the good ole days?



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
might be fun to list what "makes the good ole days", I realize some of us are older than others, but what makes the good ole days. does not have to be car related necessarily.... I will start.

back in the good ole days, many of us were poor,but we had a work ethic. we worked for what we expected to have. poor did not equal no fun, no opportunity, having nothing..... cause we went out and worked for it and appreciated what we did have.
I agree and will add. On Sunday in my neighborhood, almost everyone went to church on Sunday. After church you normally visited grandparents and your cousins and aunt's and uncles were there. Never went shopping on Sunday because everything was closed. Miss those days. Everyone will not agree, but I wish it was like that today
for me, the good ole days means kids were outside playing
I spend who knows how many days in the woods, digging tunnels, building huts, playing soldiers, or cowboys and Indians
or pretending we were evil knevil on our BMX bikes
good ole days? why is it I didn't die!??? lead in paint, no cars seats, drank out of the hose, fresh fish were never tested for mercury..... ha the list is long.... no air bags , but if they never work or go off when not supposed to, then..................
Go to the local wrecking yard when you needed a part.

I can remember going to the wrecking yard because I wanted swap to an air grabber hood for my `70 Road Runner, drive there take my hood off and toss it and put an air grabber on right there in the parking lot for well under 100 bucks.
When I was a teenager my dad bought a 63 valiant new for 2495. In 65 my neighbor bought a 65 formula S for 2950. With I only had that in mine that is 50 years old.
Good ole days:

You respected other people's property and if you borrowed something, you returned it in as good of condition or better than when you borrowed it; not break it and give it back with an empty, "Sorry" - if you even get that now days...

When you bought something that was made in the USA, it was a good product and did the job it was intended for and lasted a long time... Much longer than the manufacturer's warranty... Not like today where it is designed to break just after it's out of warranty, and they want to sell you an extended warranty for their inferior product....

The pride we had in being Americans. We never thought of objecting to the Pledge of Allegiance. People believed in contributing to society. Respectability was important. Being vulgar and ignorant wasn't considered a virtue as it is today.
No such thing as latch key kids because we didn't have to lock the doors. I used to wander 2-3 miles from home as a kid when I was "playing" and didn't even know what a pedophile was, never mind being worried about one. Now you can't even trust events that unfold in front of your eyes, let alone take your eyes off of your kids when in public. A dollar was a LOT of money as a kid, especially when you found it on the ground outside the corner store. You could camp over night on the beach and no one kicked you out or charged a fortune. We sang the national anthem at assemblies, listened to it on the school speaker system, as well as said the lords prayer every morning. I don't recall ever meeting any kid whose parents were divorced. A single income from a working man would actually support a set of parents with 4 kids. You could save money in your bank account and actually get interest on it, as well as be able to spend it when you had saved up enough to pay for something. Credit cards were not a thing yet. Getting "shots" in school wasn't an option, seems like everyone survived. We had access to some really cool chemicals to use in science class. I am in the last generation that had to transition from Imperial measurements to metric, and from no internet, to being overwhelmed some days. Star Trek invented cell phones, automatic doors, and replicators.
Sorry, feeling nostalgic tonight.
Smelling the ink on copies fresh off the mimeograph machine. I could actually follow and understand the words to a song. Singers (mostly) had talent and could even play a musical instrument with all their clothes on. Shocker hey. Staying up late to watch the rocket ships take off too the moon, on the big 26" black and white TV no less. Tang was invented. VCR's were invented. Digital cameras, digital watches and waterbeds. We only had to worry about a bathroom for boys and one for girls. Phys Ed was mandatory. Listening to DJ's Casey Caseham and John "Records" Landecker. Fast food had been invented, but hadn't really caught on yet - neither had body shaming because overweight people were few and far between. Playboy was as good as it got. I could cross from Canada to US without a passport and was actually told to "have a good time and stay out of trouble son". Walking on the beach at 06:00 with the old man, picking bottles and talking about the birds and the bees. Walkman. Cassettes, everybody had a Bic pen in their car. Street racing really was, not that manufactured crap they spout on TV now. Small town with only 4 cops and one car - Oh yeah! Knowing a body man that actually used lead. $1500 bucks bought you a pretty awesome starter car. Beer hadn't been taxed to death yet. Long hair. Not really too worried about the future, because there were too many other things going on. We had a garden and grew food. I know hey, another shocker. Portable record players, Scratchy 45's and LP's, its what is was. School sock hops. Packing and moving what seemed like almost every year - military brat. My various paper routes. Learned how to ride a bike in the middle of a rain storm. My Uncles brand new blue 1967 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible. He took the entire family out for supper and spent $50 bucks. Unheard of. Laugh In, Ed Sullivan, Gunsmoke, American Bandstand, High Chapparel, Disney, Saturday morning cartoons and Dragnet. Fishing up at the old dam, and actually catching a fish. Made real soap at a school in grade two. Winning the "lucky" draw that paid for a six dollar train ticket for a school trip from Kamloops to Jasper for a school trip in GR.6. There was only one kid in the draw, apparently we weren't as rich as I thought. If you didn't come in third or better at the year end track meet, well you just didn't win. You were a loser- and yet I am still here. Climbing up to the top of, and sleeping on the mountain under the stars with the old man. Playing baseball on the best local team and actually winning the league. Top of the world. Lived in a house that had a cast iron cooks stove which also supplied all the heat in the house. Went o school in a school that was so small the grades were in row Seriously. Still said the Lords prayer, everybody took a turn to lead.
Being able,to drive to the local muffler shop: After you swapped your first set of cheapo headers, in high school auto shop..
(First shot,for now ..add more nostalgia"as it gets bigger...
bad old days grew up in the 50s in appalichia in poverty dropped out of school in the 8 th grade joined the marines in 62 couldn't find a job sitting in a barber chair in key west florida getting a haircut when kennedy was assinated visited the coffe houses in the village when the beatniks were the thing was on a med cruise when the beatles were big in Europe visited the Liverpool cavern when they were the house band hung out at bird land in Jacksonville n,c swinging medallions were the house band think in 66 went to Dominican republic to thwart a coup in may 67 was in san Francisco spent a couple days in height Asbury then on to viet nam july was on operation buffalo &king fisher 2 of the bloodiest battles the marine corp ever fought per capitia took a ak 47 round to the noggin 3 months in the hospital back in time for the tet offensive in hue city feb 68 took a 30 cal to the lower leg another month in hospital may 68 come home just in time for the king and kennedy assignation discharge oct 68 got a job in a foundry worked my *** off to support a new 69 super bee and a really good looking girl friend we now have 13 grandchilden and one great the 50&60s sucked but wouldn't trade it for nothing
You could buy a new car, put cam, intake, carb on it - and Chrysler would still warranty it....
Awesome thoughts! How many of you did as I did and walk to the store with a bag full of bottles to return and get enough deposit from the glass coke bottles to buy a coke and candy bar before heading home
bad old days grew up in the 50s in appalichia in poverty dropped out of school in the 8 th grade joined the marines in 62 couldn't find a job sitting in a barber chair in key west florida getting a haircut when kennedy was assinated visited the coffe houses in the village when the beatniks were the thing was on a med cruise when the beatles were big in Europe visited the Liverpool cavern when they were the house band hung out at bird land in Jacksonville n,c swinging medallions were the house band think in 66 went to Dominican republic to thwart a coup in may 67 was in san Francisco spent a couple days in height Asbury then on to viet nam july was on operation buffalo &king fisher 2 of the bloodiest battles the marine corp ever fought per capitia took a ak 47 round to the noggin 3 months in the hospital back in time for the tet offensive in hue city feb 68 took a 30 cal to the lower leg another month in hospital may 68 come home just in time for the king and kennedy assignation discharge oct 68 got a job in a foundry worked my *** off to support a new 69 super bee and a really good looking girl friend we now have 13 grandchilden and one great the 50&60s sucked but wouldn't trade it for nothing
forgot about spendin 4 months at quantico va late 65 at night go to Georgetown in d.c. this was the go go era miniskirts and boots doing lunch with the boys june 67 cam lo
a lot of good stuff here if I do say so. yea not every day back in the 60's or 70's was great or even fifties. but still a lot of memories.
sw ga 1963, me and another 14 yrs old walked the colored neighbor hood all day delivering store circular ads, every house took all day, $5 that we split! ha... no one shot us, molested us, no one kidnaped us. seems like someone made us a Sammy.
talked to lady other day, her husband died from agent orange at age 43. go figure.
I think my best "good ol days" were like my last year in high school, and for a few years after that. Hangin with my high school buds, drinking beer on the weekends, going to concerts (when a good concert was $20). My parents were still alive, along with grandma, and aunts and uncles. All gone now. And you could go to the movies with a $10 bill, get a ticket, popcorn and a soda.

