Cliff's Wife

Hi Guys,

This is Mary just wanted to let all know he's home from the liver biopsy. Won't know the results for 48 hours. He came home and went to bed, per drs orders can't do anything for 24 hours. But right now that is all we know, everything went fine and now as usual it is just wait and see what they find out. Will let you all know when we do.

Yes please Mary. I would surely love to know how Cliff's health is. Tell him I scanned 30 or so recipes this morning from the Dr Wahls book,and will get the rest done soon. I will email you guy's the entire package,but it will likely be a winzip file to reduce it's size.
Thanks for update,Mary !
Hope he get a good night rest and has a good day tomorrow!!!
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to give an update.Cliff had his liver biopsy Monday and the Dr called this afternoon and said there is no cancer of anykind, but some fat scarring and fatty tissue. He has an appt with him on June 7 for all the actual results to discuss the next thing to do. Hopefully just eating better will help, at least we finally found a hotdog he can eat(hebrew national). Of course, right now he is in chat so just wanted to fill ya'll in.

I know for a fact that eating better will help Mary!!! Most of my numbness is gone. My muscle weakness still shows up when I am fatigued,but only extreme fatigue will make it surface,and extreme fatigue only shows up after heavy exersion.

Cliff;You will be better,feel better,have happiness and joy once again. This I know in my heart. Stick with the game plan ,and the results will keep rolling in!
I know for a fact that eating better will help Mary!!! Most of my numbness is gone. My muscle weakness still shows up when I am fatigued,but only extreme fatigue will make it surface,and extreme fatigue only shows up after heavy exersion.

Cliff;You will be better,feel better,have happiness and joy once again. This I know in my heart. Stick with the game plan ,and the results will keep rolling in!

What he said ^^^^^^. It is very accurate. I have been trying to eat better and I can tell a difference. Try some stress relief techniques because they help calm the body. Try anything that you feel might help and continue with what works for you. Still praying for a full recovery.
Thanks for the update. This is what we wanted to hear.:cheers:
great news all these prayers seem to be working we will keep them comming
Jimmy,yes prayer does help as well. Believe it or not ,prayer is just as good for the one doing the prayers as it is for the reciever of the prayer benefit. Brain activity is very high during prayer;it excersises your brain!! and studies have shown it to increase intelligence as well

But we all mus remeber that Giod helps those who help thmesleves. Cliff is doing just so by eating right,and sooner than later Cliff will find the new diet will give him xtra energy. Soon he will be capable of some excersise which is another key ingredient in wellness.The physical activity will stimulate the mitochondria of his cells ,and they will use the nutrients from his diet to make repairs within his cells.

Have faith all,and pleasecontinue to support Cliff!!!

I truly have an understanding of what it means to be so sick you wish you were dead. BUT....there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I only wish I could convince a few others here to make this diet change,and fuel the revolution towards wellness.Many do not know this,but a great deal of the food on your grocery market shelves is poisonous,and not fit for human consumtion.

Ie; Howmany folks here are aware of the history of margarine? It started out as a supplement to fatten up turkey livestock,but it killed the turkeys so some idiot decided it was safe for humans. And how many here know that margarine is one molecule away from plastic? Seriously,it is!!!!!!

I'd like to raise a challenge. Put a dish of margarine and a dish if butter on your window sill (small amount ) and leave it there for everal weeks. Then check to see which food went moldy,and which food has flies. You will find the margarine will not mold,and also will not attract flies.

WHY? Because the flies know better than we! They can identify which food is edible and which is not.

WE HAVE BEEN DUPED. All in the name of profit. The all mighty dollar has replaced peoples faith in GOD,nature and many other things.And we are paying the price with our health,our loved ones health,and our bank accounts.

It is truly no wonder to me why there are soooooo many ill folks these days.

But I can guarantee one thing. IF you make this diet change your health will improve.Everything else stems from this,as you will be able to work harder,longer and flues,colds will not bother you any more.Even my seasonal allergies have become lessened.

The only caveat is the good,alive foods will increase your food bill. You can compensate by not buying crap,fast food etc and utilising your new found energy to make more $$!!

I am not yet back to work,but I firmly believe it will happen. My energy and well being just keep getting better.

Raw foods are your friend Cliff, I see some good friends here posting great advice.:cheers:
It is good to see the great news today :blob::blob: :cheers:.
My doc said I am holding my own and keep doing what I am doing.
So looks like a Hawaiian bloody Marry stays on my food list, V8, a couple drops of lemon juice same amount of wersisor souse (how ever you spell it) two celery stocks in a 16 ounce glass, Add 100% agava Tequila if you like or can. It's a great drink and fulfilling and makes me feel 10 years younger and makes it easier to get out and about :wink:.
Avocados are a must have and I love them, pricy!! yes :D but for a dollar it can do miracles
Search this some time and I wish you a great day today and an even better one tomorrow my friend :cheers:
Memike,I just love when you post. It's always with wisdom. You have a good day now BUD!