Friend somebody.....

don't make war ....make friends and orange cupcakes


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Well i read this post & tried to friend the fu out of a bunch of people. No takers yet.

No sympathy for the Devil! :happy1:

Well you got one... I just logged in and seen your request,I gladly accepted.
It worked./6 Matt threw me a hello,buddy. Of course, I accepted.
Oh great, now someone wants to be my "friend".
Does it have to be like that TV show?

You know, most places frown on punching someone else in or out.
This is the one that always comes to my mind.
I've punch a clock for almost 40 years at one place or another.
I always think of and feel like the sheep dog when I pass people.
Or is that the coyote I feel like?
[ame=""]Shift Change - YouTube[/ame]
You know, most places frown on punching someone else in or out.

I don't know about work but we used to do that at school ....had an agreement among a bunch of friends that if someone was missing we would sign them in as long as they do it for you if something happened and you were late or something.

I was never a bad student and always had good attendance but there is always that one morning you have a makeup error and over frizzy hair and that is no easy fix problem when your in a hurry, but don't have to hurry because your covered. LOL
I don't know about work but we used to do that at school ....had an agreement among a bunch of friends that if someone was missing we would sign them in as long as they do it for you if something happened and you were late or something.

I was never a bad student and always had good attendance but there is always that one morning you have a makeup error and over frizzy hair and that is no easy fix problem when your in a hurry, but don't have to hurry because your covered. LOL

I thought about it and changed who I might feel like in my post.
But I always THINK about the dog.
Well, when you get right to it, coyote's are dogs too.
Aren't they?
Feeling pressured into befriending? What purpose does that serve?

I have no qualms with anyone here, and, as many here know, I'm very active in the N&P forum, where I am engaged in my discussions, debates, encounters, arguments, and even name calling (though I prefer the descriptive one's that personify the individual). lol

I hold no grudges against anyone, and NEVER take it outside of the shark tank.
A while back (a year or more) I sent a "friends request" to a certain individual who is a member here. In fact I've sent a couple to him. He ignored them, as is his right. I also sent him an invitation to put his name on the "First Names" list. He also ignored that. This is a person who used to frequent the N&P forum, but has since left. We didn't see eye to eye on a number of things, and agreed on a few things. It became very obvious that this person can't deal with "What happens in the Shark Tank STAYS in the Shark Tank", and takes things overly personally.

As I stated earlier, I have no qualms with anyone here. I'm here BECAUSE I enjoy reading your thoughts, ideas, questions, answers, and such. If I didn't like it here, I would just leave. No fan fair, not drama, no announcements. I simply wouldn't show up anymore. But, I do like it here, and have found SOMETHING in common with each and everyone here, whether I've posted in a given thread, or not.

I have about 20 people who have befriended me, and that's very nice of them to do, and I do appreciate it, but, I don't think it's necessary, nor do I think it changes anything.

I consider all of you my friends whether, or not our "friends lists" show it. Even the three or four people I regularly argue with in N&P, even that one person who has ignored each of my attempts to show that I hold no ill feelings toward him, or anyone else for that matter.

Another sign that I enjoy everyone's input is that I have no one on my ignore list. lol

Just my 2¢

Love ya, mean it.
Feeling pressured into befriending? What purpose does that serve?

I have about __ people who have befriended me, and that's very nice of them to do, and I do appreciate it, but, I don't think it's necessary, nor do I think it changes anything.
Exactly.....It means absolutely nothing. According to this site I have a bunch of "Friends".....when was the last time any of them contracted me??? Oh wait, my box is full....better empty it...

Other than someone questioning something I said, sorry Robert I will get around to answering you sometime soon, have not heard from any one on my "friends" list in quite a while. Have helped a few of my "friends" out....and other than the communications from them when I was helping have not heard a peep from them. Have even sent out a few Holiday cards.....with no response. One particular person, who shall remain nameless, has went as far as saying that they would like to get to know me a bit better.....they would be contacting me thru the pm system to do so.....never happened....

