I'm kind of in burn out stage too. I bought the Goldwing to take a little break and give me something else to do. I'm gonna hit some car shows this summer and have fun that way. I have a tendency to tear sh&t up when I get real motivated
both of you guys have earned the right to kick back your rodes are sharp enough to go to car show. remeber I won the most ugly interior and I am finaly starting to see some progress. If I was in your position i would hit the cruz or car show and suck up some of the praise that yall deserve for all of your hard work and money invested.
Chad, let me know how you and Craig make out putting on your TTi's I have a set now as well and have been waiting (seems to always be someting getting in the way) before I can stick them on.
well me and Craig finaly got the TTIs in Place, after we pulled teh pass side torsion bar they went right in. The directions should say unless you have a lift and can raise the car 8 feet in the air remove the pass side torsion bar. they look good we beat the pass side up a little but nothing to bad, couldnt have done it without Craig.
Chad, was your motor set at the factory stock specs that TTI suggested or was it out of tolerence? These things are suppsoe to be an breeze to install and now you got me scared that I shouldn't try it in my garage. I have no lift and no added help like you had. My effort would probably be like a monkey xxxxing a dounut the way somem projects go for me.
Steve, you shouldn't have a problem. The clutch linkage and lakewood bellhousing is where all the problems came from. Your set up should be easy. If you follow the directions that came with the headers, you shouldn't run into any problems. If you do, I might have a reason to fly up and help you
God Craig, if you come to Ks, you'll be visiting all the Garden spots, let's see,, El Paso, Kansas City. Oh well, I do appreciate the thought of you considering to help, but hopefully I won't need it. Are you at home or still traveling?
I'm still in El Paso, not going to leave here until the 24th. Or until Chads car is running, which ever comes first :wink: From here I go back to Las Vegas then finally back to Hawaii on the 27th.......Maybe :roll:
Just about got the fuel system plumbed. The only hold up was having the wrong tube sleeves. The parts guy gave us -6 tube nuts and -8 tube sleeves :evil: