What tool do you hate the most?

And the freaken core drill. A 3 inch concrete drill bit you attach on the end of a 10,000 rpm grinder. I had to drill a hole through a concrete and precast wall about 7 inches thick... rebar and all. Took 2 hours and about 6 gallons of water through a spray bottle.

hated tool 3.jpg
Roll around creepers ..... had my hair stuck so many times it now has a ponytail holder wrapped around one of the rungs.

I'm cringing right now.... I had a co-worker cut a creeper out of my tail back in the day..... That was an awkward experience!

I also agree 100% with those %$#-damn wheel weight pliers. I gouged my finger 3 times in the same spot over the last few months. And I try an be careful....

Bumper jacks. Downright dangerous contraption. I carry a small hydraulic floor jack in my old cars.

Air chisel. While it can be useful, in the wrong hands it's the fast way to piss off an entire shop when they don't know how to use one. And they hammer away for what seems like hours.....

The ball-joint fork, as already posted....

Fun thread, thanks for starting it!
The break in the metal shop we use for bending flashings. Great way to crush a finger or thumb (already been done).

The tool for double flaring brake lines. Holy crap what a PITA to get it right.

Green snips for cutting flashing and sheets to the left.
Hi, my names Troy and I hate working on anything that requires METRIC sockets!!!!! (or worse a selection of BOTH! lol) friggin waste having to have to duplicate tools to work on nearly everything here in Canada... whose bright idea was metric anyway?!

Oh and Torx (couldnt just use a bolt? frig):-D

i second all of the above

plus the weed eater ... and hedge trimmer and loppers .. that seem to have a bent handle and the rubber stop gone ... great way to pinch a finger when you want to cut a branch just a little too thick to cut .. but too lazy to get out the chain saw.
Ice choppers!!!! (Just metal blades on the end of a handle used to break up ice). We have to use them to much on our steps and other places here in erie >.<
Toilet plunger

When we went to get our new fixtures a couple a years ago, I asked the fam what toilet we should get. My boy pipes up and says get this one over here that can flush a dozen golf balls garanteed! Throw your plunger away!
I laughed. (I can shank all the balls I want at the links!)
I Bought! (Man that kid could really clog a toilet!)
I threw the plunger away and haven't needed one again!:cheers:
Man that kid could really clog a toilet!
I threw the plunger away and haven't needed one again!:cheers:

Whatcha feeding him? :shock:

Yeah, Torx sockets.... I hate them too. Especially the hollow tip "tamper resistant" ones, where they snap off at 8 in. lbs.... Just broke a Snap On 30Torx tightening an air bag retainer yesterday.
When we went to get our new fixtures a couple a years ago, I asked the fam what toilet we should get. My boy pipes up and says get this one over here that can flush a dozen golf balls garanteed! Throw your plunger away!
I laughed. (I can shank all the balls I want at the links!)
I Bought! (Man that kid could really clog a toilet!)
I threw the plunger away and haven't needed one again!:cheers:

I just got an email from my brother last night. My father, who's not quite all there, emptied the cat's litter box...full of clumping litter...right into the toilet, and flushed. Yeah...no plunger on earth can fix that.
I hate any tool that involves work.

Messing with my vehicles is not considered to be work related.
Whatcha feeding him? :shock:

Yeah, Torx sockets.... I hate them too. Especially the hollow tip "tamper resistant" ones, where they snap off at 8 in. lbs.... Just broke a Snap On 30Torx tightening an air bag retainer yesterday.

And the idiots who design with them. Brake rotors (or drums) held on to the damned car with Torx with Loctite. (Or even #3 philips.) I know it's for ease of assembly at the factory, but couldn't these idiots do what we all do to hold the rotor on while we put the anchor over it and put the pads in place and that's use a freakin' wheel nut? 'Cause it sure as hell doesn't work to keep the rotors from warping. Might as well figuring on keeping a couple of Torx bits the same size in the tool box cause they ain't coming out of the hub without an impact, hand or air. Even then some won't move without melting the loctite first.
Or the idiots who designed the Ford truck boxes to be held on with a size 60 "super" Torx. Still loctited in, still need an impact to move 'em. Still gonna send pieces flying all over the shop.
Post hole digger, pick, and shovel. in WV and area clay. plan on a masons trowl to scrape each load off shovel.:angry7: Also large hammerdrills, on a tall ladder, hitting rebar. cutting torch, burning overhead. Large hilti guns overhead, brings bad memories. "what you say?" larger drywall knifes. Wire wheels and cutting disc`s are a great thing! LOL Oh and can`t forget my pushmower:angry7:
What The heck?????????????????????????????
That was one mean ladder!!

yea i was at the fire academy getting my exterior firefighter cert and the other stupid person that put the 30 ft. extension ladder up never locked the dogs in. then she complained she couldnt tie the ladder off. i go to do it and clink clink clink and my hands in the beam of the ladder. only got my right pinky but it got it none the less. i compound fractured,compacted, and dislocated my pinky only. that pic was after the two surgeries to make a new second knuckle. with the pin holding it straight. funny thing is the surgeon said i could never move it again. i get to therapy and its moving and not hurting!! moves about 60% of what it used to. nice thing is i was under the fire house work mans comp so i didnt have to pay for the surgery or therapy. so yea thats my story.
Wood splitting mauls. A few years back my brother(drunk) and my friend(drunk) were trying to split wood for a fire in the shop. My friend kept missing the block of wood, so my smart brother put his hand on the block to show where to hit the block of wood and said he would move his hand before the maul hit the wood. Well being drunk and slow he did not move as fast as he thought he could. He lost his middle finger and messed the rest up pretty good. So he would say he hates splitting mauls. LOL
i hate my snow shovel. my driveway is 2 lanes wide and get shoveled by hand. takes me 2 hours every time we get 4 inches or more of snow. its about 3-4 car lengths long too top that off. what a pain!!!
grease guns.

I can never get them to work right they always are getting air in the line and no grease will come out and they make a huge mess every where.
Any tool that's required to do a specific job and can't be used for anything else. Guaranteed you'll buy it, use it once, and never touch it again for 10 years.
I hate leaf blowers. My damn neighbor, who has a landscaper, seems to like walking around on saturdays with the damn thing screaming for at least 2 hours.

Your damn neighbor must have a brother, and that guy must be my neighbor. Frickin' dude spends hours out there, I think he`s hypnotised by the drone of the thing. Leaves are called leaves for a reason.......leave them be. :toothy10:

Well you're lucky you don't live on my street, we have a guy we call Felix (named after the clean freak from the odd couple show/movie) He cleans the entire street, top to bottom pretty much daily, it's about a 1/4 mile. He mows his lawn pretty much daily too, there isn't a leaf anywhere near his place. I do have a very clean street though :-D
Sorry, if this has already been mentioned, but i skipped to the end.

The tool that I hate the most is snap ring pliers!! When you need them there is no substitute, but they are never easy to use. I have composed some of my finest cussing and swearing rants while attempting to use these demonic creations.
Phillips screws.. when they seize, they strip. Even with an overly expensive Snap-on driver. No matter what I buy, when it comes with those dang star shaped screws, I pitch em and use Robertsons. Unfortunately, I still have the joy of using them on the cars lol.

Any tool that's required to do a specific job and can't be used for anything else. Guaranteed you'll buy it, use it once, and never touch it again for 10 years.

Oh, you'll use it once...then you'll need it again within 45 minutes of selling it or otherwise getting rid of it.:-D