I swear if I didnt love her

Oh hell just punch him in the face.
Why are we still talking about this? Good god! I had plenty of advice by the time i finished posting at the top of page 2.:eek:ops:
Lmao matt your better then me at getting pages going lol And you aint even said nothin in 2 of them lmao .
Hay i aint had nothin to with the last pages nether haha thats a 1st too . I do have to ask . Is **** atlest getting better for ya . Pm me if you want to
I dunno. Aint talked to him since page one. I guess hes still pissed. He knows where to find me when hes ready.
Hay i aint had nothin to with the last pages nether haha thats a 1st too . I do have to ask . Is **** atlest getting better for ya . Pm me if you want to

Yeah, "Little Miss Innocent".... :silent:
I really wanna go over to his house so I can talk to him face to face. I just dont know if hes cool enough to let that happen right now.

Btw, this all started cause after 2 and half years of dating we finally did what couples do and now he knows.

I wanted to ride over there before it even started but he wants to text for some reason.

Asa, I'm 19 and shes 18. Hes 48. Honestly if he was to start kicking my *** I woulda let him. Im not mad and im not fighting with him. I just wanna talk and not through a phone. If he decides to point a gun at me and smear my brains all over his front porch so be it. At least id have my honor.

LOL! Unfortunately her college tuition requires lots of *** kissing.

ok you are 18 and 19 years old. you two are babies still. you two have no idea about the real world yet (as much as you may think you do). **** you two are fresh out of high school and really haven't had to deal with any real responsibility yet.

how did he find out you tagged his daughter?? you need to realize that she is his baby girl and always will be. you deflowered her. fact of life yes does he have to like it? hell no. he wants his little girl to worry about school or whatever her future is without the other bullshit. reality? maybe not but thats his little girl. in his eyes she is flushing her future down the toilet..

so are you saying dad is paying tuition for her school? she lives under his roof right?? if so then being 18 really doesn't mean ****. under his roof then she (and you) have to play by his rules. apparently she is still very dependant on dad and in reality too immature to make the correct decisions at this point.

trust me dad knows how these things work. everything is a fairytale for the two of you right now. she is head over heals for you at this point. but and here is th ebig but... dad knows how fast that **** changes. once one or both of you experience life a little more chances are they you will be going your separate ways. just wait.. if she goes away to school or something... you may not be able to be there all the time (you should be working or in school yourself so you can't be) and she starts getting some attention from other friends and guys.. things will change. i'm sure dad knows this too. its just reality...

and last.. why would you be stupid enough to go back and forth via text message with him?? thats just immature and stupid. all you are doing is pissing him off more. you need to let it go. let him calm down and maybe he will let you near the house again.

i know i know.. i'm wrong. thats exactly what i would think a 18 and 19 year old to think.. just wait till you are 40 years with kids and you try to advise/guide them.. you may look back and say was i really that stupid at that age? the answer for you and most of us here is YES. life experience man.. wait to see how much the two of you need/will learn...
The fact of the matter is, abodyjoe, all of what you said was spectating. And none of it was reality, contrary.

Banking on the failure of your own children and acting on decision, based on emotion is just about as stupid as it comes.

Text, chat room, forum, phone, facebook, face to face... It's all communication. None of it is any more intelligent than the other.

One could argue that by keeping distance in text or by phone, you give yourself time to respond out of logic, rather than emotional reaction, so how does that sit with you, when it comes to maturity?

I hate people pasting immaturity on the young. I hated it when I was subject to it, and I still hate it now.

Maturity comes and goes at all ages, depending on circumstance.

I set out to do what I want to do at the old age of 17 and I've been doing it since. I'm 32, now and restore cars for a living.

My girlfriend had her son at 19 and she's working, full time and going to school, full time. We live in a house, support expensive hobbies, pay for attorneys, put her kid through school and have plans for the future on our own dime.

My girlfriends father, on the other hand, is almost 50, abandoned all 5 of his children when they were toddlers, still owes thousands in child support, his children hate him and he's planning on a reverse vasectomy to have another, with a girl two months younger than me, being his third wife.

Maturity and age are not absolute.

I don't think it's fair to call someone stupid, based on age. Experience comes with age, but everyone carries different experience levels, of different things, at different ages, so it's moot.

If Drama Queen wants to think his daughter's life choices suck, that's on him. Supporting someone, regardless of age or relation, does not give you the right to their respect, if you turn your back on them and give them none.

What he's doing is screwing up his relationship with his daughter. Placing distrust in his daughter for doing something every human does, rather than wanting to communicate about it like the mature adult Matt is, will only denounce his intelligence to his daughter and her boyfriend, who are 18 and 19, respectively.

You did the right thing, Matt.

Make him look stupid and take the high road. Drama Queen needs beauty rest from his precious infraction on his Disney fantasy, where nobody has sex unless he says so.

I can clearly see who's immaturely hiding from reality, here, and it isn't you.

It would be one thing, if he actually talked to you with a positive attitude and had an agenda to solve anything, but came to the conclusion after speaking calmly with you, that he didn't like you for good reason, but he's too busy crying about it to even text you.
Isnt this a personal matter. Somethings I wouldnt put on an open forum. I just believe your girlfriend doesnt want thousands of people she dont know to know youre banging her.Just me. Do what you want.

I have not laughed this hard in a few days.....Thank You Sir.,....And you have a VERY valid point....
Tell me where reality sits?

Here is what I see;

Two adults living a personal life.

One dad throwing a tantrum, because he can't control everyone.

I'm positive that abodyjoe, banking on Matt's girlfriend dumping him in the future, completely and totally qualifies as spectating.

