The horse is dead

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I'm not saying he was completely clean... I pointed out that you shouldn't have valve lift over .500" without checking piston to valve clearance... Using 1.6 rocker arms would have put him there...

But I did it in a non-confrontational way and not called him names to offend him... I just pointed out something he was doing wrong so he would learn...

You don't have to call people names when you disagree with them, just state your opinion and move on...

I also pointed out a couple other mistakes people made without offending them... You are the only one that has gotten offended...

I’m not offended you fool.

I’m disgusted by whiny full grown men who can’t do something and then bitching at the business owner about how he got talked to.

So take a blow.

This thread was dead until your dumb *** brought it back.

That’s on you because you are another whiner.
I’m not offended you fool.

I’m disgusted by whiny full grown men who can’t do something and then bitching at the business owner about how he got talked to.

So take a blow.

This thread was dead until your dumb *** brought it back.

That’s on you because you are another whiner.

Did Joey allow you back on after being banned, or did you sneak in through the back door and sign up under a new screen name???
I’m not offended you fool.

I’m disgusted by whiny full grown men who can’t do something and then bitching at the business owner about how he got talked to.

So take a blow.

This thread was dead until your dumb *** brought it back.

That’s on you because you are another whiner.

You obviously are...

Oops I know that.... I obviously mean CAM. Not crank.... Don't know if that was on me or this stupid "auto correct" BS that thinks it knows what I'm trying to say better than I do...
I bought one of Hughes cam snout adapters several years ago.... It's buried in the attic, will be easier to just get another one.
Wow thanks for pointing this out to me .. "duh"
I just went and tried to edit that original post and it won't let me.
I didn't realize it's been 10 days since I put that post up but had wondered why I hadn't gotten a response to it (whatever that might have been) sooner ..
So does anyone know where I can get a cam snout extender/adapter besides Hughes?

I've been there at his shop a couple of times probably 10 years ago and he wasn't that harsh with me as was pointed out in this thread but he wasn't as patient and willing to answer questions as I had hoped, I went there to spend some money and his attitude was bad enough that I'd decided to go home and spend that money elsewhere.
Call Ken at Oregon Cam! He may be able to help you
That's Yellow Rose??? Ok, that explains alot...Didn't he get banned??? Now he's back... Different screen name, same @sshole...

Yep, thats me. Does that bother you? Are you like Jpar and have thin skin except when you are dishing it out? Quit crying like a baby and move on. I love that when you look in the mirror you see an asshole.
Come on, man....I was ready to give you some slack since it does seem like you try to help some people but it sure looks like you're doing the same things that got you in trouble here before.
I had to IGNORE that "Yellow Rose" guy because the argumentative theme that you seemed to often have.
Confidence is great but it is better when coupled with a bit of humility.
You continue to bash the OP while leaving no room to consider that it wasn't an "Inability" on his part but more of a lack of desire to pull the heads to make the modifications. It sucks to think you're right on track then get surprised by some part that (without any warning) only fits by modifying something else.
What you seem to miss is that not everyone is on the same level of skills or experience.
For an example....
I'm taking an introductory welding class at the local Junior college. Some students have had some experience before, most have not. We are all there to learn. Some guys can't even read a tape measure but are well versed in other things. I've welded off and on since the late 80s. I was a Carpenter for 36 years so measuring and layout is old hat to me. I don't insult the other students for what they don't know. I'm one of the biggest smart asses you could ever meet but I try to read the room and act accordingly. I don't insult those that are disabled or those that are trying to learn.
The OP wasn't warned or advised of a fitment issue. YOU think that everyone should know to expect that but clearly, that isn't correct. I didn't know either. I'm no idiot, I just haven't encountered it yet to learn from it. Would you berate a Chevy guy that rebuilds his first Mopar and makes a few missteps? The man may be absolutely rock solid with 350s and 454s but this Mopar engine is uncharted territory.
I won't IGNORE you yet, I'll see if you make efforts to help people more than annoy them. You do seem to have a great amount of knowledge that can help many other people. Unfortunately, your occasional rude comments are exactly why the OP started this thread about Dave Hughes.
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Come on, man....I was ready to give you some slack since it does seem like you try to help some people but it sure looks like you're doing the same things that got you in trouble here before.
I had to IGNORE that "Yellow Rose" guy because the argumentative theme that you seemed to often have.
Confidence is great but it is better when coupled with a bit of humility.
You continue to bash the OP while leaving no room to consider that it wasn't an "Inability" on his part but more of a lack of desire to pull the heads to make the modifications. It sucks to think you're right on track then get surprised by some part that (without any warning) only fits by modifying something else.
What you seem to miss is that not everyone is on the same level of skills or experience.
For an example....
I'm taking an introductory welding class at the local Junior college. Some students have had some experience before, most have not. We are all there to learn. Some guys can't even read a tape measure but are well versed in other things. I've welded off and on since the late 80s. I was a Carpenter for 36 years so measuring and layout is old hat to me. I don't insult the other students for what they don't know. I'm one of the biggest smart asses you could ever meet but I try to read the room and act accordingly. I don't insult those that are disabled or those that are trying to learn.
The OP wasn't warned or advised of a fitment issue. YOU think that everyone should know to expect that but clearly, that isn't correct. I didn't know either. I'm no idiot, I just haven't encountered it yet to learn from it. Would you berate a Chevy guy that rebuilds his first Mopar and makes a few missteps? The man may be absolutely rock solid with 350s and 454s but this Mopar engine is uncharted territory.
I won't IGNORE you yet, I'll see if you make efforts to help people more than annoy them. You do seem to have a great amount of knowledge that can help many other people. Unfortunately, your occasional rude comments are exactly why the OP started this thread about Dave Hughes.

You realize I don’t get paid to post here don’t you?

You do realize even though I’m retired I’ve been involved in motor sports since I was 12 years old.

If there is a set amount of bullshit you have to take from someone before you stand up to them? I’d love to know what that is.

I don’t have the time to sit here and hand hold guys to do simple ****. It’s not worth it.

But if someone has the balls to PM me
and keep this **** off the forum I take way WAY more time with them.

That’s because if I have to type out a bunch of ****, you know 3 or 4 clowns will jump in there, say stupid **** and then I end up dealing with 3 or 4 guys. Why should I deal with that? That’s ignorant.

The why is this thread is the perfect example. I get somebody thinks they got fucked but they did not. It was 100% self inflicted.

Never once did I defend Dave for being a prick. I said I totally understand it and if the OP called me and said your **** doesn’t fit I would not take the time to hold his hand to teach him. Unless he’s paying me.

Like I said, no one on this forum wants to work for free, but because Dave can be a prick we expect him to do it.

That’s bullshit right there.

Look at krazykarl. This thread was dead until that punk started it back up. And no one told him to blow. Except me. So I’m the bad guy right?

And let’s not forget Jpar. The biggest poser and loser on here and yet he never fails to unblock me and take little pot shots at me.

He’s a keyboard *** kicker, but in real life he’s had several opportunities to come shut my mouth. Yet he’s invisible.

Me? If I’m at the track you can always find me. I’ll be at the starting line when the fast cars run. You can find me. Yet he never does.

He calls me “toxic” because I don’t lean far left retard like he does. He’s a little boy in a full size body.

Yet you never hear me say anyone, not even that clown should be banned. Why? That easy.

I’m not a communist crybaby. I can disagree with people and not give a ****. He’s a whooped soul. He whimpers.

But I don’t want him gone because he has and still does help people. So why ban him because we don’t like each other?

That’s what bitches do.

Bewy is another one who takes his shots when he can. He’s wrong way more than he’s right, but I don’t want him banned either. That’s bullshit.

Block me if you want to, but you don’t strike me as a wilting flower pussy type.

Either way, it doesn’t matter to me. I will continue to defend businesses that support Chrysler guys, EVEN IF THEY ARE PRICKS.

It’s likely they weren’t pricks when they started out in this business. I know I wasn’t. But that was a long time ago.

Today? I’m a genuine prick. I can’t stand crybabies, thumb suckers and pants shitters. I have no use or time for them so I cut them ZERO slack.

Just like the OP who didn’t cut Dave any slack.
I'm not saying he was completely clean... I pointed out that you shouldn't have valve lift over .500" without checking piston to valve clearance... Using 1.6 rocker arms would have put him there...

But I did it in a non-confrontational way and not called him names to offend him... I just pointed out something he was doing wrong so he would learn...

You don't have to call people names when you disagree with them, just state your opinion and move on...

