Stop in for a cup of coffee

MontyPython morning fish.jpg
Rain. So much for mowing. Decided to work on Studebaker, drivers door. Vent window had to come out. Tension made opening it quite difficult. So i loosened the nut/spring tensioner. Pain in the butt. Going to keep picking away at it.
Looks good............................but, in Illinois how much rust is he hiding?
I got back from the bike race track. Andy's bicycling club is sponsoring a "Twisted Cross" bike race next weekend. He (oldest son) and I rode the course, he was on a bike and I was on my JD rider. It took about a half hour at lawn mower speeds. I am helping get ready and I will help mow the race course and the registration and food areas. I also will be busy on Friday picking up tables, chairs, easy ups, generator, and sponsor's products. It should be fun. This is the park. THey don't post the layout until the race. It's flat but lots of obstacles, curves, twists, and the like. I think it's around 2 1/2 miles. It took me 30 min. on the rider pretty much wide open. The fast classes do 10 min laps. Kind of like motocross only on bikes.
Hello everyone. Dad came over this AM. He wanted to take the Barracuda for a drive. Was a good time, hot 86ish. Storm brewing and heading this way. He got on the road to try and miss the bad parts...fingers crossed.
Yesterday, I finished the last of the roll cage bars and did the seam sealer on the floor, trunk and firewall.



Another 'not fun' day of plumbing. Well, really only a couple hrs, but it seemed like all day. :mad: I got the vibration isolators in. Had to re-mount the shelf lower to keep the plumbing where it is. That wasn't bad, and it seems like it has the noise down a lot. Will know better when it runs tonight. The leak on the tube adapters was a total PITA. First tried tightening. Nope. Then, removed, resealed and tightened. Nope. Then went and got brass to replace the plastic, along with better thread past. That worked. :thumbsup: Now I have another problem. Initial 24hr bacteria test passed before I started all this. I ran a different brand test starting a couple days ago and it was OK for the 24hr, but said keep going to 72. It failed maybe 10-12 hrs later. :BangHead:

Another 'not fun' day of plumbing. Well, really only a couple hrs, but it seemed like all day. :mad: I got the vibration isolators in. Had to re-mount the shelf lower to keep the plumbing where it is. That wasn't bad, and it seems like it has the noise down a lot. Will know better when it runs tonight. The leak on the tube adapters was a total PITA. First tried tightening. Nope. Then, removed, resealed and tightened. Nope. Then went and got brass to replace the plastic, along with better thread past. That worked. :thumbsup: Now I have another problem. Initial 24hr bacteria test passed before I started all this. I ran a different brand test starting a couple days ago and it was OK for the 24hr, but said keep going to 72. It failed maybe 10-12 hrs later. :BangHead:

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Nice sweat solder joints. (my favorite) What do you have going on there a pressure pump for a well?