Have you ever lost

Rule #1 muscle cars will always be lusted for. Mans need for speed will never die. And this means at all levels of the spectrum from pro classes of every racing venue you can think of to all the ratty street warriors racing from stop light to stop light.

Rule #2 never sell any performance cars or parts. Will them to your loved ones with the explicit understanding of their place in culture, their personal worth and the space in time they have occupied and why they will continue to occupy.
Rule #3 make sure to make memories with those cars with those loved ones so that when they do inherit the car it actually means something more to them than just a payday because it can be sold for $xx,***.
Life got in the way. I've used that excuse too. Time to let life not get in the way and get some **** done. Thats my new MO
Hang on to her. I've heard a lot of guys say they regretted selling their classics but I've never heard anyone say they're glad they did.
Nope not our family!

Although, sometimes it rattles me to think about
what we have spent on it (Seven figures over the years).
interest in your car? I think I have. I have 2 cars, a 65 coronet sw and a 71 dart. Wagon is 1 of the neatest cars. It needs very little. a rear window w/s that no one makes and I need to replace 1 window motor that has gone bad. It was build as a race car/street car. It has 4.56's and a spool. We blew the 540 up and now it has a ding dong 440. Fiberglass 1 pc removable front clip, a/c and a lot of other features. Lots of time, effort, thought and money went into the 8 year build. It sits in the garage and I start it occasionally but seem to have lost interest in doing anything else with it. Has anyone lost interest in their car but got it back? I am at a point in my life that I don't know if the car really matters now.

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Have you checked with Joe Suchy? He has rear weatherstrip for B-bodies.
And yes, sometimes I just quit working on them. With this money I could do this and that. But in the end I'm back with new energy.
Just bought a 1968 Honda cl 350. All there. Gonna be my last hurrah. Still gotta get the 67 cuda done too but YA, getting tired.
I had a 69 model I fixed up, just after I turned 16. Which, coincidentally was winter of 69/70. Traded my 57 Belair for it. The Chevy had a melted PowerGlide; and the CL had been treed, and the forks were done.
By spring, I had a brand new Chopper!
Love the wagon! Like most here getting older makes things harder to work on physically. I repair all the cars in the family. No lift and 80% outside including winters. Only had a car in the shop 3 times in my life. Been through some **** these past 5 years which depression doesn't help. I lost my 1st born son who loved my cars and would hang in the garage and help me out when needed. He would have gotten 1 or both rides. My other two kids have no interest so now it's just me. No other Mopar buddies to hang with like in the old days. Will probably sell my Hardtop and always vowed to keep my Ragtop I've had since 1985.
Ya, i most likely probably did.
Back in 2010, 14 years ago now, i sold both my 71 Hemi GTX 4 speed car, and my 71 Cuda,
Bought the Cuda new, and had it for 39 years.
Had the Hemi GTX, for 33 years.
No regrets.
The thing for me to do at the time.
Ya, i most likely probably did.
Back in 2010, 14 years ago now, i sold both my 71 Hemi GTX 4 speed car, and my 71 Cuda,
Bought the Cuda new, and had it for 39 years.
Had the Hemi GTX, for 33 years.
No regrets.
The thing for me to do at the time.
That's really the only healthy way to look at it. Don't look back!
I guess I'm at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to this topic. ( very nice wagon BTW !!)

I've had my Cuda for years (my first car actually) and could never afford to do it the way I wanted so it got stored.

Years of going to Car shows, my buddies garages and drooling over their cars but never able to drive my own hotrod because I couldn't afford it.

The only thing I could do was keep collecting parts and read magazines until I had the funds to finish it.

Reading about the great cars on here plus the pics and resto projects just drove the knife in farther and would get me depressed as hell.

Then life changed financially in my favor and I swore that I would finish my car the way I wanted it.

Finally, in 2018 my car was done with a lot of help and encouragement from this site and the talents of an old friend from my teen years who actually was the first person to show me the car.

I'm loving every minute of it and am driving the car at every chance I get. Nothing beats the feeling of a 1-2 powershift with a 408 in the car and no matter what kind of shitty day I've had it gets me smiling and happy again.

I'm 67 years old and don't know how much time I've got but I don't want to be 75 and say "I wish I had driven the car more when I was able' .

Here's day one after the car was finished. Excited does not come close to describe how I felt!!


Still get the same feeling every time I drive it.

I have loved these old car since early 80s. Owned and built many. Some cool, some just old Mopars! I graduated HS in '66 for that dates me as 76 today. But at 76, i have medical issues and so hard to get up and down without help. Just life. But its hot in Tx half the year, 95 and HI of 115 is hot! But cooller weather will arive in NOV!!!!! I hope that helps again!!

I love learning something new, so 2-3 years ago, I bought a couple of projects, 64 Comet and 66 Fairlane. I always wanted such. That help's my interest level. I would be working on them 8 hours a day, but can't do it physically in the heat. That depresses me. I need to get down to just one done car! I am woreout!! I have a 62 Lancer that you can not give away and I refuse to part out a good project. I have a nice 75 Hornet, nothing car but I love it! I need to get down to just one done car!!!! like the Hornet, but I HATE trying to sell off any old car of mine! We know how bad that can be!!

So today, I have not worked on any of my cars in a week, just depressed. My health issues depresses me, and now I find out my beloved little dog is diabetic, his eye site is failing, and trying to determine what insulin levels he requires. Sad.

But, when I am down, I always try to realize there are many people out there with bigger issues than me, and God will give me the strength to deal with life if I ask. I said, He will give me strength, I did not say I should be given a NEW body!!

What gives me joy is the small things in life. Just to walk out there and see a car that I love, or just to be able to still drive one down the road a ways, even to just be able to fire one up and listen to the exhaust tone. That gives me joy and takes my mind off the bad thoughts of one day maybe, NOT being able to do these things!!

I say: Find joy in life, do the things you love to do while you can. NEVER say, I will do these things I love after I retire. So many never reach that age!!
But, when I am down, I always try to realize there are many people out there with bigger issues than me, and God will give me the strength to deal with life if I ask. I said, He will give me strength, I did not say I should be given a NEW body!!
If you don't have enuff regrets, sell either one, or both ! !

You'll have more regrets.

I still have the 69 Swinger 340 I bought new, no regret .

Experience !
I still enjoy my cars and drive each of them as much as I can.
That said, I'm not getting any younger and some of the heavy work is getting to be an effort. And the frustration of the current parts situation isn't helping my attitude, either. I really enjoy working on my toys, but I hate having to do a job twice. The joy I once found in tinkering is fading. The completion of my current project may inject a bit of enthusiasm back into things, but I dunno. We'll see. Not sure what else I'd do, honestly.
at 78 (in october) , the tinkering is all I want to do !!
interest in your car? I think I have. I have 2 cars, a 65 coronet sw and a 71 dart. Wagon is 1 of the neatest cars. It needs very little. a rear window w/s that no one makes and I need to replace 1 window motor that has gone bad. It was build as a race car/street car. It has 4.56's and a spool. We blew the 540 up and now it has a ding dong 440. Fiberglass 1 pc removable front clip, a/c and a lot of other features. Lots of time, effort, thought and money went into the 8 year build. It sits in the garage and I start it occasionally but seem to have lost interest in doing anything else with it. Has anyone lost interest in their car but got it back? I am at a point in my life that I don't know if the car really matters now.

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First , I love that wagon !!
I developed pybroalgia rheumatica (spelling) , from my heart doctor keeping me on statin drugs , he wouldnt listen to me telling him they were affecting my muscles and joints , I finally quit taking them and my family doc. had my blood tested to confirm , it got so bad I could not turn the steering wheel on my riding lawnmower , ''better now.'' If he cant come up with something else for hi cholesterol , I `m finding a diff. heart doc...
I pretty much lost all interest in both my toys during that couple of yrs. still not back into it all the way either ...
@rbkt65 that is one drop-dead gorgeous wagon - I'm jealous!

But to the topic at hand, I'm right there with you and it is clear this club has many members. I started buying Mopars nine years ago when I retired. I recall thinking I'll never tire of working and tinkering on them. Haha, was I ever wrong about that. I now have nine of them (at least three, maybe four are parts cars). Of the others, none is on the road at the moment. Some of them are relatively simple fixes but it's a snowball deal. I need to get one fixed to get the next fixed, and so forth. Then at times I get disgusted and leave them all sitting for months or years. I find working on them to be less attractive any more than driving them.

I'm going to put the ball in motion and finish the first roadblock then get the next two easy fixes running again. After that some of these are going to find a new home if for no other reason than to simplify my life. Keeping 4-5 old cars running is becoming more of a chore than fun.
First , I love that wagon !!
I developed pybroalgia rheumatica (spelling) , from my heart doctor keeping me on statin drugs , he wouldnt listen to me telling him they were affecting my muscles and joints , I finally quit taking them and my family doc. had my blood tested to confirm , it got so bad I could not turn the steering wheel on my riding lawnmower , ''better now.'' If he cant come up with something else for hi cholesterol , I `m finding a diff. heart doc...
I pretty much lost all interest in both my toys during that couple of yrs. still not back into it all the way either ...
I hear ya! I had a triple bypass in 2017 during Hurricane Harvey... They put me on big Statin and blood thinner. Get a scratch and I bleed like a pig. and bruise bad. Muscle strength has been going downhill for years. I tell my family doc and he just says I am old! I went to a joint/bone doc. No issues. I finally find a nerve doc. He goes ape chit about Statins. Says I have to be off at least 6 months to show if that is the issues. (Statins can cause muscle atrophy in a small % of people). I went to a different nerve doc and he schedules me for a muscle biopsy next week. He said that is what the first nerve doc SHOULD have done! I just bounce from one doc to the next!! for first one issue then another!! :BangHead:
Old age is a *****.
I'm 74, have arthritis in thumbs, wrists, shoulder, knees.
Usual meds, CBD/THC meds helps lots.
I'm trying to help/guide my grandson with his 67GT.
We have floors and lower 4 quarters to do on it,.
And tomorrow a 67 Barracuda is arriving that needs the front upper control arm frame mounts/shock " horns" replaced as sections, it'd be condemned, and I won't let it go to the crusher.

I broke my ankle a short while ago, and found it very, very difficult to get up outta my recliner to drill out spot welds .
That recliner keeps calling my name, but I achieved the nickname for a reason, 70+ years and still going.

Hint . . Get outta the recliner, that's your death calling .
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You would think so. This weekend marks 40 years that I've owned it and still haven't driven it. But a blocked artery a few years ago did the reverse of what I'm seeing here and lit a fire to get it done instead of tinkering with it when I have the money, space and time all at once, or just losing interest altogether.

It may not make it on the road after 40 years but it's farther along than it's ever been and progress is moving at a much accelerated pace.
First , I love that wagon !!
I developed pybroalgia rheumatica (spelling) , from my heart doctor keeping me on statin drugs , he wouldnt listen to me telling him they were affecting my muscles and joints , I finally quit taking them and my family doc. had my blood tested to confirm , it got so bad I could not turn the steering wheel on my riding lawnmower , ''better now.'' If he cant come up with something else for hi cholesterol , I `m finding a diff. heart doc...
I pretty much lost all interest in both my toys during that couple of yrs. still not back into it all the way either ...
The doctor put me on Statin drugs, although I did not have heart issue or any other
reason or numbers that could justify them. I think that at a certain age he gives them
to everyone.
Well, I got so I could only walk a couple step without falling down and the cramps were
so bad it was very hard to sleep.
I quit them and in a few weeks = I was FINE!

Well, I thought I was the only Old Fart on this site with multiple issues. However, some
of these posts bring me to tears right now,

God is always Good!
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You would think so. This weekend marks 40 years that I've owned it and still haven't driven it. But a blocked artery a few years ago did the reverse of what I'm seeing here and lit a fire to get it done instead of tinkering with it when I have the money, space and time all at once, or just losing interest altogether.

It may not make it on the road after 40 years but it's farther along than it's ever been and progress is moving at a much accelerated pace.
Good for you!!

Keep on keeepin on!!
The doctor put me on Statin drugs, although I did not have heart issue or any other
reason or numbers that could justify them. I think that at a certain age he gives them
to everyone.
Well, I got so I could only walk a couple step without falling down and the cramps were
so bad it was very hard to sleep.
I quit them and in a few weeks = I was FINE!
Some Doctors and just plain idiots I think.
Sad to say, but I have lost interest in way, WAY too many of the cars I own!
Anybody wanna make a package deal on 10 or 12 cars?
(I know, not a for sale thread. Sarcasm)
Some Doctors and just plain idiots I think.