Stop in for a cup of coffee

Kinda like that Miami Dolphin player that got hand cuffed by the cops right outside the stadium yesterday? :rolleyes:
For a traffic violation. He was probably late for the game and in a hurry. He was driving a new Vette or Lambo or whatever. Let's see, black feller driving fast in a expensive car in Miami. Cop thought he had pulled over a big time drug dealer. The cop is on paid administrative leave. :rofl:
Always fun just to drag the lawn chair to the launch ramps just to watch the activities :lol: Some good. Some not so good.
My brother lived directly across from a very busy launch and we used to see just the dumbest ****.... and always someone would drown their truck which is a good laugh
For a traffic violation. He was probably late for the game and in a hurry. He was driving a new Vette or Lambo or whatever. Let's see, black feller driving fast in a expensive car in Miami. Cop thought he had pulled over a big time drug dealer. The cop is on paid administrative leave. :rofl:
That could have really messed up the TV ratings. Don't wanna mess with them TV Networks :lol:
For a traffic violation. He was probably late for the game and in a hurry. He was driving a new Vette or Lambo or whatever. Let's see, black feller driving fast in a expensive car in Miami. Cop thought he had pulled over a big time drug dealer. The cop is on paid administrative leave. :rofl:
People are whining about this stop cause he got cuffed, he's a massive guy and we don't know how he was talking to or treating the cops... would like to hear their side of it.
People are whining about this stop cause he got cuffed, he's a massive guy and we don't know how he was talking to or treating the cops... would like to hear their side of it.
He said he was pleasant and didn't cuss or anything.
My brother lived directly across from a very busy launch and we used to see just the dumbest ****.... and always someone would drown their truck which is a good laugh
I got elected to drag my bud's boat out of one of the local lakes when his tow vehicle failed. The ramp was so mossy, I musta spun 3000 miles off my drive tires :rofl:
My dad was working a construction job over on the Colorado River so he took the boat for after work recreation. He and a workmate decided to sleep on the boat and avoid the motel costs while they stayed. They found a mooring and camped out in the boat cabin. Well they both smoked, one of them one night just flicked a cigarette butt out of the cabin window just before sleep. The butt got trapped between the side of the hull and the dock. Few minutes later the smell of burning fiberglass fills the cabin :wtf: . Drug the boat home that weekend and there in the side I see a 3' circle of scorched paint and fiberglass in the side of the hull :BangHead:.



1979 Plymouth volare road runner

Happy Monday! Been wasting water for a couple hours now trying to get the chlorine level down. Last I checked the cold side was in good range for a pool, but have a bit to go getting it out of the water heater. Just trying to get all in safe range for handling for now. Will let it cycle through a couple days and do a more accurate test before we drink it.
The 8523 Daytona did a record run of 239. Will need a back up run later today to make it official