805 Moparkid
You have an i-m...
You have an i-m...
Trust me when I say I appreciate all that you've said,but there's one BIG factor not in your equation !!And that would be the ***** factor !!! And I have to live with her!!
And those numbers look like what with the 1.5ish stock rockers or 1.6's ??
Yeah,but you won't sell me your Exhaust Manifold !!:sad11:
so this is a good setup given i can figure out the 1" lifter
Sleve the lifter bores, and use either a air cooled VW or Ford "Y" block mushroom lifter.
so this is a good setup given i can figure out the 1" lifter
Could have told ya not to call mike c at crane.
Crane AINT crane anymore. They tanked, got bought out by s&s and havnt been the same ever since reopening.
Talked to the same guy in my quest for a competent grinder/cam designer for my sb's. Wouldnt trust him/them to grind a 50cc honda let alone REGRIND a slant cam. I got new (slant) cores from isky, and had lunati grind as forementioned. Did you bother to call either them? Shoot, isky has whatever straight grind you could dream up for your head that flows over 70% ex of the intake. Couldnt possible be due to almost identical port size could it? Think about velocity due to valve size at all? Too big on the exh and it drops, a lot. Which throws your 81% out the window. Be pushing more unspent fuel out the pipes than ever before. Esp without enough ign to burn it.
Will be interesting to see how the big single pattern works out on a split header. 6 into one mp with split grind scavenged better, at least for me. Musta been an isolated incedent. Only tried at least half a doz cams, multiple head configurations, couple of clifford intakes (they dont all work the same) offys, etc. But this was all 10 yrs ago, slant tech must have advanced dramatically since then.
Good luck
Sleve the lifter bores, and use either a air cooled VW or Ford "Y" block mushroom lifter.
it sounds like bill was saying the VW lifters or smaller...so bushing the lifter to size work work, they have a wide face on them=''mushroom''.
i think u need to install them from the pan side of the block. fwiw
the smaller header tube 1 1/2 of the mp moves exhaust faster, though i wonder about a 1 1/2 to 1 5/8 stepped primary tube header would do...
As someone replied, "Stay Away From Clifford"!!!!
I am running an Erson that is an off the shelf profile. Excellent mid and upper rpm performance. Not sure if Erson is still grinding cams for Slant Six motors.
A good cam maker I know of only sells to engine builders but you may be able to get contact of Terry Kirk of custom cams he may sell to the public not sure totally ,but he has billet roller blanks as well as any grind you want. He does alot of high end nascar cams and pro stock cams in NHRA.
According to Ed, Schneider has some.
and bb roller lifters?