Why do people Piss and Moan?

The term.."Piss and moan" was a favorite of my Dad. he loved to say that.
It often made me laugh. When I was young, the idea of urinating and then crying about it was funny. Lucky I never got Vd or this term would have taken on a literal meaning.
"Piss and moan" can be a "real deal." When I was only 18 I got a kidney infection that was a real whopper. It didn't have a thing to do with...........girls, either. I REALLY dreaded going for a day or three until some meds began to work.
You guys crack me up.
The range of responses is amazing, and I like certain ones more than some.

I liked,
"you married her"
"Stash the BMW"
"Be a man and stand toe to toe with her"

NOBODY said "quit yer pissin and moaning" which I expected.

It's not like she bitches all the time or anything thank God (I'da been gone so long ago nobody would remember what I even looked like.)

Been married for 28 years and raised four kids and we aren't going anywhere.
It just annoys me sometimes, when she doesn't seem to realize how bad off some people are these days.
My Gf told me my trucks to loud . She kept sayin it .....on and on ...... so whats a man to do ........... Make it louder ! Bwhahaha
It's not like she bitches all the time or anything thank God (I'da been gone so long ago nobody would remember what I even looked like.)
Well if she dont do it all the time then I take back what I said, she is just being bitchy is all and everyone has to every now and again. Some more than others. I, personally could be shittin rainbows and you would find me bitchin about how there isnt enough contrast between the colors lol! I'm a bitchy person.

Get what I mean?
Well if she dont do it all the time then I take back what I said, she is just being bitchy is all and everyone has to every now and again. Some more than others. I, personally could be shittin rainbows and you would find me bitchin about how there isnt enough contrast between the colors lol! I'm a bitchy person.

Get what I mean?

Yea, that's all it is.
I'm just the total opposite.
were you left alone with your thoughts? if i am i think of things that weren't
affecting me before that get me mad for no real reason.
Maybe it’s kidney stones.
I don’t know why some people don’t appreciate the fact that “you don’t have to look very far to find someone that has it worse than you do”. I don’t think there is anything YOU can do to change them. That has to come from within. So if you are married to this person you have described I think you will have to live with it or make a change.
It’s been said the Devil’s first assault is an ungrateful heart.
If he can get you to not be thankful for what you have, other “sins” will surely follow.
Sometimes when I see a person in a wheel chair, I think God put them in front of me to keep me grateful.
I got lucky with my wife. Her mother came from the coalmines of West Virginia during the depression. Her father died when she was young. She has never expected much and has always been thrifty, loyal and faithful.

Today, upon a bus, I saw a girl with golden hair.
I envied her, she seemed so gay, and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobbled down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch.
And as she passed... a smile.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine

I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me, "I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you. You see," he said, "I'm blind."

Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play.
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word. And then I knew,
he couldn't hear.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I'd know.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine........
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WhoevJdTWk"]Steve Goodman - Somebody Else's Troubles & Nowhere in a Hurry Blues.wmv - YouTube[/ame]


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Yea, that's all it is.
I'm just the total opposite.
Just a little food for thought, one day upon introspection I discovered that I am a bitchy person because I'm not happy with whats inside of me. Bitching about other things makes me forget the real reason I am unhappy.

Maybe next time she gets bitchy probe around very lightly try to discover whats going on with her that day.
You just described my ex.


Last straw for me on an 11 year relationship, 3 years ago;

Jobless gf doesn't want to go to movies after I purchase tickets. She stays home because she doesn't like the theatre, says it's ok if I go with our friends and she drinks an entire 750 of Kraken with her ex (who I'm cool with at the time) in my house. I come home with movies to watch and I'm making strawberry shortcake. She pitches a coffee mug, her laptop (catch it mid air) and 2 liter of soda. I warn her, she argues that if I can go to the movies, she can do whatever she wants. Shatters mid century tile coffee table on the floor, so I call the cops.

No, wait. I let that go.

Jobless gf spends $1K+ on Christmas presents, I spend $94, tells me that I'm inconsiderate and irresponsible with money, in a text, from a phone I pay for.

No, wait. I let that slide a few months later, too.

