CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

It's been way too long!!
Mood Music,


[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Roger Miller King Of The Road Video‬‏[/ame]

Was working on Lump in the driveway today and look what pulled up!
Thought I would share and come up with chapter 33 of
1 of the guys that lives up the street stopped by to show me what kind of junk he pulled out of a field today for free, no charge, just to get it out of here!!
Wish I could get deals like that!!
Anyway it's a "King Midget" made by Midget Motors in Athens OH.
Not many made and made the "50 worst cars list"! LOL!
I'm thiking a rack on back for 2 golf bags!!
Anyone else know anything about them??
Here's what 1 should look like when finished.

Here is some quick pics, hope you like.
See you in the next chapter 34 of


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Purchased on 7.11.11 for ABB present!
The guy up the street called me this morning. Long story short, here's how it looks sitting in my restore que next to and after "Ashe" the 73 Duster. They even unloaded it for me. I haven't even touched it yet!
It's a model III, it has the 12 volt version generator, not sure which tranny it has but is 1 wheel drive on pass side comming off tranny via bike chain! LMAO!!
The web site was very informative, there's an event in Athens at the end of the month!:downtown:
I can get a repop body kit just like what is there for $1300.00!!:eek:ccasion:
Someday in the next couple years ABB might be making that 1/2 mile drive to work in it with a booming 9 - 10 horse Briggs twin cyl!!!
Now looking for the 9.7hp wisconsin that's supposed to be there. Some guys are opting for bigger motors. Should get what, 75 miles to gallon??!!

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪King Midgets at Concord NC at Jamboree 2009‬‏[/ame]


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A friend of mine has restored a couple of these... Mighty cool find there.
Pretty sweet score, i could think of tons of fun stuff to do with that... reminds me of the IH scout i had back in the day :)
Chapter 34,


[ame=""]‪Blackfoot - Train, Train‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Ahh back in 82.......
The music, the big hair, the "Great way of Life", the great free trips to "Jolly Old" for "Uncle Sugar"!! LMAO!!!

In the end of this chapter of
you will see a "British" Taxi. (Please no offense intended if I used that term wrong. No ill will meant and pardon to our peeps in England, sorry blokes) Funny story I thought I would share.....
It was the early 80's and I was serving my country working on Buffs and was sent TDY to England with them 2 years in a row. Great times, loved the country and the people. Very warm and friendly. The WWII generation would treat us like royalty in the pubs! But in turn I would always hand out the free King Edward Cigars to them too. Hey it was all good!!
I digress.....
Anyway, Me and the boys, we had a weekend "OFF". So we decided we would go into London to see what kind of mischief we could get into. We decided t go there by rail (everyone uses there) Had a bar car!! There was a strange guy following us we noticed. (It wasn't a secret we were going so Base security of some secret unknown sorce would be there watching us.) We made this guy following us from the first station in town we were in. He followed us on the train, to the bar car, back to seats, back to bar car (each one of us, he would follow and keep moving to watch us all, weird huh??) We get off in London. We see him out front of the station and proceed to walk and run at times to loose him. We did or so we thought....
We see a taxi stand so we jump in one of the taxis there (See last pics on this chapter) and tell the driver to take us to Picadilly (we heard that was where the gals were). The driver says "Alright Yanks her we go. He pulls up to the next space and stops, shuts off motor, and says "Ear we are Yanks, that will be 10 pound each! We kinda looked at each other freaking. The driver says walk through the alley, it's the next street over!We all started bustin up laughing. Dropped a 10 spot on him anyway!
We get out and what do ya know, the guy that WAS following us is jumping out of a taxi behind us that had only moved 1 spot too!!!
So for craps and giggles the group sent the main smart *** (me) over to ask him what neighborhood the girls were in. He also swears he wasn't following us! (Yeah...RIIIiiiight!)
So we offer him 10 pound to show us around the red light district. When he thought we were going up stairs to one place, He said he was off for smokes and would be right back.
As soon as he left, we were back down the stairs and gone. I'm sure he got reamed for loosing us. We didn't ever see him again. LOL
We spent all Sat. touristing London. Stayed in a B&B for 10 pound each. The place had 7 mini single beds in the same room sharing a bathroom!!
Weird but cheap. The breakfast the next morning was "Bangers and eggs"
It was the best breakfast I ever had. Perfect for the hangover we all suffered.
Good Times!
Back to chapter 34 of
There is a car lot in Cincinnati OH that I stop in and look around anytime I'm near there. I've always wanted to share this place wiuth you guys and gals but always forget the camera!
Well guess what? I went today and had the camera!!!
Pics to follow...

