I need to keep my middle finger in my pocket


Righty Tighty

Blame it on the dog
FABO Gold Member
Aug 16, 2019
Reaction score
Sahuarita, AZ
So, I’m trailering the Cuda, and a guy was riding my ***. I turn to get onto the interstate and he’s still there on the on ramp, following very closely. He goes to pass and I get my middle finger ready. As he passes I raise up my hand and he raises his. He gave a thumbs up, but it was too late, my hand was already in the middle finger position. Whoops.

I can only imagine his perspective…
Don't worry about it, the Idiot may have liked your Cuda but he was on your ***, nothing pisses me off more than someone riding my bumper, he knew why you flipped him off.
I admit I have a big problem with tailgaters, and I'm not the guy causing the "slow" problem, most the time.

Unrelated, I remember on tricky little time way back in the 70's. Friend of mine and I were hauling a car on my trailer, I don't remember why but this was N on I-5 up around Del Mar N of San Diego. I was in the right lane, doing "right" I look back there and there's a car behind, and a CHP with his lights on. I thought he wanted me. Next thing I know the idiot in the car behind is trying to pass me in the break down lane.

I wasn't sure what to do, finally pulled to left one lane. It was 3 or 4 lanes, and not much traffic. Idiot passes me on right in the break-down as I'm pulling over left one lane and the cop went right behind him and gave me a wave of thanks out the window.

That could have been a bad deal if the freeway was crowded.
They love to hang right in your blind spot when you're cruising your Classic car!!
They love to hang right in your blind spot when you're cruising your Classic car!!

not just classics

i remember one day at an intersection here in town, and i was driving my "convertible"

i am in the left hand turning lane and the light is red
the road i am on runs south to north and the interceding one runs east to west

while i am waiting, an eastbound truck shows up with his blinker on to the right (meaning he came from my left and wants to turn into the southbound lane beside me

now, i know this is a tight turn, so i check my rear view to make sure its all clear, check the side views just to be sure, and i pop her in reverse and start backing up

i made it about a foot when i heard a distinctive crunching sound and the rear end of my little convertible went up in the air

so i stop, i get out and there is a stinking import behind me
he had crept up so close i could not see him in my mirrors

(luckily it was a honda and a junker anyway so i didnt do any new damage to it)

i guess the moral of the story is "if your convertible has a 4 inch lift and sits on 33s, imports will park in your blind spot"

A friend of mine was really hauling *** on his bicycle. He is a competitive rider. One day a lady that was following pulls up to pass and yells something to him. At the next red light, my buddy rips her good with language I don't care to repeat. As it turns out, she wasn't giving him ****, but rather complimenting him on how fast he was moving.
A friend of mine was really hauling *** on his bicycle. He is a competitive rider. One day a lady that was following pulls up to pass and yells something to him. At the next red light, my buddy rips her good with language I don't care to repeat. As it turns out, she wasn't giving him ****, but rather complimenting him on how fast he was moving.
That’s not just a Canadian thing. Bicycle riders seem to have some of the worst attitudes on the road – they curse at drivers while riding down the middle of traffic lanes, running through stop signs/lights, turning in front of cars suddenly with no signal, riding at night with dark clothes and no lights, etc. and anytime they’ve got a story about a near-miss or accident, it’s always some other idiots fault. Anytime I’m driving I give them a wide berth.
When I was driving hwy tractor, I once came too a two lane hwy intersection. Deep ditches on all 4 corners very little shoulders and lots of traffic. I was make a right hand turn. As I was approaching the 4 way stop I was heavily encroaching on the other lane to get enough room so I didn’t have to drag trailer wheels through ditch to bad. Was all set up went to make corner, started to walk on it because I knew the trailer was going to bounce threw ditch a bit. Looked mirror to see how bad and here’s this asshole trying to beat me around the corner stuck in the crotch of the tractor and trailer. I Stopped dead and popped brake. Couldn’t back up 1/4 mile traffic behind can’t go forward would drag wheels over car. So I got out my pocket novel and started reading knew state patrol would be here soon. Cop got there made guy go back and ask everyone to backup so I can but by now the traffic is a1/2 mile. I was just laughing so was the cop. Cop said the man will have some explaining to do LMAO
We have out of state bicyclist who ride in the middle of the lane on a two lane highway. They think that they do not need to move over. A tire on the rumble strips for a few seconds reeducates them.
We have out of state bicyclist who ride in the middle of the lane on a two lane highway. They think that they do not need to move over. A tire on the rumble strips for a few seconds reeducates them.
Yes they must remember, driving the car I weigh around 3000 lbs they weigh maybe 300 lbs. doesn’t matter whether I’m right or wrong I’m going to win every time.
Yes they must remember, driving the car I weigh around 3000 lbs they weigh maybe 300 lbs. doesn’t matter whether I’m right or wrong I’m going to win every time.
There's always two sides to a vehicle. The left side and suicide
When I was driving hwy tractor, I once came too a two lane hwy intersection. Deep ditches on all 4 corners very little shoulders and lots of traffic. I was make a right hand turn. As I was approaching the 4 way stop I was heavily encroaching on the other lane to get enough room so I didn’t have to drag trailer wheels through ditch to bad. Was all set up went to make corner, started to walk on it because I knew the trailer was going to bounce threw ditch a bit. Looked mirror to see how bad and here’s this asshole trying to beat me around the corner stuck in the crotch of the tractor and trailer. I Stopped dead and popped brake. Couldn’t back up 1/4 mile traffic behind can’t go forward would drag wheels over car. So I got out my pocket novel and started reading knew state patrol would be here soon. Cop got there made guy go back and ask everyone to backup so I can but by now the traffic is a1/2 mile. I was just laughing so was the cop. Cop said the man will have some explaining to do LMAO
It boggles my mind how so few people understand that they need to give tractor trailers extra room and time to maneuver.

We have out of state bicyclist who ride in the middle of the lane on a two lane highway. They think that they do not need to move over. A tire on the rumble strips for a few seconds reeducates them.
I lived in Montana for about a year, and during that time I was also a competitive cyclist. I was so excited to get to ride the beautiful country, but it took about half a second to realize that riding down a two lane (even far off to the side) where the speed limit is 70, wasn't such a great idea.

Here in AZ is no different -- riders hug the white line or even ride in the travel lanes. It annoys me as a motorist, even being a cyclist myself, because even though I don't want kill anyone, they're not doing everything they can on their part to ensure their safety.
So, I’m trailering the Cuda, and a guy was riding my ***. I turn to get onto the interstate and he’s still there on the on ramp, following very closely. He goes to pass and I get my middle finger ready. As he passes I raise up my hand and he raises his. He gave a thumbs up, but it was too late, my hand was already in the middle finger position. Whoops.

I can only imagine his perspective…
NO OFFENSE TAKEN I WAS JUST CHECKING THE CAR OUT AND NEEDED A CLOSER LOOK. Just trying to get my camera phone to focus in. :icon_fU: