Ups crooks



Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I just wanted to vent on an issue...UPS. When ordering parts from the US, guys do yourself a favour don't use UPS. Ask your shipper to use USPS. If not get yourself one of those US mailing boxes , they usually charge 5 bucks per ordered parts from Year One, asked for a shipping quote to my house in Toronto, Ontario, paid the bill with shipping and BANG! UPS shows up at my door and asks for an extra 90.00.It would have cost me 40. to go and pick it up from my US address.I didn't answer the door:banghead: my daughter did or I would have taken the package and slammed the door. I called UPS and had it out with them. My question: does the shipper know that shipping with UPS incurs extra costs? Maybe not , but why would they post, not responsible for any other taxes or duties or brokerage fees. Ask UPS who hired them to ship your package to your house, when they answer tell them to go to the shipper and ask them to pay the extra charges. UPS knows that this is not a good practise as you will see in my link. Go and check this out and PLEASE use it. Fight these dam crooks !

I had it happen to me a few times. Bought a tach from a member on here, so you can imagine the size of the pkg. Paid the member in full($200) and that included shipping. UPS shows up at the door wanting another $86! Told him to go pound salt and return to sender.
Now I use USPS and Canada post as much as I can.

Thanks for the link, there is some great info.
UPS exceeds their authority when picking up your package from your local customs
depot, they assume your authorization and or permission to be your broker and pickup
your parcel. You can beat them at there own game . Give the guy a cheque for the 86 bucks , take your parcel , but do not sign the brokerage form. Close the door. Then
cancel the cheque or do the old stop payment on the cheque. They have no legal
recourse because you did not sign their form authorizing them as your broker. It is a bit sleazy but so are they , they screw us for hundreds of thousnds of dollars holding
our packages for ransom , when they were never given permission to be your broker in the first place , or just refuse delievery stating you never authorized them to be your broker, they will have to return your package to your local customs depot and then go pick it up your self. I hate UPS and will not purchase from anyone who insists on using them as a shipper to Canada. USPS is the only way to ship any thing
from the U.S. to here.
I've had the same problem in the past, and will only buy from those who will use USPS. But not everyone will.
Live and learn.... I have been stating on this board for years now that I will not deal with a US company that will not ship USPS.... Not only do couriers flease you, they also kick back a chunk of $s back to the company that is using them...
I just wanted to vent on an issue...UPS. When ordering parts from the US, guys do yourself a favour don't use UPS. Ask your shipper to use USPS.

Some companies will only ship UPS.

In the future if you need something, have it shipped to me and I'll re-ship it USPS for you.

It might take a bit longer but it will save you a couple of bucks. It might sit at my house for a couple of days as I'm not home during the week all of the time, but I'll help where I can.
Some companies will only ship UPS.

In the future if you need something, have it shipped to me and I'll re-ship it USPS for you.

It might take a bit longer but it will save you a couple of bucks. It might sit at my house for a couple of days as I'm not home during the week all of the time, but I'll help where I can.

Bad Sport, That is a great offer!!

Bad Sport, That is a great offer!!


Yeah, Steve had ordered some stuff and they would only ship UPS so we did the shuffle and sent it here and I re shipped.

Like I said it might a little longer, but it can potentially save someone a hundred bucks or more.
Canada Post has started getting in on the game as well , if the package comes from a company they collect the taxes for RevCan . I always try to have things shipped as Warranty Return and label everything as Nafta exempt auto parts when ever possible .
As for UPS nightmares I bought a couple of interior pieces from a good FABO guy for 135 bucks , they split the shipment and created a second shipping tag so instead of splitting the pieces that where taped together as one into 1 shipment of 2 pieces they split it into 2 shipments of 1 piece each with a declared value of 135 each , they did this after it cleared customs because the tracking showed the original single package all the way into customs , they charged me the 50 buck brokerage fee per shipment plus the 12 % PST/GST per shipment times 2 for a total of 132.40 on top of the shipping I paid through the shipper . The last time I had anything sent through them .
I have also been ripped by UPS. I now refuse to buy from anyone who uses them as a shipper. USPS or Fed Ex. are the only two I'll accept as a shipper now.
recently priced a street demon carb through summit, price was 399.00 (USD)and they wanted 90.00 to ship it and with UPS there would probably charge an additional 50.00 or so brokerage fee.

anyhow, I can't get it locally here in Nova Scotia through the local speed shops so I contacted holley and there was a speed shop in Alberta that carries the carb.
they want 420.00 and will ship to N.S. for 30.00 and the taxes are only 5% instead of 15% we have here.