Still jobless gf wakes me up screaming at the top of her lungs at me, Monday morning (3am, work in 3 hours) and says I'm cheating on her. Pulls a piece of paper with my mom's handwriting on it out of my wallet and throws it at me. Address is to an assisted living home and room number where my grandmother was transferred. Still didn't believe me, even though she went with me. Told her to Google the address on the paper.

Mind you, she cheated on me, year 3. Let it go. She still calls me out, insists I'm cheating on her with my brother's girl.

G T F O.

Never looked back.

Current girlfriend;

Going to school for accounting to become a CPA,to build a small business with me, works part time, goes to school full time and we split chores. I still pay most of the bills, but that's never a problem for me. Money is nothing. She's a doll.

I decided long ago, that I will do what I'm doing and to those who share appreciation and respect, I'll be around. Mom, Dad, Wife, whatever. While I don't give in easy, loyalty is subject to change, no matter who your relationship is with and how long it is, and everyone should be aware of consequence as a realistic option.

I'd give up another 11 years on top of what I pulled on with my ex, for another five minutes with my lady. Night and day. Best decision I've ever made in my life.

Love is not an opinion, a feeling, a tolerance or unconditional. Love is a condition.

It took me over a decade to get it right. I'll never forget.

Last straw for me on an 11 year relationship, 3 years ago;

Jobless gf doesn't want to go to movies after I purchase tickets. She stays home because she doesn't like the theatre, says it's ok if I go with our friends and she drinks an entire 750 of Kraken with her ex (who I'm cool with at the time) in my house. I come home with movies to watch and I'm making strawberry shortcake. She pitches a coffee mug, her laptop (catch it mid air) and 2 liter of soda. I warn her, she argues that if I can go to the movies, she can do whatever she wants. Shatters mid century tile coffee table on the floor, so I call the cops.

No, wait. I let that go.

Jobless gf spends $1K+ on Christmas presents, I spend $94, tells me that I'm inconsiderate and irresponsible with money, in a text, from a phone I pay for.

No, wait. I let that slide a few months later, too.

Still jobless gf wakes me up screaming at the top of her lungs at me, Monday morning (3am, work in 3 hours) and says I'm cheating on her. Pulls a piece of paper with my mom's handwriting on it out of my wallet and throws it at me. Address is to an assisted living home and room number where my grandmother was transferred. Still didn't believe me, even though she went with me. Told her to Google the address on the paper.

Mind you, she cheated on me, year 3. Let it go. She still calls me out, insists I'm cheating on her with my brother's girl.

G T F O.

Never looked back.


Holy crap.
That's a psyco, not a complainer.:D
Just a little food for thought, one day upon introspection I discovered that I am a bitchy person because I'm not happy with whats inside of me. Bitching about other things makes me forget the real reason I am unhappy.

Maybe next time she gets bitchy probe around very lightly try to discover whats going on with her that day.

Another Ding Ding Ding for you.
Known that for years. :D
Holy crap.
That's a psyco, not a complainer.:D

Just goes to show, no matter how much chaos you tolerate, you're just making yourself miserable by doing so.

Nip it in the *** while you can or call plan B. You live once. Don't let life pass you by or live in fear (of loss, risk, etc.)...

It got to the point where I realized I would never be able to help that girl.

She was sweet, up until about the last year and a half of our relationship. She pursued me, but I don't ever think she had a handle on things, as much as she would have liked to think she did. Most anyone would have run, long before I did. I'm a patient person. My work and livelihood depend on it, but holy hell, I've got my limits and they are clear, now.

I'm always dumbfounded at how much happier I am now, when I look back. I've had my trials with my current sweetie, but it's nothing like that. We actually come up with active solutions and know what constructive criticism is and how it works. So far, we haven't made the same errors more than once with anything that gets on each other's nerves.

Talking without blame or accusation is the solution. Focus on change and practice what you preach. There is nothing wrong with calling someone out, as long as you offer equal amounts of reward and kindness, they won't take insult in the long run, especially if you look back and shed positive light on it. "remember when we had this problem? This worked well. Bla bla bla."

I learned a lot from my ex. Mostly about myself and how to handle extremely screwed up situations.
Try this song
Hayseed Dixie - She Was Skinny When I Met Her - YouTube

You guys have figured out that this was all just a little rant right?
Nothing at all serious.
Oh and Just so you know the video has no basis in reality for this.:D

It always helps to vent. Sometimes you get ideas to bounce around peeps too. All is well. Ironically, I went the other way of your Youtube music vid.