Also glad I grew up when there were, no computers, no cell phones, no twitter or facebook, no ipads or ipods. If you wanted to talk to someone, you went to see them or you picked up the phone.
In grade school and middle school we were taught what the US immigration laws were right after we said the pledge of allegiance every morning before class. We were expected to read books to each other aloud in class and know the meaning of the words and their context. When we were sent to the office we bent over and grabbed our ankles and took it like men. If we wanted clothes or toys we worked for them or made them. A half case of beer fits between a 56 Chevy grille and radiator perfectly. You could see Paul Revere & the Raiders at the Soap Lake roller rink and Paul Revere would throw your woman a hat if you waved at him. You could see the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane on the same bill in San Francisco. You could see the 5th Dimension and Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention at the Seattle center arena without festival seating. Living wage jobs were plentiful and anyone who wanted to work and make their own way could easily. Boeing Aircraft said "screw you" to Robert McNamara and built the 747 jumbo jet without any government money. We did not need government to tell us how to live or give us food stamps. We were here for the start of the women's lib movement and got to watch them burn their bras. Jerry Ruth was the king of Seattle International Raceway. Saving accounts paid us and people know how to balance a checkbook. Peoples budgets did not require allowances for cell phones, internet, cable, or outrageous medical premiums mandated again by the effin government. I could go on but as usual, I went over the top-----------------------------------DR
Listening to the solid state transistor radio, playing ball in the street and moving to the side if a car came by, hearing the Tigers take the pennant in 68 on the junior high PA in school, hide and seek til the street lights came on and it was time to go home, the wonderful world of Disney every sunday with the family around the tv, mom pulling into the gas station and 3 guys come running out to pump gas, check the oil and clean the windshield, my chevy friend, my ford friend and I all helping each other after school, any improvements had to be done by the end of the weekend so I could drive to work, gas for .195 (yes that's 5 gallons for a dollar) baby moons, thrush hush, hi jackers, MISS HURST ramchargers, Gratiot auto supply, telegraph street racing, cb radios, Sunoco 260, yes a beer will fit in the cold air vent, hines drive and an afternoon waxin and throwing around a Frisbee, draft lottery, peace with honor, I am not a crook, lets go racing racing racing at Detroit dragway, cobra vs mongoose, Mohawk tires, ripple, boons farm, goebel somebody stop me.
Most of us could go on and on...but when we were in school we were taught very young that if you did something wrong there were consequences,and most of us carried that through life.
Today kids can get away with anything...and they are carrying that through adulthood.A lot of the morals and ethics have fallen by the wayside.
My favorite memories in the early 60's. Running up behind the city buses to smell those 2 stroke Detroit diesel's ,riding my bike behind those bug trucks on my bike for blocks on end. Being a cops son, I got my *** tore up , in public more than once. Street racing my 70 340 4 speed Duster. I got a ticket for of all things "exhibition of acceleration". Drive in movies, sneaking in a bottle of Boones Farm strawberry wine. Life was just simple back then. Today everyone is feed over and over how "It's not your fault". Can't pay YOUR bills, it's not your fault. every child DESERVES the right to play, weather they suck or not! There is no 1st , 2nd, 3rd place, Now they give out "participation" trophy's. And they call this progress? These same kids go to college and feed more of this liberal bull ****. They graduate and then don't understand how or why another person got the job instead of them? They all got the same "participation trophy". Ah crap now you fouled up my mood! lol I'm off to reminisce again.
The good ol days......when the air was clean and sex was dirty, now the air is dirty and sex is clean.

The good ol days......when people went to the bathroom outdoors and ate indoors, now everybody eats outdoors and goes to the bathroom indoors.

The good ol days.....when a day's work paid a day's wages, now it's a day's pay and you MIGHT get a hour or two of work(IF they can keep off the cell phone that long)

The good ol days.....when you could stop on the side of the road to lend assistance without fear of being robbed, stabbed, kidnapped, or murdered on the spot.