Your best gravy secrets



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Kindersley, Saskatchewan,
What u say Fabo? Who makes the best home made gravy for beef, chicken, pork and turkey. Anybody willing to share their secret? What about gravy from scratch? Thanks. Kim
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I do it old school, flour and water shaken in a mason jar until I get the consistency I want. Bring your drippings to a boil and slowly stir in the flour/water mixture until you get the thickness you desire. I use this for taste and a rich brown color

I love to cook and if I do say so myself can do so pretty well. My mother made the best brown gravy I’ve ever had and I was an idiot for not learning how. When I did try so later in life mine was a toss-up between 100 years old swamp mud, turpentine, or oil mixed with stale gas and sewer water.
Let Mom do it! After all, she's been doing it for almost 90 years....

My Grandpa died with his "World's Best" dill pickles recipe still in his head, so hopefully Mom's gravy recipe will get handed down.

Let Mom do it! After all, she's been doing it for almost 90 years....

My Grandpa died with his "World's Best" dill pickles recipe still in his head, so hopefully Mom's gravy recipe will get handed down.


When last weeks preseason steeler football game came on my mind went straight to thoughts of my Dads homemade dill pickles. We waited weeks for them to be done and would start sampling them when football started. Best dill pickles I’ve ever had.
When last weeks preseason steeler football game came on my mind went straight to thoughts of my Dads homemade dill pickles. We waited weeks for them to be done and would start sampling them when football started. Best dill pickles I’ve ever had.
Kind of the same story here. Grandpa used to spend hours in his small garden in N.E. Mpls tending his cucumbers, and every year we would (im)patiently await the results of his efforts when the leaves began to fall.

Heck! As a kid I would sometimes get a quart of Grandpa's Pickles as Christmas gifts, and since I grew-up with them, in my mind they were (and still are) The Best Damn Pickles in The World! Wish like Hell I could re-create his recipe. Tried many times...

Mom's gravy is "right up there", and hopefully my wife will be able to carry-on so that recipe isn't lost as well.
Pull your meat out of the grease, throw some flour in the grease, and blend it together with some milk. Stir on low heat. Don't add too much flour, or it'll be too thick. Keep stirring till you get out all the lumps. If it's too lumpy, add milk.

Practice makes perfect
What u say Fabo? Who makes the best home made gravy for beef, chicken, pork and turkey. Anybody willing to share their secret? Thanks. Kim
What is it with you and the gravy Kim? I already gave you Grandma Beatrice Alder's recipe for Saw Mill Gravy...and we agreed due to its extraordinary massive artery clogging ingredients you were going to be good and eat better! LOL Have a great weekend Kim
I use the potato masher to scrub all the stuff off the bottom of the roasting pan, lotta the "black" stuff, smush it all up, add a cup of hot water to float all the grease up off the flavorful stuff below.
Pour it all back into the pyrex measuring cup I used for hot water.
Pour, spoon, get rid of the grease off the top, by looking thru the side, - then pour all the good stuff/essences/flavor stuff into a sauces pan.
Add water as nec, salt to taste, - bring to boil.
I use a flour slurry, - flour/water mixed in a bowl and slowly add/stir enuff slurry to thicken to choice.
I use a tasteless gravy browning to add color when nec. (Cross&Blackwell gravy browning)
Kinda a low fat version with tons of flavor.
Good luck.
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1st you make a Dark Roux, add in onions, garlic, nothing is going to be right if it don't have the right base.
We have a jar? of chicken soup powder, (cup a soup), there's also beef, but I don't use that.
Just boil water, teaspoon? cup a soup, spices to taste, add browning if for beef, thicken with slurry to taste .
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What is it with you and the gravy Kim? I already gave you Grandma Beatrice Alder's recipe for Saw Mill Gravy...and we agreed due to its extraordinary massive artery clogging ingredients you were going to be good and eat better! LOL Have a great weekend Kim
Well, my memory isn’t what it used to be. Lol
What about when u have to start from scratch such as when you’re making a schnitzel or gravy for fries? Thanks. Kim

After making that "soup" of flavour off the bottom of the roasting pan, after adding hot water, we pour that mess thru this gizmo, the grease floats to top, pour the good stuff out of the spout, comes from below the grease. Stop pouring when grease starts flowing down spout .
Make sure the gravy boils to cook the flour slurry, or the gravy may taste like "paste".

My favorite is sausage gravy, to be slathered on a hot fresh biscuit with an egg or two on top. Crown that business with some hot sauce and it's Breakfast Heaven!

Use a one-pound tube of Farmer John sausage (I prefer the Hot version, but the Sage or regular is also excellent). Brown till the little nubs are just starting turning dark. Leave the sausage in the pan and add enough flour to soak up all the drippings - maybe 3-4 Tablespoons or so. It will look very dry. I stir that around on medium heat and let the flour get just golden, then start adding whole milk a little at a time. It will start out super thick, keep adding milk slowly and stirring. I usually add the milk in 3-4 increments as it gets thicker as it cooks. When it's the right consistency add kosher salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. If you have smoked peppercorns for the grinder that really kicks this up a notch.

I'm making myself hungry, I might be having breakfast for dinner tonight. :thumbsup:
No recipe but my mom would painstakingly cut all of the fat out of bacon and make bacon gravy over biscuits. I will never order biscuits and gravy from a restaurant again. Been disappointed too many times. The last time it came with a sausage patty. Dumb!!! I have to tell you Mam, it aint like momma fixed it.
Grandma's bread recipe, she would make it every Sunday after church for dinner.
I thought the recipe was gone forever, but my sister said the other day, that she has her cook book.
I need to get a copy off her.
White sausage gravy over homemade biscuits that float like clouds!!!! I could live of that stuff but it would probably just kill me.
Ya have to find an old person that can make such!
White sausage gravy over homemade biscuits that float like clouds!!!! I could live of that stuff but it would probably just kill me.
Ya have to find an old person that can make such!
My wife makes super-light fluffy biscuits.
There is truly some gift to making good ones, not many cooks can do it.