Glad you are busy . . . busy is good. Sure beats the hell out of sitting around watching TV eating popcorn :happy1:. . . well maybe not. Glad the trans was ok, what did it set you back to just get it checked? My wife also loves converts . . . she has a silver PT softtop which she can't wait to put down. We have to keep 'em spoiled!! When ya get a chance, take more pics with that new fancy-dancy picture taker, and don't forget to include the watchdogs!! :toothy7:Take care, Rog
The tranny service at the dealer was about $125.00 and that ended up being about the cheapest thing put on the car so far!!
(Warning Sad info below)

I had a girl in the service dept. at our local Dodge dealer who would always take care to keep my bills there down to earth by giving me discounts and coupons I didn't even know they had. I would always bring in a dozen Duncan to her and the service dept everytime I was in there. Really knew her Dodge cars too and always enjoyed the cars I showed up with. Had called her Friday before last to have her give me the maintanence history on the 92 LeBaron. She ended up having complete service records sense it was new! Then sadly I found out last Wed (5 days later) that she passed away unexpectedly at 44 years old. Laid to rest this past Sat. She was 6 years younger than me.......I'm still in shock about it. She was always keeping my bill down to a less than normal ammount. I had been dealing with her for over 10 years. Really going to miss her......Makes you think too.....
Better get my affairs in order because you can't call a time out to get stuff finished up before you go, especially with no warning!!
Just got LeBaron back yesterday to the tune of about $700.00 more into it! There goes the tax return!! It makes it easier though sense ABodyBetty and I are splitting the bills on the LeBaron down the middle due to both of us driving it and I would sell it for the $ if she didn't go in on it with me, LOL!
LeBaron repairs so far;
Car Purchase, $250.00
Tranny service, $125.00
Exhaust repair with lifetime warranty, $125.00
Shocks and struts, Less then $150.00
Struts installed by Yard Dawg, $100.00
Alignment, rebalance tires and rotate front to back, Less than $75.00
Nappy Gold Wix oil filter, oil, bottle of Lucas, Less than $30.00
Timing belt & tensioner, water pump, serp and v-belts, idler and power pullies for serp belt, tensioner pulley for AC v-belt, used harmonic balancer, timing cover gasket set, valve cover gasket set, 2 gal antifreeze, etc., approx; $250.00
Labor to install above; $400.00
Extra key, $3.00
Did I forget anything? Jezz I hope so!! That way this next number won't be so big! LOL!! I haven't totalled yet so here goes.....
Approx $1508.00!!!
WOW!! the cash goes quick!!! I had a mental money limit on repairs to get the leBaron back on the road as a dependable driver for ABB. That mental guess and limit was $1500 due to me thinking that $1500 would be about what we would get if we had to resell (for house payment as usual!! LOL)
Plus that was all I thought the car was worth!!
Problem is we still need a convertable top Boot Cover. The cover that goes over the top when the top is down. If you don't use one the headliner will be destroyed eventually. Found a used one on ebay for $300. We still would need 1 or 2 pieces of trim, some body work and about $300.00 for paint and body supplies to finish the car.
Goes to show no matter what the year of the car, if you restore it, the best you can hope for is a break even deal when you go to sell. I have never made money on restores. Usually break even if I'm lucky!!
After all is said and done, if we can drive it till next spring and then sell for around $1500 then it would be worth while to have done all this. Academic at best sense we already spent the money!!
I'll be taking on a 1.5 hour round trip test drive this morning. Told the mechanic if it blows apart on the road, I'll be back tomorrow with it on my car hauler for him to fix again! He says it shouldn't blow apart from anything he did. I told him he just met me and has no friggin idea of how my luck runs!!
When I picked it up last night it was between rain storms so the first thing I did was lower the top before pulling out. ABB might have been jelious but wasn't showing it sense she had driven me there in her Swinger! LOL!!:glasses8:
Sorry Rog, kinda hard to get a pic of the new Nikon D-60 Gold camera while using it! I'll get on front of a mirror next time for a couple of pics but I was worried about braking the new camera and the mirror with me being in the pic too! LOL!!
After tax return gets here, I'll be sending my old faithfull Nikon D-40 camera into Nikon for service. With the lower res it shoots better for FABO pics than the new one! The new camera files have to be sized down further than the old camera.
Still waiting for that long car search trip ABB promised us!!
Will be going after weather gets better.
Really looking foward to the next chapter of
Should get some good pics this next chapter sense we'll be having the top down on the next excursion!! LOL!!
Be leaving for that test drive in a couple hours.
The LeBaron has been taking up all my time lately but haven't had any junk car calls in the past 2 weeks sense I bought it. Could really use some junk now! I'm thinking people aren't calling right now due to constant bad weather. Really need some junk I can sell now!! I can't keep and fix all the junk I get!!
I reminded ABB that the LeBaron is a J body and that means it's John's car! LOL!! She wasn't buying that one!!!
Chow for now!!:glasses8: