WTF does a Surveyor do ?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
Wofford Heights, Ca.
My SSDI Ivestigator called this morning and although I sent 18 pages of employment history and description she's asking the same questions i couldn't quantify on paper. Do you walk, stand, sit, crawl, kneel, stoop, crouch, climb ladders etc. How many hours do you do this a day ?

Looks like I'll be busy over the weekend trying not to explode as I asked to call her back next week. I would rather not have retired early for just this reason. Unfortunately COPD has rendered me about useless so . . .

Anybody out there know any Surveyors and WTF we do ?

I've done darn near all aspects of the biz and most of that in the field. I can probably Google you where I picked up a tick that buried himself on the main Vein from where it hangs
My SSDI Ivestigator called this morning and although I sent 18 pages of employment history and description she's asking the same questions i couldn't quantify on paper. Do you walk, stand, sit, crawl, kneel, stoop, crouch, climb ladders etc. How many hours do you do this a day ?

Looks like I'll be busy over the weekend trying not to explode as I asked to call her back next week. I would rather not have retired early for just this reason. Unfortunately COPD has rendered me about useless so . . .

Anybody out there know any Surveyors and WTF we do ?

I've done darn near all aspects of the biz and most of that in the field. I can probably Google you where I picked up a tick that buried himself on the main Vein from where it hangs
Be prepared for the SS folks to deny you 5 or 6 times trying to wear you down. A buddy at work had an Aortic aneurism in his late 40's and is one of the very few that have lived thru it. He was a lineman for the power company, like myself. Doc told him no more physically stressful work, EVER. SS denied him 3 or 4 times before he got it. Good luck to you.
Be prepared for the SS folks to deny you 5 or 6 times trying to wear you down. A buddy at work had an Aortic aneurism in his late 40's and is one of the very few that have lived thru it. He was a lineman for the power company, like myself. Doc told him no more physically stressful work, EVER. SS denied him 3 or 4 times before he got it. Good luck to you.
around here in metro ill/mo, if you don't have a lawyer, it will take 3 times before you get it. average times with a lawyer is 1 1/2 to 2. take care and you won't have to worry about DTM. he ain't buyin nothin.
Do NOT ago any further without a proven SSDI lawyer. You are wasting time and money trying to do that **** on your own.

The little bit the lawyer makes on the deal pales in comparison to what he can do against the SSDI people, and believe me when I say working against, because the SSDI people are working against you.

They will dick you along forever and they try to do it.
was in an ss ofice waiting for my turn and could here the guy sa to the ss rep" i paid that money in and you act like it is coming out of your f$%^&ng pocket, you mf'ing sob". had to get the big boss in there to calm the guy down. and the ss person was WRONG.
They're programmed to deny you every time, until you get an attorney involved.
I used an advocate that my disability insurer recommended only took 4 months to get approved for rheumatoid arthritis because you can prove it with a blood test. When you purchase short- and long-term disability insurance the thing they don't tell you is when you go on long term disability, they require you to apply for SSDI.
Do NOT ago any further without a proven SSDI lawyer. You are wasting time and money trying to do that **** on your own.

The little bit the lawyer makes on the deal pales in comparison to what he can do against the SSDI people, and believe me when I say working against, because the SSDI people are working against you.

They will dick you along forever and they try to do it.
I've heard that several times now speaking to recipients. On next to search for Attorney, I did search a bit several months ago and it seemed quite reasonable.
Dog gone gal on the phone was very pleasant but it was like dumb *** conversation with the girlfriend I've been waiting for to move out going on 2 years and sent me into a COPD flare up.

The good news I did a bit yesterday to try and get Dart closer as my wrench man has been busy but we may hook Monday or Tuesday and hopefully finish and initial fire ! ! !
Social Security will often deny a disability claim the first time depending on a lot of things. A good disability attorney is your best bet to get your claim approved
The truth is many people play the system and make it hard for the people with legit claims
When my wife applied she got her disability the first time without a attorney filing for us
Than again she had a stage 4 diagnosis and was being treated by a world renowned Cancer hospital, plus she was 59 yrs old
was in an ss ofice waiting for my turn and could here the guy sa to the ss rep" i paid that money in and you act like it is coming out of your f$%^&ng pocket, you mf'ing sob". had to get the big boss in there to calm the guy down. and the ss person was WRONG.
Sorry, the guy yelling and swearing at the SS employee was wrong. There is NO excuse for that sort of behavior in that setting.
Sorry, the guy yelling and swearing at the SS employee was wrong. There is NO excuse for that sort of behavior in that setting.
You're right sort of.
Wait it happens to you. I cussed for hours and I can string 'em together like no other.
I started workin' on the Dart and then cracked a beer and then another, switched to cleaning a little on the K5 cracked another and another then had said girl take me for beer, lottery and a couple beers at the bar down the hill.

Me at the center of SOFI Stadium LA, Topping out beam. Isabella Dam job.

Spent time today lookin' at videos where almost all Surveying looks like they're in a park with soft ground.

Hope you never have to deal with this in the future.



Social Security will often deny a disability claim the first time depending on a lot of things. A good disability attorney is your best bet to get your claim approved
The truth is many people play the system and make it hard for the people with legit claims
When my wife applied she got her disability the first time without a attorney filing for us
Than again she had a stage 4 diagnosis and was being treated by a world renowned Cancer hospital, plus she was 59 yrs old

Yeah, cases like your wife take precedent over most everything else and they move to the top of the list to get done.

And that’s exactly how it should be.

It took 32 months to get mine because I didn’t start with a lawyer, and my first lawyer was a joke.

The administrative law judge at my hearing apologized several times for the system screwing me around like that.

My hearing took less than 15 minutes and I was out of there. I also had a couple of thousand pages of documentation of what was wrong, so that helped. But 32 months was crazy.
Yeah, cases like your wife take precedent over most everything else and they move to the top of the list to get done.

And that’s exactly how it should be.

It took 32 months to get mine because I didn’t start with a lawyer, and my first lawyer was a joke.

The administrative law judge at my hearing apologized several times for the system screwing me around like that.

My hearing took less than 15 minutes and I was out of there. I also had a couple of thousand pages of documentation of what was wrong, so that helped. But 32 months was crazy.
32 months ouch . . . I received 1st SS payment last month. It's my understanding that IF you are awarded the disability claim SS pays backpay so to speak.
Let the Attorney search and calls/emails begin. Well worth the money deserved and time saved etc.
Thanks !
I wish you the best, and have no good advice. My feelings about dealing with "city hall" (any gobt)

Whether you are in criminal court, dealing with the assessors office, or stuff like this here, you have this gigantic funnel sitting on top of your head, and in that funnel is the local police, prosecutor's office, the entire court system, the state police and lab and related, the entire state court, and the federal gobt departments, courts and prosecutors. The entire U.S. gobt weight is on top of your head, all channeled down that tiny nozzle, concentrated on YOUR head.
I wish you the best, and have no good advice. My feelings about dealing with "city hall" (any gobt)

Whether you are in criminal court, dealing with the assessors office, or stuff like this here, you have this gigantic funnel sitting on top of your head, and in that funnel is the local police, prosecutor's office, the entire court system, the state police and lab and related, the entire state court, and the federal gobt departments, courts and prosecutors. The entire U.S. gobt weight is on top of your head, all channeled down that tiny nozzle, concentrated on YOUR head.
I started with the County at 18 yrs 10 mos old, top 3 on written did well in interview as had experience plus they knew Dad who was in the biz. Dad died 5 Mos later.
I lasted 5 yrs 10 mos as couldn't envision working there for 48 years after Reagan jacked the full retirement age to 67 for SS.

Patience and kissing *** goes a long way with these screws so you have to plan mentally for that.

I understand why Alan Winterborne killed 4 including a policeman regarding an unemployment claim Oxnard Ca. In '93. I had spent a few trips and long waits plus watching these clowns working if that is what you call it in that very office. I believe the cop was shot with a 30-06 at less than 200' northbound Victoria Ave short of intersection Olivas Dr.
Sad but having been in that office I get it..

It was different then as I'd work when we had work, 6 others laid off completely and then have to go to EDD reopen claim etc. After the killings they revamped system.
I used an advocate that my disability insurer recommended only took 4 months to get approved for rheumatoid arthritis because you can prove it with a blood test. When you purchase short- and long-term disability insurance the thing they don't tell you is when you go on long term disability, they require you to apply for SSDI.
100 percent correct about disability insurance, exactly what happened with us. After my wife went through all her sick and vacation time, the disability policy she purchased through her job kicked in. The insurance rep would call requesting medical reports which I submitted and all went reasonable well for about a year, then they started wanted more detailed reports. In between surgeries and chemo would be seeing the oncologist about every 3 months but those reports were supposedly not enough
Since my wife made me able to handle her medical issues as required by HIPPA, it was me dealing with this insurance company and I finally told the rep she would get a report when we visited the doctor and not before and four reports a year was enough ( they the insurance company wanted more)
Shortly after that they told us we were required to file for SSDI, if she refused she would loose her disability policy
If she lost her case she would still retain her disability payments and if she won her payments would be reduced because of her receiving SSDI
32 months ouch . . . I received 1st SS payment last month. It's my understanding that IF you are awarded the disability claim SS pays backpay so to speak.
Let the Attorney search and calls/emails begin. Well worth the money deserved and time saved etc.
Thanks !
My wife got a back check from SSDI from when she first applied for SS
The insurance company that provided her with a disability policy required her to return that check to them as now that she was on SSDI they (insurance company) would be giving her less money per month
100 percent correct about disability insurance, exactly what happened with us. After my wife went through all her sick and vacation time, the disability policy she purchased through her job kicked in. The insurance rep would call requesting medical reports which I submitted and all went reasonable well for about a year, then they started wanted more detailed reports. In between surgeries and chemo would be seeing the oncologist about every 3 months but those reports were supposedly not enough
Since my wife made me able to handle her medical issues as required by HIPPA, it was me dealing with this insurance company and I finally told the rep she would get a report when we visited the doctor and not before and four reports a year was enough ( they the insurance company wanted more)
Shortly after that they told us we were required to file for SSDI, if she refused she would loose her disability policy
If she lost her case she would still retain her disability payments and if she won her payments would be reduced because of her receiving SSDI

My wife got a back check from SSDI from when she first applied for SS
The insurance company that provided her with a disability policy required her to return that check to them as now that she was on SSDI they (insurance company) would be giving her less money per month

Yumpin yiminy what a pita.
32 months ouch . . . I received 1st SS payment last month. It's my understanding that IF you are awarded the disability claim SS pays backpay so to speak.
Let the Attorney search and calls/emails begin. Well worth the money deserved and time saved etc.
Thanks !
So did you finally receive it or are you still fighting with them.