Ex gf; 260 when I met her. How's that for atypical? Gem of a personality, or so I thought at the time.

Now, I'd like to think that I was just training hard to be a better person. lol

Current gf; will make a guest appearance on Hot MP Babes thread soon.
go and seek out a couples counselor. sometimes its easier to bring things up when theres somebody thats a sort of mediator between you both, then you can get everything out in the open, and air the dirty laundry so to speak, and so can she.

i know we are hearing your end of it, and i agree it sucks, but theres always 2 sides to every story.

if you both cant come to an agreement, and resolve things to be kind to one another about it, then its prob time for the big "D"

hell your kids are all grown up, so no child support there, they will prob need to move out and find their own places, as im sure the home you own was prob purchased while married, she is entitled to half the equity in it. most courts will order you to sell it, pay the bank whats owed on the loan if theres still a lein on it, and split whats left 50/50.

if she doesnt work and hasnt for years you may have to pay alimony to her. this depends on the state you are in, most states will require you to give her part of your pension, or 401K as well depending on the years married, usually works on a percentage scale based on years married. on the alimony issue some states require the alimony to get less and less every year till it stops altogether, this is so she starts looking for work, and the free ride is over, and if she remarries the alimony stops altogether.

as far as everything you both bought together while married, this includes any other property, vehicles, basically everything, it will all need to get appraised and if you both keep things of equal value its a wash, but if what you keep is of greater value, you will prob have to pay her half the value of what you keep, ditto for her as well.

if you are gonna go the route of the big "D", i suggest you start hiding cash, but not in a savings or checking account, and do not just deplete your savings account, as courts usually want the records of activity in these accounts for at least the last 12 months prior to a divorce filing. you will need to slowly syphon off the money a little each month so its not noticable, make it stash cash thats hidden in a box somewhere safe, but not in any account, or a safe deposit box.

little by little hide tangible things like some of your more expensive tools, and things that may have to be appraised as a divorce settlement. i have a friend who made his antique comic book collection take a vacation till his divorce was over. you will need to do this before you file, because standard operating procedure for an attorney is to send you a cease and desist letter preventing you from doing these things. so get your **** in order and hid before you file. then theres nothing to hide, because you already dun hid it all LOL. as i said you have to do this a little at a time so its not noticable, if its not there, theres nothing to appraise.

if you have a friend who is on the level that you trust, sell him your mopar if its your 3rd vehicle (wink wink) with the agreement he will sell it back when its all over, buy a cheapo beater, unless you have a different car to drive, i did this with my car. my friend held the title, and parked the car in his garage, we never signed the title or exchanged any money. when it was over he gave me my title and car back. if it comes up in court say it was nickle and diming you to death as its an old car, you got tired of fixing it, and you needed something newer and more reliable, but do this about 6 to 8 months before you file for divorce. this way you can tell the court you bought your new beater with the money from the sale of your old car. usually if theres only 2 vehicles in the marriage, she will keep hers, you will keep yours, and thats it. if your mopar is a 3rd vehicle it will end up being appraised, and you will end up owing her half of its value.

i had a folder full of NOS mopar parts reciepts for my dodge shelby Z, and shelves full of NOS parts. the parts went on vacation, and the reciept folder went with them. when it was over my friend let me have everything back. no parts, no part numbers, no reciepts, no cash values to total up. it never existed. i did this before i got a cease and desist letter from her attorney.

i know a lot on this as i got divorced 7 years ago. i married someone else 1 and a half years ago, she's nutty sometimes, but arent we all, i love her to death, she is great.

even so i made sure my home was payed off in full and the deed was in my hand before i got married this go around. texas law states that when you divorce, anything you own prior to marriage is not negotiable in divorce court, and is yours. anything given to you as a gift during the marriage is yours and not negotiable, this includes money or property that is a gift from a deceased loved ones estate.

check the laws in your state. but try a marriage counselor first, it may get you both to thinking about one another in a better light, plus its way cheaper and less of a headache in the end.

good luck

so then why dont you lay down the law in your own house .....your the bearer of the sword and the leader of the legecy of honor there, so why not

Ding Ding Ding... We got a WINNER!

