at summit and browse on my way home. does anyone need anything? :poke::lol:

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Yea! could ya pick me up me up that old Chevy pickup in there parking lot. :thumbsup:
We got home around 1230 today. It was a good show and great to see everyone. It was a hot one but we still had a great time.
Ray, Thanks again for the shirts................very cool:thankyou:

We also had a surprise celebrity guest.............stopped by to check out the car and it was great meeting them.
We got home around 1230 today. It was a good show and great to see everyone. It was a hot one but we still had a great time.
Ray, Thanks again for the shirts................very cool:thankyou:

We also had a surprise celebrity guest.............stopped by to check out the car and it was great meeting them.
Glad you had a good time Scott and I'm sure your Dart was a hit.
We got home around 1230 today. It was a good show and great to see everyone. It was a hot one but we still had a great time.
Ray, Thanks again for the shirts................very cool:thankyou:

We also had a surprise celebrity guest.............stopped by to check out the car and it was great meeting them.
Glad to hear you had a good time Scott . On my to do list!