Stop in for a cup of coffee

<3 acres left and the damn combine breaks again…
Party tonight for Chins Daughter, Tu Suong. She is 19 years old today. I don't have a picture handy of her now but I will get one of her later. We just came to check out the party room. Party starts in an hour. Approximately 1:30 p.m. Vietnam time.


morning all y’all, am I first? Hah! Just a quick drive by as I am teaching a Church Security team in Little Rock today. I think we are going to get wet! Got rained out yesterday on big house construction. Should be a pretty good class today, we got no Rambo wannabes in this group.
Morning weekend waariors. Sitting here listening to the wind and rain. It's supposed to clear out early this morning and be a sunny day.
Yesterday we spent a rainy day going through stuff in our basement storage. We got most of it cleared out and put away we'll finish it up today.
We went to a couple places and bought Christmas stuff that I was told we needed. Ok I said I know the rules.
You know the stuff they put out on tables and places for a few weeks and then pack them away again for next year.
Dinner at home and my college football team's game tonight.
Have a great Saturday!!
How is the knee feeling Craig?
Hey, had an old friend call me yesterday. He was an officer on my department for a few years and then went to the FBI.
He spent a number of years as a firearms instructor for the FBI and was also on their response team.
He retired a few years ago and they hired him back as a firearms instructor. He still lives in the Virginia area.
Yes, he's happy he works at the schoolhouse and has nothing to do with the puzzle palace.
He was intrigued with your training center. Hopefully I can get him down there some day.
Having been in Fargo for so many years where you don’t ever get thunder. I had forgotten the violence of a good old fashioned Southern toad drowning Thunderstorm! Man it rained!
We were downstairs yesterday and hadn't heard it in months. First big rumble shook the house.
We looked at each other and at the same time said "thunder" and went back to work...haha!!
What a marathon day at the VA yesterday,
0700 blood work
0830 Pul test
0945 6 month check, new doc again!
1040 ekg
1130 sleep apnea results issue of a Ccap?
Man rough day left here at 0500 Then a bunch of calls from them. She (new doc) is so worried about my B pressure that has always been high. Yesterday it was actually lower than it has been in a long time. Its the nero results that triggered all this it showed I had two small strokes, prob when I was raising Lindsay Lohan II! Wife is actually laughing says I will be around forever, only the good die young!
Hey, had an old friend call me yesterday. He was an officer on my department for a few years and then went to the FBI.
He spent a number of years as a firearms instructor for the FBI and was also on their response team.
He retired a few years ago and they hired him back as a firearms instructor. He still lives in the Virginia area.
Yes, he's happy he works at the schoolhouse and has nothing to do with the puzzle palace.
He was intrigued with your training center. Hopefully I can get him down there some day.
He is welcome anytime. Once the world slows down a bit we will get you and Cheryl down. I have been on a roller coaster for teaching this last few weeks. I would not mind slowing down one bit!
Having been in Fargo for so many years where you don’t ever get thunder. I had forgotten the violence of a good old fashioned Southern toad drowning Thunderstorm! Man it rained!
Toad drowning. :lol: Dad always called it a "frog strangler". I wonder which is worse? :rofl:
Supposed to do oil changes on a couple vehicles today. Buddy’s van and pickup. Seasonal tire swap. Nope, he’s working. Not how i planned the day. So, maybe go get a lift of pellets. Or get all 3. Will be lots of work though.
Toad drowning. :lol: Dad always called it a "frog strangler". I wonder which is worse? :rofl:
Just read an online article explaining single and blended Scotch whiskey...hmm a better understanding now and the article gave a few recommendations.
We both enjoy sipping a good whiskey usually Crown Black. Scotch sounds like a good alternative might have to make a liquor store run.