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  1. Inertia

    Stock Market

    The Fed finally lowered rates, he lower 1/2 a point insteada 1/4 point, This bodes well for everything . Now consumer prices will continue to drop as borrowed money is cheaper, lines of credit more available and cheaper giving more flexibility to small business. There is a real possibility of a...
  2. Inertia

    Putting up a shop in CA - fire department being a pain

    I found changing my "shop/garage" to "barn" , changed a lotta my rules , mainly height. Garage 13 ft high. Barn. - no restriction. FireDept. - width only .existing driveway
  3. Inertia

    Have you ever lost

    Very, very awesome. Thnx for sharing.
  4. Inertia

    [Found!] A body bucket left seat hinge cover

    Check Vans, they have the bench seat one
  5. Inertia

    Who has the rundown on the evolution of the LA series engine?

    Like Xmas morning, oh boy !
  6. Inertia

    67 commando 273 issue

    Yep, agree, just not to be overlooked, as I have done, lol Just a coupla quick shots of air.
  7. Inertia

    67 commando 273 issue

    There is gas boiling, and dripping down the barrels, but if the bleeds are plugged, that can cause "syphoning" which also causes dripping after shutoff. Find and clear air bleeds, reset/check float level, check for sunk/heavy float, might be considered. Good luck
  8. Inertia

    Who has the rundown on the evolution of the LA series engine?

    This help ?
  9. Inertia

    Using oil issue

    If it were mine, I'd clean the plugs or new, run it for a few hours, and pull the plugs again looking for plugs that are "different". I would expect that plug to be wet/oily again. Sources of oil, - pcv, intake manifold or gasket, valve guide, valve not opening, ring. good luck jmo
  10. Inertia

    Using oil issue

    Yep, all depends on climate, temp change ranges, humdittity, etc. I release the rockers/shafts on our cars, non-ohcam. Rotate the ohcam engines regularly.
  11. Inertia

    Using oil issue

    Other pix weren't helpful, not your fault. Cheers.
  12. Inertia

    Using oil issue

    An engine sitting for a very long time, if not properly prepared, can literally let the cylinders with open valves " breathe". Suck in cold damp air, expel warm air, day after day can form rust patches in those cyls. Lotsa these engines will seize, others will run with reduced power? from these...
  13. Inertia

    Using oil issue

    L2 sucking oil, lotsa ash. L4 not so good. Tighten intake bolts, clean plugs, repeat . On-end shot of 2/4 plug tips may be helpful.
  14. Inertia

    Have you ever lost

    Old age is a *****. I'm 74, have arthritis in thumbs, wrists, shoulder, knees. Usual meds, CBD/THC meds helps lots. I'm trying to help/guide my grandson with his 67GT. We have floors and lower 4 quarters to do on it,. And tomorrow a 67 Barracuda is arriving that needs the front upper control arm...
  15. Inertia

    Have you ever lost

    If you don't have enuff regrets, sell either one, or both ! ! You'll have more regrets. I still have the 69 Swinger 340 I bought new, no regret . Experience !
  16. Inertia

    Too Hot

    I have had to send rads back, they do make mistakes, and also faulty parts. If you have access to an infra red camera, here some pix Dana shot, showing plugged tubes, and hot water by-passing past the sides of the plugged finned area. See if you can find a way to get a similar picture, You may...
  17. Inertia

    Have you ever lost

    Perhaps find another enthusiast in your area, not nec Mopar. Talk to your parts guy, and put up a "anyone interested in sharing help" note on your local grocer bulletin board, or similar. My parts guy puts folks onto me often, go look at their ride, kick some tires and ***, get er done. Go put...
  18. Inertia

    67 commando 273 issue Ask for above .
  19. Inertia

    340 Overheat / Radiator Geyser

    Trust in karma, it'll come back if you gave . Good luck helps too .
  20. Inertia

    Ring compressor

    I have a coupla any size Springsteel jobbies. The "good one" either Mac or S/on I inherited used with the business, very old, but works good, lasted about 60 years, dozens of engines, all sizes, and been the "shop-tool" for over a dozen mechanics. It needed "tuning" a few times. The similar...
  21. Inertia

    New Owner, Transmission swap

    I used to love the street guys that insisted in a rolling start, - not knowing you have 1st gear "coast" valve body. Like pulling the trigger at speed . jmo
  22. Inertia

    340 Overheat / Radiator Geyser

    Regarding your squatter. I was a landlord for a loooong time. Courts couldn't get em out. power, water had been off for months. Wife and I were watching TV one nite saw story of landlord taking baseball bat and busting out squatters (his) windows. My wife didn't scream long or loud enuff as I...
  23. Inertia

    340 Overheat / Radiator Geyser

    Some mechanical fans may be less efficient if turned around, but the direction of wind will be the same. Changing direction of rotation will reverse wind/flow.
  24. Inertia

    TTI Header help

    Doug's has one set (453) that fit 90% of the Mopars 67 up, but not the early years. I bet someone here may swap you a set.
  25. Inertia

    340 Overheat / Radiator Geyser

    The slipping impellor deal can be checked by pulling the by-pass hose off the timing cover and slide a tool with a bent end as in pic, you can hook, or jamb the impellor to check if it's secure to the shaft. As mentioned, the rad is shedding enuff, if it were mine, put the cap on, tape over the...
  26. Inertia

    LMAO at the poor English in compressor manual

    Funny how all IKEA assembly don't use one word, iirc.
  27. Inertia

    Using oil issue

    ^^^^^^^^ what he said. Pull the plugs, keep them in order, give us a pic. Cheers.
  28. Inertia

    Anybody use stock style '70 Dart tips with TTI exhaust?

    Leave them sticking out as far as looks good. Those little black rust pits that form on the chrome bumpers is from the exhaust.
  29. Inertia

    Please Help Me - Posting for my 70 year old grandfather

    I would also like to suggest you not overlook a local auto upholstery shop (after research), as I have had a few seats repaired where a seam split, or the material got "hard", and replaced the "bum" section only, with surprisingly similar grain material. Depends on the quantity of the repair...
  30. Inertia

    Please Help Me - Posting for my 70 year old grandfather

    For decades Legendary Auto Upholstery seems the best quality, with fewest complaints, from my personal use in 4 vehicles, all Darts, and being able to compare another, cheaper manufacturer, side by side, - and the quality difference was night and day. The cheaper manufacturer "stitching " was...