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  1. K

    Hooker headers with Milodon 8ct pan

    Dart Frog, I have not tried this and it sounds like the answer I have been looking for! Couple questions, where exactly do you wire the drivers side to? Second, how high do you have the car raised? Thanks in advance!
  2. RustyRatRod

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    But keep in mind, under the right circumstances, a high RPM retard might be a good thing.
  3. B

    72 Dart 360 PVC valve issues

    Ign timing is not going to change, or stop, fumes exiting the breather unless the ign timing provides a large change in idle rpm. This is not an ign problem. It sounds like the engine is worn & you are getting more crankcase blowby, which shows up as fumes exiting the breather. At idle, the PCV...
  4. George Jets

    Slant 6 ignition

    Check inside your distributor cap for carbon spark trails shorting things out. Also stay away from the distributor caps with the narrow inside terminals > they are trouble. Teminals should be like 1/4" wide or better. ☆☆☆☆☆
  5. Dana67Dart

    Optical ignition?

    it indexes off the lobes of the point ignition and would not even raise the rotor
  6. Ahoey

    Last one to post in this thread wins!

    There’s no mistaking Anne Wilson’s voice excellent concert, lots of memorie, played all the the tunes
  7. Ahoey

    Last one to post in this thread wins!

    There’s no mistaking Anne Wilson’s voice excellent concert, lots of memorie, played all the the tunes
  8. Dart Frog

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    I have run a high rev 7500 for years with a Blaster coil it has been solid up to 6800 no complaints.but now I see why it likes so much timing. great video.thanks.
  9. Mopar Sam

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    Eye opening for sure. If you see a news story about an old man who got split in half by an exploding clutch fan, that will be me. Now I'm gonna have to check my 80's msd 6a. Great video!
  10. 67Dart273

    1971 360 question

    I had a 71 hi compression. My understanding, perhaps not correct, is that some were high and some low. Maybe early/ late, etc.
  11. 67Dart273

    Slant 6 ignition

    Dave if you are not getting fire to some holes, I would check carefully for a bent dist. shaft, play in the shaft/ advance, or other related problems. And be CERTAIN the points are actually opening and closing as should be. I hate pulling dist's on slants but you might have to, give it...
  12. gunbunny

    Who's got a painting of their car?

    My wife had this done as a Christmas gift. It's hanging in my (I hate this term but..) man cave.
  13. George Jets

    72 Dart 360 PVC valve issues

    To read the timing correctly you need to pull the vacuum advance hose off at the carb and plug that carb port with a short hose and a golf tee. Also slow the idle way down so the mechanical advance is not engaging. Should be somewhere around 12 degrees BTDC advanced initial and 30° degrees...
  14. 2

    [WANTED] 65 Barracuda turn signal switch

    Hi Looking for a 65 Barracuda turn signal switch, NOS or equivalent. Not the chinese knock off one. Does anybody know if Slant 6 Dan still sells them, or any other sources? The aftermarket one is junk.
  15. RustyRatRod

    Oops…. Live streamed our intimate moments on FB ! How stupid am I ?

    This^^^ We need the link. And lube.....lots of lube. lol
  16. harrisonm

    Thanks for the add

    Welcome from Kansas
  17. G

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    Interesting. I run the old Analog MSD 6/7 and the expensive grade HVC coil. Even then with the way I do the ground straps only .035 gap. My .02 = for Free
  18. Dart Frog

    My first classic Mopar!

    Let the journey begin..nice start!
  19. RustyRatRod

    Who’s magnum swap motor pic is this ??

    Badass, Mike!
  20. Scody21

    Oops…. Live streamed our intimate moments on FB ! How stupid am I ?

    Reality show just got taken to the next level…
  21. fastnos

    [WANTED] 1971 A body Ralley Speedo

    All good looking dashes! Price..? I pmd you before..
  22. harrisonm

    Who's got a painting of their car?

    Wow! I bet there are a lot of guys on this forum that would love to have her do one for them.
  23. 4fortyDemon

    Oops…. Live streamed our intimate moments on FB ! How stupid am I ?

    Who clicked the link? Lmao!!
  24. 1WildRT

    Who's got a painting of their car?

    I agree, Bruce does similar work, kinda cartoonesque.. Kinda Rat Fink... Or simply Cool!
  25. RustyRatRod

    proud daddy... :)

    Great stuff, Joe! So proud of Rylee!
  26. T

    [WANTED] 1967 273 Commando Valve cover PVC Valve Rubber Gromet

    Mopar number 3751510 pcv grommet was used for most models in the 60's, 70's and 80's.