Exactly and well said too! :thumbup:

80% of American women will never be happy. They could have it all and want something else. Internet, TV, Tabloids, Soap Operas and FACEBOOK got them all messed up! Lol
Ding Ding Ding... We got a WINNER!

Exactly and well said too! :thumbup:

80% of American women will never be happy. They could have it all and want something else. Internet, TV, Tabloids, Soap Operas and FACEBOOK got them all messed up! Lol

There's a lotta truth to that.
It seems like you are doing everything, making the $$, cooking, cleaning..........all I can say is fck that ****.

You need to start at the bottom like a little kid and make a list of chores for her to get done and to keep her busy all day! This list includes 3 meals cooked up for you who goes out and knocks down the dough $$.

I had a friend like that. Sorry his wife was a worthless POS. He did everything. Worked, Cleaned the house, yard work, car maintenance, laundry, food, school drop offs, dentist, Dr. appointments etc for 3 kids. He ended up finding a good woman that backed his play and got rid of his wife of 22 years. He just got SICK of it and said screw it. All she did was ***** and complain about everything. Shopped all the time and spent his hard *** earned $$. I knew what was going on cause he worked for me at the time for 7 years. She would call and bug the crap out of him at work. She would sit around in her pajama's all damn day or be at the mall spending.

I feel for you. That totally sucks.
Ding Ding Ding... We got a WINNER!

Exactly and well said too! :thumbup:

80% of American women will never be happy. They could have it all and want something else. Internet, TV, Tabloids, Soap Operas and FACEBOOK got them all messed up! Lol

There's a lotta truth to that.

those were not even my words but actually the original work of the O.P.

i just reposted the idea to get the gears between the ears turning......prolly came off scarcastic though which was not the intent.

i hate to come off like i am advocating the easternized way of life that i am originally from but in a lot of ways it does make life easier..

i was raised to know a woman's place on earth and PMS is not an excuse to be a bit$h its no ones fault so why make it someone elses problem.
However there needs to be a balance bcoz Eastern Men too often get drunk and abuse their power. :banghead: but in the rare situation that a stand up, fair, man of justice is placed at the head of the household, things run very smooth with the support that a good wife puts behind him. BTW a man should never have to do woman's work .....big shame on a lazy woman :blackeye:

i have never understood what is with some ...not all....women who reside around me who are as useless as a socket wrench in a bucket of phillips wood screws.....i would think a good dose of seeing the ugliness of the world to appreicate a good husband is in order. the rest of the world dont operate like within the borders of the USA and in many places a good husband is a much needed safety feature. these Women dont see it and your Hillary Clintons are not helping with wacko ideas about how the real ugly world works.

quote of the O.P. which is good work and headed in the right direction.

This may sound strange but think about it.

We all have ego's and our own baggage that we bring with us everywhere we go.
My family has been headed for as long as I can remember by my Father who was/is a strong force for honor and integrity in our family.
I am the oldest Son and my Father is fading fast, so it is up to me to keep that legacy going in our family and this is how I handle it.
The following is my inner dialogue I use to maintain the frame of mind I need with my family and my friends alike.

"I am the force for honor and good that leads.
I am the bearer of the sword that can kill, or protect as I choose to use it.
It reminds me that I could easily behead any threat at any time I choose.
But choose only to use it to protect my family and friends.
If one of them needs to take something out on me, so be it as I know they do not really mean to hurt me.
I am the safe one to tread on, if you have to tread on someone.
I will not behead you for needing me, even though sometimes my ego may beg me to.
I will be here for you no matter the fight at hand because I have sworn to myself that this is who and what I will be for you."

This is the attitude I try to carry with me every day, and it is pretty damn hard to stick to it sometimes.
I also "loan" my sword when I see someone that needs it more than I do at the moment.

What a whacko huh? :)
I don't think I have ever told anyone that before.
Nothing a divorce and some hoggin won't fix.

Mmm hoggin. I used to do that when i was younger. Ya gotta drink a lotta booze sometimes to drink em skinny. Dont take em back to your place for the night tho. Use their place, and equip yourself with the wayans bros patented "coyote ugly escape kit" this way you can make a quick getaway in the morning after the alcohol wears off and before she wakes up. LOL.
Hey your married. You didn't buy into that happy ever after **** did you? Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!