Thread missing? 8-3/4 housing end as welded for shortened housing...

I speculated that the vendor might have been unhappy with peculiar-looking work on this site.
I was unaware the o.p. asked for it to be taken down.
I get the OP asking to have the post removed but what does the vender not being on the FABO list have to do with it? I don't even recall the vender being named?(But I might have missed that)
The vendor was named and apparently the OP didn't want to drag their name through the mud. If you play nice the vendor might correct the mistake. You play hardball and they might tell you to go pound sand. It was the OP's choice.
We located the guy who welded it.. He kept saying M-O-O-N that spells straight

It was lopsided, a blind man could see it.. Maybe said vendor couldn't. Either way, I hope it gets fixed.

Everyone who has actually USED a rear axle narrowing jig knew, and said it was normal. It's the keyboard warriors who have no clue. And that's 85% of this site unfortunately.
Everyone who has actually USED a rear axle narrowing jig knew, and said it was normal. It's the keyboard warriors who have no clue. And that's 85% of this site unfortunately.
THere were a couple old drag racers that used to narrow housings. They were crude but they worked without issues. They always said that if the axles slid in easily it was close enough. A torch, a grinder, a stick welder and 3 jack stands. Right or wrong, that's how they did them.
THere were a couple old drag racers that used to narrow housings. They were crude but they worked without issues. They always said that if the axles slid in easily it was close enough. A torch, a grinder, a stick welder and 3 jack stands. Right or wrong, that's how they did them.
Yup....I've seen some really rough narrowing jobs over the years. I have a narrowing jig and was surprised to see just how much a housing can move just by doing some welding on it and yup, most of the rough ones still worked well most of the time. Anyone that welds on spring pads for instance just do not realize how much doing that makes the housing move.
We located the guy who welded it.. He kept saying M-O-O-N that spells straight

It was lopsided, a blind man could see it.. Maybe said vendor couldn't. Either way, I hope it gets fixed.

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You do realize that just because the housing end isn't perfectly aligned with the tube doesn't necessarily mean it was done incorrectly, right? To me, that's a sign that whoever narrowed it most likely used a proper jig and did it correctly. I've done a few using pucks and a straight rod. They were all off by at least 1/8"-1/4". At some point, it's probably worth straightening the housing, but I never have and they all worked great and the axles slid in like butter.
You do realize that just because the housing end isn't perfectly aligned with the tube doesn't necessarily mean it was done incorrectly, right? To me, that's a sign that whoever narrowed it most likely used a proper jig and did it correctly. I've done a few using pucks and a straight rod. They were all off by at least 1/8"-1/4". At some point, it's probably worth straightening the housing, but I never have and they all worked great and the axles slid in like butter.
Yup....I put the bar through the 'dummy' bearings in the carrier and then place the bearing housings on the bar. I then tack weld them on and recheck and if they are still on the money, I place more but larger tacks and recheck and if good, it gets 'stitch' welded. 1/2" long stitches and let it cool and recheck. If good, solid welding commences and then check again. Any misalignment after that is usually pretty minor and for the ones that are off a bit, straightening with a little bit of heat usually brings it in.
The explanation was posted #18......
I'd be happy to quote a pile of my posts that have been deleted without explanation by mods through the years as an example, but...oh, yeah, that's right.
Some might say that would keep some people from paying for an annual membership....
Probably the biggest reason that I have seen over the years for not paying up is that those people expect everything for nothing and whine about it when they don't get their way or what they want.

Gold membership is cheaper than most AdBlocker software that's any good, and gives way more benefits when using the an example.

THere were a couple old drag racers that used to narrow housings. They were crude but they worked without issues. They always said that if the axles slid in easily it was close enough. A torch, a grinder, a stick welder and 3 jack stands. Right or wrong, that's how they did them.
I've seen you tube vids of a guy shortening the long axle side of an explorer 8.8 with a couple pieces of angle iron and a couple c-clamps. It actually wasnt as ugly as you might think.
Bottom line, if it works, it works. If it's not jigged straight, the axles won't go in, well.......then complain.
I've been fortunate enough to have had my gold membership gifted for the last few years and I greatly appreciate it. If that doesn't happen again, I'll gladly reup my membership. To refuse going gold for reasons like this would be dumb, IMO. Like I said, it's not my site and it's not my rules. That doesn't mean I have to like everything either. By and large this is the best Mopar site on the net and probably the best automotive site. I consider myself having friends here, even if they don't consider me one. I've learned a lot and I've tried to help a lot. So to me it's worth it. Joey runs some great sites and the mods do a great job. We don't and won't always agree with everything they do, but that doesn't mean they don't work hard.
I've seen you tube vids of a guy shortening the long axle side of an explorer 8.8 with a couple pieces of angle iron and a couple c-clamps. It actually wasnt as ugly as you might think.
Bottom line, if it works, it works. If it's not jigged straight, the axles won't go in, well.......then complain.
I've used angle iron and band clamps before and it actually came out great. Doesn't mater what kind of clamps used so long as things are tight and align with the bar....
I too have had my mod battles.. but just like the gummint the big fish wins... It's odd though that at the request of a poster things can be deleted, but for sale ads cannot, or that big discussion about valve covers, ice-cream, cats ect cannot. A real guy lost his money in that and had no part. Just like a real guy had a lopsided rear axle housing at the hands of a "PRO" shop. 2 wrongs don't make a right.. but deleting the history of it or the ability to tell said vendor hey over 30k people saw that post and don't want to do business either does.
There was good info from a lot of people that know it wasn't a big issue. He didn't ask for the housing to be straightened, not on the vendor. The guy at vendor gets the axle and a work order and goes about his job. That axle will work fine and to say the vendor did bad work, nope. If I was doing the work, I would ask if the axle should be straightened if it was out. Do you want to drop the extra $150 to have it done? Most of the time the answer is NO, as long as the result will work OK. That's what the OP got. It is fine and adjust it in the car for square.

Shim the front spring perch to align track, make an offset bushing for the axle housing perch to align, lots of ways to get it tracking dead straight if you want to put in the work and effort. These cars were built bent. When you do a mini tub and one side has 3/8-1/2" more space for tires, yep, everything is square. :)

Backbrace 8.75's all you want, they still get bent. It just moves the location of the bend to the outside the braced area. I've got a Dana out of an old pro stock/CE car... it ain't straight either!
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Back to the Gold Membership deal !

I am very excited I paid the extra money,,,,completely worth it to me !
Got rid of the ads and the frustration of very slow thread loading .
I’ll pay it again next year too .

Back to the Gold Membership deal !

I am very excited I paid the extra money,,,,completely worth it to me !
Got rid of the ads and the frustration of very slow thread loading .
I’ll pay it again next year too .

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And more important - you can have a larger mailbox so that you don't have to keep clearing it out as often. And you can post pictures or video in your messages.

Thank you for your support. :thumbsup:
Plus you can see some titties too.
No blue room for you? Maybe we try to keep you Kiwi`s innocent and pure?
Then a quick glance at your shirt... wait, what? :lol:
The Blue forum here isn't anywhere close to B Bodies. They got it goin' on over there. Or so I've been told! :rofl::rofl: