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  1. monook

    Happy Birthday Ma Snart !!!!

    Happy birthday! Darryl
  2. monook

    See you in the funny pages...

    Good luck Steve. Darryl
  3. monook

    Good advertising!

    I laughed so hard at this ,I shipped my pants also! Darryl
  4. monook

    We Lost Our House!!

    Praying that everything comes back together for you and family. Don't worry about the house for now, you and your family are alive thank GOD! Stay strong at Heart. Darryl
  5. monook

    67 Barracuda questions

    If the paint is bubbling everywhere then it has to be stripped down. Who knows what is under there, this alone will cost big bucks. Use that as a low ball offer. 4500 sounds high by what you describe about the car. Can you post pics? Oh Welcome to the site! Darryl
  6. monook

    Mutliple explosions at finish line of Boston Marathon

    There are a lot of sick people on this planet. But must think positive of the good people. Prayers for those affected. Darryl
  7. monook

    New member 440 Duster

    Welcome from 2011.
  8. monook

    Show Us Pictures of 2nd Generation Barracudas

    Ma Snart. Love the 1969 vert and the color also! Darryl
  9. monook

    R.I.P. to my sister in law. F*** cancer.

    Prayers sent. Darryl
  10. monook

    Dash light woes

    Steve! Can you pull my dash out too? My fuel gauge is acting up LOL! Anyway bump for ya. Good luck Darryl
  11. monook

    Divorce sale

    You helped me out big time Scott. I hope everything will works itself out. I am sorry to hear this. Good luck on the sales. Darryl
  12. monook

    could use some prayers

    You did what was right by trying to keep a roof over your head. Do not feel guilty, as you did not know this was going to happen. Yes I understand that we sometimes do not pay attention to the REAL things in life. Prayers to your Father , to you and your Family. GOD Bless. Darryl
  13. monook

    can you figure this one out?

    No I can not, now I am confused LOL! How can that be? Darryl
  14. monook

    Back seat

    Thanks FISHBREATH I will double check that before filing. The hook part seems pointed down on that side, thats why I was having problems. I had to take seat out to unplug the motor for the top because of a sticky switch (Vert). ESP47 This is a convertibe and there is 2 bolts for the back but...
  15. monook

    Back seat

    I got it! I guess I will file the hook part down a little so it does not grab so much for if I have to take it out again. Thank you. Darryl
  16. monook

    Back seat

    Trying that but me am a little wimpy LOL! I slide the carpet out and can see the fish hook now. Still working on it. Thank you 6pk2goDemon Darryl
  17. monook

    Back seat

    Thanks bigtommy I have the one side unhooked and try to wedge it up and get a screw driver in there. Darryl
  18. monook

    Back seat

    I can not get the bottom back seat out. I push a little down ward and try to pull up. Got the one side off the latch but can not get the otherside up and out. Any tricks out there? Darryl