73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

Christmas gift ideas for Ross:

* California Car Duster

* Gross of tack cloths

* 55 gallon drum of instant detailer
Christmas gift ideas for Ross: * California Car Duster * Gross of tack cloths * 55 gallon drum of instant detailer

Maybe HemiMark and I can get a volume discount....might as well see if Mike (Badlilred79) want in on it too.....there's gonna be a lot of Black cars under the tent next year.
turned out very nice . worth the wait ?

Thanks...Was it Worth the wait ? The quick answer is No...but after thinking about it Yes, it gave me time to build everything else (Engine, Dash, ect...) and financially afford all the parts needed to finish the car.
Three cars wearing their tuxedos. I ordered a Snakeskin Green tux for my HDK build.
I think your green will look awesome... I seriously debated several colors but nothing really beats Black, but the trade off to me is that the Black hides lots of the details. We will see when it's all put together.
That black may hide details, but when clean is the best looking color on any car. Especially when you have bodywork done that straight.
Three cars wearing their tuxedos.

........and two more red interiors to boot!

Mark's (HemiMark)


Ross's (76orangewagon)


Mike's (Badlilred):
I almost switched my interior color to The "Famous" Porno Red..... Because it looks so nice against the Black (or Silver) exterior... But then it would be impossible to tell them apart...\\:D/\\:D/.
Welcome home and car turned out great! Now the calculated dash to the finish!:happy1:
Black is beautiful when swirl free.....I was lobbied hard for it from the Weeb.
I have to keep wiping the drool off my face. That is the smoothest paint I've seen in a while. Looking forward to the rest. I need another towel.:coffee2:
Welcome home and car turned out great! Now the calculated dash to the finish!:happy1:

All I know is it has to be finished before the 2015 Nationals...shouldn't have to be a Mad dash up to the last minute to get that accomplished.
I'll have a nice shade of grey (gunmetal). Ross the build looks amazing! Riddler
I don't know... I think my stripe color (PDM) would really look good over your entire car. It's hard to see the metallic but it's in there.


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Black is beautiful when swirl free.....I was lobbied hard for it from the Weeb.
I've already got a deal with the painter to wet sand and buff it out again when I get it assembled...and of course again right before the Nats, so it looks good for you.
I have to keep wiping the drool off my face. That is the smoothest paint I've seen in a while. Looking forward to the rest. I need another towel.:coffee2:
Even though it took 2 years(+) to get it painted, Tom lived up to his reputation as one hell of a painter.
I love that red interior.

Me too... that's why I almost changed my Black with Red accents to the ultra cool Porno Red.My interior lady told me the seats alone would be $1000 to re-do them and since I already paid her $1000 for custom covers that haven't even been sat in yet, I couldn't justify it.