I wanted to tell FABO also, chapter 35 is looming....
Word on the streets is, I've worked a deal for a 73 Scampi the same colors as our other car LUMP!
FABO, FOTO, and I, will be leaving around 6 ish in the morning to go and pick it up, as long it is as described. They are supposed to have paperwork ready for transfer at 7am!!
It's supposed to have a "Like New" trunk area under mat, NO RUST!!
Yet another Older Lady owned car. She always garaged it and had it painted every so often to keep it fresh. LOL
If you guys want to go with me I'll take ya but there won't be any arguing and I'm the boss when you're riding in FOTO with me to pick up a car. I need to focus and not listen to a bunch of whining about the bathroom or when are we getting there!!!!:mrgreen:

Might need to make another chapter for that Lancer!!:love7:

See ya'll here tomorrow for another exciting chapter of


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Hit it!

[ame=""]‪The Dead Weather - I Cut Like A Buffalo [OFFICIAL VIDEO]‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Last few pics.
Let me know if FABO wants to go with in the morning. Got nuff room for aryone!!
Be here for Chapter 35 of


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Hey, the Auto Lot isn't that far from my house! Nice pics...

Better hurry and get ya some o dat Lancer Yo!!:mrgreen:
(Before I do!)
If ABB sees it tonight on here, she'll want me to go there in the AM and trade her Daisy for it! I drove Daisy there today sense I sold the caravan yesterday! Boy does her AC work great!!:glasses8:

It'll have to wait till Sat though if she does. I got a 73 scampi for

to pick up in the morning!
Hey, the Auto Lot isn't that far from my house! Nice pics...

OH!! SAT. is out too!!
Are you going up to Hamilton OH this Sat. 7.23.11??
If so, meet ya there!

If not, I'll PM ya next time I'm going to that lot. They call me when Mopar hits the lot!

Sat 7.23.11
Hamilton OH
57th Annual Antique & Classic Car Parade/Show
Hamilton West Shopping Center
Brookwood Dr.
8:30-11:30 registration
Ends in the middle of downtown Hamilton Square in front of Court house.
Awards at 3:30 there.
Open to all vehicles through 86
In restored or original condition
No modifieds, street rods, replicars, or after market wheels!!
3 trophies each of 62 classes!
Really cool show! They have old timey Buses, Semis, motorcycles, everything!! Way Cool!
If ya come up ther to see us, and we are'nt next to the car between 8:30- 11:30, we'll be in the Chinese resturant across from the front of our car!!
Maybe see Ya?!
PM me if you're going up for the specticle!:mrgreen:
This is my all time favorite show of the year.
Chapter 35 of
is on!!!

Just got a call from the owner. He's holding the scampi for us till 7AM when we are meeting him there.

Yall goin?
or are ya waiting till me and FOTO get back with it on his back?

Remember if ya decide to go, I don't want to be a listenin to a bunch of questions bout
"Can we stop and go to the bathroom?"
"I'm getting hungry! Can we stop for something to eat?"
"How much farther is it?"
"Are we there yet?"

The only bad smell in FOTO's cab will be diesel fumes, no human fumes, IF ya know what I mean!!:mrgreen:
FOTO hasn't hauled anything or been driven in about 4-5 weeks!
So if ya want to go and can follow the rules mentioned....
Yall can pile on in, but we're leaving early!! If ya aint there on time, I'll just leave ya there with your coffee in your hand and your mouth hanging open!!!
Hey i,m 4-5min. away from Hamilton west Shopping Center, I don't always make it to the Parade but I could an exception and look for your great looking Dart there if that's the one you'll be takin, would love meeting you been lurking on all of your threads since I started here.
Holy crap! I had to look in my garage to see if my Lancer was missing!!! LOL!! Mine might be up for sale soon though.:(


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Here we go!
Chapter 35 of


Got over there this morning, and once I got out of the truck I noticed there were too many FABO members on and in FOTO to even be able to load a car on the deck!!
So I did not buy the car!
The guy still has it for sale and it is in Cincinnati's Craigs list.
If interested PM me or hook up with him.
I think he might go below the $1500.00 asking price a smidge.
Here's the link;

Another $30.00 in fuel gone for nothing!

Better luck to us all next time!:cry:
Extra Edition of


ABodyBetty's old 6 cylinder 1969 4door named Clara is up for sale again!
She found it on CL just now!!
It's for sale but the price is a lot higher than when we sold it.
Thought I would share.
New owner has done some work to her with air shocks and a new hidden stereo!
Wish we could buy it back!
Here's the link;

That's all I got for today.
See Yall next time on

Here we go!
Chapter 35 of


Got over there this morning, and once I got out of the truck I noticed there were too many FABO members on and in FOTO to even be able to load a car on the deck!!
So I did not buy the car!
The guy still has it for sale and it is in Cincinnati's Craigs list.
If interested PM me or hook up with him.
I think he might go below the $1500.00 asking price a smidge.
Another $30.00 in fuel gone for nothing!

Better luck to us all next time!:cry:

I'm confused John why didn't you buy the car?
Ok I am in the truck and waiting.

Hey chryslerfat,
Man you were really a great co-pilot today!!
Thanks for going and reading the mapquest for me. We didn't get lost at all and was a nice somewhat cool drive relitively speaking.:happy7:
Thanks for helping me wash FOTO and remembering to add that quart of oil too!
Wow you really had that drivers rear outside tire aired up to specs. You said it only had 20lbs in it this morning??
WOW!! FOTO sat there for about 5 weeks in the driveway. Good thing you noticed it being low. Is that the only thing you use that tire thumper for? Looked like a kids baseball bat to me!
Thanks for wanting to chip in on fuel that was really nice of you, but you'll need that money for your new house.
Liked the way you straightened up the passenger floors geting rid of the Double D's cups and what not when we were fueling.
It was really nice to have a good copilot on these hit and run strikes.
Wish we could have loaded it up and brought it back!
At least the current owner is a really nice guy. He reads FABO too!

Thanks for helping, I'll get those cool pics ya got of the sunrise posted as soon as I edit them this later.
Got to go out to the oven now. I have to put the bias ply tires back on Daisy today for the car show tomorrow. Lump is getting her radials back!

Hope you go with me next time and we'll be sure not to haul sooo many FABO members with us on the next trip or we'll tow a trailer next time too!

Have a good one today and stay cool!
I'm confused John why didn't you buy the car?

Just trying to be nice and a little humorous about the situation.
The current owner is a really nice guy and I liked him right away.
He is a member here and I'm not flaming his ride.
I'm on the positive side of life right now looking at 50 soon so I didn't have enough time right now or energy to get into more metal fab right now. I still got Ashe our 73 Duster to start and a KING Midget to do this winter.

If ya go to buy, look it over and under.
Has alot potential. If someone is younger, has the passion, and is attending a body shop class in high school it would be the absolute perfect car for them.
If I was to gamble my cash at this time, I would have to flip something else to pay my bills comming up soon. I don't have anything else to sell at the moment. Junk cars drying up. The calls I do get, they want me to come and get for the same price the yard is paying me.
Repo auction next week. That's where my business is heading. I can use that same cash from this to go there, spend couple days in junk yard, couple in my driveway, then have cash from that for bills at the 1st of the month.

The owner also stated he could get a set of torsion bars from Yard Dawg for $40.00 and drive the wheels off of it.
I said why not? So I'm calling him with the price for the bars right now.
He's probibly reading this right now. If he is, he's got the price now and has my phone number.

Hey Mike,
If ya want the bars call me! Anything else Hallah!

He Really was a nice guy and alright with me so far.
He's also got a 318 on the ground behind it that is available too!
It's worth a look if your situation is different than mine. When I roll the dice right now, I'm all in at 15!:toothy7:

We just talked again! He's meeting me tomorrow at the car show in Hamilton!, OH and picking up his torsion bars from me!
So I guess it's a no go on the Lancer I thought that is what you were going for. hmm must a missed the Scamp.
Hey i,m 4-5min. away from Hamilton west Shopping Center, I don't always make it to the Parade but I could an exception and look for your great looking Dart there if that's the one you'll be takin, would love meeting you been lurking on all of your threads since I started here.

Hey Brad!
Come on down. Either AbodyBetty will be there with me or my son Clay. Not sure who yet.
But would love to meet ya!
Stop in and say hi!
I will be in class #39 Production Mopar 1964-1986, probibly 1st or 2nd car in that class line up.
All the classes are parked nose facing the shopping center. As you walk along strip mall you will pass class lines starting at #1 on South side of building walking left to right (North) the class lines go up from there. I should be somewhere close to the Chinese resturant.
If the car is locked, I'm in there eating or sitting in a lawn chair under the overhang of the shopping center in front of our car.
There should be free schedules at O'reilly Auto parts and there is one (O'reilly Auto Parts) right there in the parking lot next to the street. That's where you enter.
We'll get your pic to post up on FABO later. Where a ski mask if don't want anyone to see ya on here! LOL!:toothy7:
See ya there!!
So I guess it's a no go on the Lancer I thought that is what you were going for. hmm must a missed the Scamp.

Yes for now.
The owner is meeting me at the show for his new(used) torsion bars.
He'll be driving it soon!

The Lancer is beeing discussed with ABodyBetty as we speek.
She brought it up again right before I read this post.
As far as I know, the Lancer is still there, and my pics did NOT do it justice. The interior is beautiful. It feels like it was the 60's in there!!
I want that car, but you're welcome to it and so is the rest of FABO!
I can't buy them all. The only way of getting this is flat out trade even for ABB's 74 Swinger. Or....
Trade My 74 Lump as is, + some cash down and rest buy here pay here to restore our credit sense the job loss.
The Lancer needs me, don't ya think? LOL:yawinkle:
Wouldn't be able to do anything till Monday anyway.
Got a show tomorrow, it's a twelve hour day for us.