$%& summit and UPS

P.S.....that's a very good offer Bad Sport...very well appreciated by us up North

I am dealing with a company up cape Breton way....has been very price competitive....

I can send you his name if you like..

Ditto on UPS and you can add FedEx to the Canadian shitlist
I only buy from sellers willing to use USPS, the exception being Summit
Whose shipping charges are predictable and reasonable if you avoid heavy or bulky items.
They calculate your shipping when you order so no nasty surprises
Well never say never , been trying to get a pair of 15x8 sbp steelies for a while now , called National Mopartsd yesterday , they quoted 155 a wheel plus tax and shipping then said they would call back with the total , no call back yesterday so I called them this morning and again said he would call me right back with a total , waited a couple of hours and no call so screw em I called Hortons and they said 159 plus about 20 -25 bucks for shipping plus tax , unbelievable , like 200 a wheel 400 for the pair , sooooo I broke down and called Summit where I knew the exact same wheels are 93.94 each plus FEDEX ground 74.29 and tax and duty 22.40 for a total of 284.63 us or @310 Cdn I guess even when Fedex tries to double down on the tax and duty or add some BS brokerage to it I will still be at or under 400 bucks a wheel but at least they have them in stock and will ship them today - sometimes you can't win with this stuff , lube helps .
Well never say never , been trying to get a pair of 15x8 sbp steelies for a while now , called National Mopartsd yesterday , they quoted 155 a wheel plus tax and shipping then said they would call back with the total , no call back yesterday so I called them this morning and again said he would call me right back with a total , waited a couple of hours and no call so screw em I called Hortons and they said 159 plus about 20 -25 bucks for shipping plus tax , unbelievable , like 200 a wheel 400 for the pair , sooooo I broke down and called Summit where I knew the exact same wheels are 93.94 each plus FEDEX ground 74.29 and tax and duty 22.40 for a total of 284.63 us or @310 Cdn I guess even when Fedex tries to double down on the tax and duty or add some BS brokerage to it I will still be at or under 400 bucks a wheel but at least they have them in stock and will ship them today - sometimes you can't win with this stuff , lube helps .
I know National Moparts is a very busy place and if you tell Nigel that Craig Cox says help me.. He will! I have known him for over 25 years..Long storey but he has grown is business big time and runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off most times..Just my opinion..
yeah I tried to make it work but I'm a buyer not a shopper and I told him Thursday " this a sale not a quote call me right back with the total and I'll give you the card # " same thing again this morning , but no go with the three hour time difference he closes at 2pm my time so no call back for 2 days is too much , deals done Summit is on PST and closed the deal at 2:10 this afternoon ,It sucks not being able to make this happen with Nigel but at plus 60 bucks + tax and shipping a wheel difference in price I won't lose any sleep over his loss .
yeah I tried to make it work but I'm a buyer not a shopper and I told him Thursday " this a sale not a quote call me right back with the total and I'll give you the card # " same thing again this morning , but no go with the three hour time difference he closes at 2pm my time so no call back for 2 days is too much , deals done Summit is on PST and closed the deal at 2:10 this afternoon ,It sucks not being able to make this happen with Nigel but at plus 60 bucks + tax and shipping a wheel difference in price I won't lose any sleep over his loss .

* Indeed I see your point for sure!
hopefully I will have a better experience in a couple of weeks when I call him to order a replacement mirror .I gotta say Hortons was easier to deal with but both shops are bringing the wheels in from the US then reshipping them which is why the markup is so much , I guess they never heard of drop shipping direct . 66% more than Scummit was a hard one to take but if he had fired a total at me he would have got the sale .
I have had 1 bad experience with UPS and learned a valuable lesson. Now my parts come USPS or whatever is cheapest....and that is never UPS.
Like i have said it before , year one DICKS are the winners here, brokerage fee pay back.I got caught once and only once those arseholes , never again .I never had an other problem coming from the U.S , your fees are always twice as much as the items you buy with them .
Ditto on UPS and you can add FedEx to the Canadian shitlist
I only buy from sellers willing to use USPS, the exception being Summit
Whose shipping charges are predictable and reasonable if you avoid heavy or bulky items.
They calculate your shipping when you order so no nasty surprises

When was the last time you ordered from Summit and had it shipped to your door?

I have a last minute rush order I need to make, and using fedex ground shipping, it says 20 to ship, 77 for duty/taxes...I called Summit, and the supervisor said he is almost certain there is no brokerage fees on top of that, but does not know for sure.

I would really like to order this to my door instead of crossing the border as I usually do when I order from them