1972 Dodge Colt

I wished you happy birthday on Facebook, but I reckon it's your birthday here too. Happy birthday! lol
One of my buddy's just picked up one of Bob Mayerle's Rod Shop Colts. He's tearing it down over Labor Day weekend and we're inspecting the frame for integrity and marking which bars will need to be moved around.

Much more to come, but just wanted to share this with you guys. Pretty awesome piece of history. Very cool to work on.

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I tried to buy this car when I was looking for my Colt.
He wanted 60k then, it was out of my price range.
But what a great Colt!
What do you plan for it?
Glad to hear that Stan! Take tomorrow off and enjoy the day.
No we are going on a trip with our friends from VA soon, CO, Utah, AZ so I have to get stuff done.
I am covering the inside walls in the shop with wood and paint, I want to get that done soon.
Then I can get back on the Colt.
I tried to buy this car when I was looking for my Colt.
He wanted 60k then, it was out of my price range.
But what a great Colt!
What do you plan for it?
I think the engine is still undecided, but the transmission will be a Liberty.

We got about 20lbs+ of rubber from the wheel wells. Just a ton of cleanup and inspecting the welds. This will be a slow project but its going to be awesome when it's done.


Pretty common on metal buildings.
They roll it on before the put the metal sheeting on.
It's only an inch or so thick.
You can see it in this picture before I started in the interior walls.
New Garage  (1).jpeg