Cliff's Wife

Thanks for all the well wishes. My lungs and liver is what giving me trouble. June I will be going through a 6 hour procedure to see if and how much damage has been done to my liver. Big Thanks to my wife for letting everyone know how I am doing.
We're here for you Cliff and praying for you to feel better. Thanks for checking in, you are missed.
Cliffy, pass it on.Your choice of locals.I learned and was inspired.
It's good to see you on here again my friend. I'm sending prayers and well wishes your way. Hope to run into you in the chat room again soon
It's good to see you on here again my friend. I'm sending prayers and well wishes your way. Hope to run into you in the chat room again soon

Thank you Bill. I am in chat now if you would like to pop in.
Take all the time you need to rest and heal, my friend. Grace us with your wit and humor when you are able. Good luck!
Hey Cliff, chin up!
We're all here for you.
Think positive, and do what you need to do to turn this around.
Mary sounds like an excellent lady, so you're good there! You should be proud.
Remember, we are the best players on your team.
Prayers sent for a positive outcome.
Hey Cliff, chin up!
We're all here for you.
Think positive, and do what you need to do to turn this around.
Mary sounds like an excellent lady, so you're good there.
Remember, we are the best players on your team.
Prayers sent for a positive outcome.

Thank you Tom. Mary is the greatest wife a guy could have. I am a lucky man. It's a uphill fight and I haven't given up yet.
good to hear from you cliff. you were the very first friend request i received when i joined this site and we miss having you around. get well bud and you can beat whatever comes your way. Mary is blessing and its good know how you are doing. prayers go out to you every day....
cliff, its been a long time my friend. i hope you get well soon! my thoughts and prayers go out to ya buddy. take care friend!
Hey Cliff, How'ya doin today?,....Don't you ever give up,....none of us would stand for that,...
Say hi to Cliff for me! I understand better than most how he feel's with his illness. I have M.S,it's pretty much in my face every day. Dealing with pain is a constant.

Tell him I will pray for him,and to relax. God will help him,this I am sure of.

There is also the diet changes recommended by Dr. Terry Wahl's he could try. She also has M.S,cured herself enough to get out of a wheelchair and back to work.

I realise Cliff does not have M.S,but a healthy diet change will help none the less.

[ame=""]TEDxIowaCity - Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria - YouTube[/ame]

I made the diet change. So far I have more energy,and feel better overall. Muscle weakness in my left leg has been reduced quite a bit as well. My symptom's overall are lessened.One symptom has increased,this is pain but I feel the diet has given my body the ability to rebuild the myelin sheath around my nerves. But the damage is done,and repair is painfull. But my numb finger's of my left hand are improving! I may return to playing guitar one day!

Please take the lesson's I have learned to Cliff. I only want to help,in whatever form I can.

It is a long road until I am well enough to say I am cured.
I stoped by today cliffs not doing good .. He didnt feel good enough to even chat for a few I ask yall pray for my friend
thanks for checking on him DD. Sorry he is not doing well but will definitely pray for him,Joe