Believe me, it is not that I care....I treat this place with the same premise as I did my employment....I am here for a purpose, at work it was to make it is for the educational/entertainment value.... not for the friendship. Was not like this until recently. But things change. Could be that I am not a member of the butt patting crew? Perhaps....Could be where I stand on building bastard cars? Perhaps...Perhaps it is just nothing more than I am not very well liked.....Don't know.....Don't really care....
I'm glad someone else said it, as I've been thinking of a way to put it out there without setting a "why don't you wear a flag pin" context.

What exactly does the friend list do?

One of the reasons I'm not on facebook is because I don't really care to broadcast to the world, who is or is not my 'friend", on a by the minute basis.

If I exchange non-thread related banter with you, I'm probably your friend.

I hate to be a buzz kill about this, and for those three individuals who've sent me friend requests in the last three years, I do appreciate the gesture.

It's just not my style.

mmmmmm- orange iced cupcakes- mmmmmmm
I guess if you think it does nothing, it doesn't. I try to be an optimist, though.

I can give 2 nice examples.

1968FormulaS340. He and I did not like each other. I tried doing better by him on the forum first and noticed some of the same in return, so I sent him a friend request. He accepted it. Now we get along good.

Adam. Most everybody knows our colorful history here. Same basic thing. We started commenting nicely on some posts so I decided to take a chance. I sent Adam a friend request and he accepted it. Who'da thunk it?

It's like anything else. You can either look at it as a positive, or not.
It's a positive gesture and there is no harm in that. For some, it's not their cup of tea and that's fair too. But everyone loves cupcakes....!!!!!!!!
Love that first Video clip

Q:Will u be my friend ?
A: um, I dont understand whats going on here.

Q:Will u be my friend ?
A: i dont know, whats required?

Funny clip
I guess if you think it does nothing, it doesn't. I try to be an optimist, though.

I can give 2 nice examples.

1968FormulaS340. He and I did not like each other. I tried doing better by him on the forum first and noticed some of the same in return, so I sent him a friend request. He accepted it. Now we get along good.

Adam. Most everybody knows our colorful history here. Same basic thing. We started commenting nicely on some posts so I decided to take a chance. I sent Adam a friend request and he accepted it. Who'da thunk it?

It's like anything else. You can either look at it as a positive, or not.

I don't have a problem, either way. I'm not looking at it in a negative light, or a positive light, and I don't see, or make claim to any harm in it, whatsoever. I see no advantage or disadvantage to it. It's just another "something to do".

I look at it as the Members Roster is a "Friends List". That said, there is obviously at least one person who doesn't want me as a "friend", because when I did "reach out to him" he completely ignored it. granted, if it wasn't for the "Friends Request" feature I wouldn't have known that, but, the question still remains, what difference does it make?

You're a cool dude, Rob, and we became friends a while back. Did that change our internet relationship any?
Forgive me if you think I'm being obtuse, I'm honestly not trying to be, but, I honestly don't see a need for the feature. That doesn't mean I want it stopped, or closed, or ended or discontinued. It doesn't mean any of that. It mean only that I don't really think it's necessary to have a list, that no one but you can access, with a bunch of screen names and avatars on it. What's the purpose?
There are people on my friends list who wouldn't give me the right time of day... But, they're on my friends list. :dontknow:

It's a feature that came with the site's software. It's cute, but other than some feel good kind of thing, wait... is that what it's supposed to be? I just don't understand it purpose. :scratch:

It's my opinion that we're all friends here. How do I add 30,000 people to my friends List without making it my life's work? lol :poke:

...and I love cupcakes.
Frank, if either of us is obtuse, it ain't you. lol You have one opinion and I another. Simple as that. ....and yeah I'm glad we are friends too.
Are you gonna kiss me now? :shock:

no kissing with your eyes open :wack:

at least thats what i have been told but i have never kissed a boy so please tell me how it goes :coffee2:

LOL :tongue7: ****rani is running to duck and cover now*****