I also pointed out a couple other mistakes people made without offending them... You are the only one that has gotten offended...
Yes, I made the mistake when I was going through my first set of rockers of not making sure that hole was deeper. I just thought at the time I had a new engine and I didn't want any shavings to go in? Or maybe I was just in a rush to get it going. Because I was so excited about it at the time. Yes, you did point out that I could have got those holes deeper. And my studs would have went down deeper, and I wouldn't have had to use washers, but the fact remains dave gave me off the cuff catastrophic advice....
I didn't know that. lol

That's the bottom line, no need to bash him because he probably doesn't give a ****.
Telling the truth about how exactly how you were treated is now bashing him.... LOL...

? Is there someone this isn't self explanatory, too...???..
I didn't know that. lol

That's the bottom line, no need to bash him because he probably doesn't give a ****.
L o l the bottom line him, not giving a s***Is exactly who i'm not sending my money too...
Unfortunately, I as well found that at the hard way just basically what the threat is about. Making sure of other fellow members don't follow find this out the hardway...
This message is NOT meant for any one specific person, it is for general consumption:

Yes, I made the mistake when I was going through my first set of rockers of not making sure that hole was deeper. I just thought at the time I had a new engine and I didn't want any shavings to go in? Or maybe I was just in a rush to get it going. Because I was so excited about it at the time. Yes, you did point out that I could have got those holes deeper. And my studs would have went down deeper, and I wouldn't have had to use washers, but the fact remains dave gave me off the cuff catastrophic advice....

That's ok, I wasn't bashing you for the threads, just pointing out that you can make them deeper if the need ever comes up in the future...

And you took it as the advice it was meant to be and not gone on the defensive...

Unlike others that go on the defensive and can't take any constructive criticism and start calling people cry babies...
That's ok, I wasn't bashing you for the threads, just pointing out that you can make them deeper if the need ever comes up in the future...

And you took it as the advice it was meant to be and not gone on the defensive...

Unlike others that go on the defensive and can't take any constructive criticism and start calling people cry babies...

Look in the mirror. You’re still counting your eyes out because I’m mean.
Whaaaaa, whaaaaaaa, whaaaa.

You can block me too. Like the good little crybaby you are.
Yes, I made the mistake when I was going through my first set of rockers of not making sure that hole was deeper. I just thought at the time I had a new engine and I didn't want any shavings to go in? Or maybe I was just in a rush to get it going. Because I was so excited about it at the time. Yes, you did point out that I could have got those holes deeper. And my studs would have went down deeper, and I wouldn't have had to use washers, but the fact remains dave gave me off the cuff catastrophic advice....

Or, you didn’t have a clue what you were doing.

Own that.
No, you don't get it...

The attitude you give gets reflected back at you...

You have to treat others with respect if you want to be treated with respect back... Respect is earned, not given automatically...

You catch more bees with honey than vinegar...

Leave your attitude at the door before entering...

Just saw this nonsense.

Dave has earned respect by building a business and producing good parts.

You have respect all wrong. The OP did not respect Dave. You can bet on that.

But that’s ok in your pimple sized mind because Dave doesn’t suffer idiots.
Wow...... Just wow. Can't believe the dumb-fuckery that has reared up here. And I'm NOT referring to Newbomb.....

This farkin' thing was dead......
That's ok, I wasn't bashing you for the threads, just pointing out that you can make them deeper if the need ever comes up in the future...

And you took it as the advice it was meant to be and not gone on the defensive...

Unlike others that go on the defensive and can't take any constructive criticism and start calling people cry babies...
Well, I took those 596heads off the duster engine when I got the speed masters. So when I built the 408 from my truck, I put those heads on, they were very fresh...
So, when I took the motor out of the duster and it was just sitting there on the stand and I said, well, yeah, why not take those 1.6 to 1 rockers and Smith brother push rods that aren't being used? I toss them in my truck, instead of the generic push rods and two seventy three rockers...
Now that you've talked to me about it... Maybe I'll revisit that the next time I have those rockers off... hopefully, my shop will be in full service by the end of this summer and I'll be able to do it. Do a lot more tinkering...
Why would I block you??? You entertain me... :popcorn: :lol:
I have to block him. He just sucks me into these arguments. And yeah, the next thing you know, the monitors got me blocked or whatever...
So i'm just not dealing with him anymore.... I don't need people like that in my life...
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