I think it's harsh, calling their relationship "bullshit to worry about" and invalidates them being together, as a part of her future, according to what abodyjoe speculated on her dad thinking. Mind you, these are words on a forum and not the actual thoughts of her dad, so again; spectating.

Not paying for her own schooling, or taking up a parent on their offer to help out with school, somehow, in "reality" is her being immature?

Here is a "reality" check; People go to school and have adult relationships. Look around.

Calling a relationship a fairytale = spectating.
Calling Matt and his girlfriend going separate ways in the future = spectating.
Saying that Matt and his girlfriend can't go to school together = spectating.
Saying that Matt's girlfriend will start noticing other people = spectating.

Spectating = casting an opinion on things that are not founded in the current state of being.

I don't need to continue explaining how it is placing a scenario on the conversation that is not current reality, and I stand by my statement.

The advice I have for Matt;

Don't let it sit in the dark too long. Just go about your way, diplomacy wins every time.

Now isn't the time to talk, but you should in a week or two. Silence kills. When you do talk to him, just listen to what he says and don't interrupt, then talk to him about how you feel. If he interrupts you, just tell him that you were quiet and listened to him, and if he wants to resolve this, that you would appreciate the same respect as adults.

I was with the girl that I was in highschool with for almost eleven years. Don't listen to people **** talking your relationship.
Lol. Man you must have a man crush on me man. Isn't that special.

If they want to make their own "adult, mature" decisions then maybe they should move out of mommys and daddy's place and see how easy things are paying their own way.

Bottom line is dads house = dads rules.

Only time will say if they a really make it. My thoughts are that once she is in school things will change for one and probably both of them and five years from now they so t even talk anymore. But hey that is my opinion based from years of seeing it happen to friends, family etc...etc.
Bottom line is dads house = dads rules.

respect your elders ....they wont be here forever and when they are gone it will be sad and lonely without them.

my dad tells me stuff and gets on my case and I don't want to hear half of what he says because I think he is wrong most of the time but I don't say anything because that's his world and he is doing what he thinks is right and I would rather roll my eyes and listen to him going on and on, than not have him at all.

it shouldn't even matter whose house or who is paying whatever ...he is dad and that gives him the right to an opinion and the ability to enforce his ideas within his house.

someday we will be the elders and be living in own little worlds and its not going to feel nice to have some junior who cant even take care of him or herself, challenge and argue what we believe is right.

Respect your elders and if dad don't like something in his house then move out and take it somewhere else....its really that simple
Good God. Is everybody a fuckin expert on everything around here? Give your opinion and move the hell on. I swear to God, I think some of yall would argue with a brick wall just to have something to do.
Good God. Is everybody a (fixed) expert on everything around here? Give your opinion and move the hell on. I swear to God, I think some of yall would argue with a brick wall just to have something to do.

hey sometimes arguing with the wall is very fun .....don't knock it till you try it. :D

just messin ......you should know how these threads are by now.......most of us on here either have nothing better to do or we have something better to do but don't want to go do it.
hey sometimes arguing with the wall is very fun .....don't knock it till you try it. :D

I came here for an arguement....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y"]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]
Lol. Man you must have a man crush on me man. Isn't that special.

Yeah, I'm in to girls. I'll do my makeup and put on a pink wig, but I'm flat chested, compared to your pic.

I don't think you're a bad guy, Joe. Certainly not by your posts, by any means.

I have the right to disagree, n' still bounce ideas without hate.

The problem I see, above anything, for Dad, anyway, is that he's caught up on his own feelings and not looking at the bigger picture.

How long is this going to go on? If not with Matt, someone else, as you put it. What's he gonna do? Nothing. Like you put it. Except make everyone, including himself, go insane over something that could easily level itself out with some simple communication "safe sex, bla bla, be good to her, bla bla."

No will to talk at all just shows that he's being more of a teenage girl about it, than, well, his teenage girl.

I just had this conversation with my boss. He just found out about his daughter's relations. The conversation was short and level. The only thing said about it was that he wasn't exactly happy about it, but that the guy was extremely respectful to him and to his daughter and in his own words "very cool about everything". If memory serves, it was either a phone call or in person.

Who is a "kid" going to listen to; A parent with a level, intelligent head, or someone who will go out of their way to avoid contact, including contact needed for resolution?

How about this, for spectating into their future; What if (speaking from my own experience, here) they end up in an even longer term relationship? What if they decide to get married? Are any of the three people involved in this, going to look back and not have reservations about being open and having respect for her dad?

I would agree that having kids is difficult at that age and ill advised, but we live in a modern world, where it is acknowledged by everyone, that sex and kids aren't absolute.

I think it's wrong, mind a stretch here, none of his business what another adult does in their own personal life. If he doesn't want to support her, that's also on him.

I have a 4 year old running around. I have no doubt that sex drugs and alcohol are in his future. I'd rather have my kid respect me enough to take my advice and my help, than turn me off like a light switch and do something extremely stupid, possibly life changing, that could have been avoided by some hand-me-down advice and/ or help.

From my own experiences, and scenarios that I've seen my friends go through; the more unwilling a parent was to listen and communicate, even if communication resulted in disagreement, the more unwilling the kid was to take anything the parent had to say, in to consideration.

It seems to me like two people at that age, being in a relationship for two years is doing great, IMO. Matt doesn't seem like the disrespectful deadbeat stereotype, to me.

Every time I read one of his posts, he has something good to bring to the table, and if his personality on this forum is anything like his character in person, I don't see why his girlfriend's dad couldn't take in to consideration that they have been together for as long as they have, when approaching the situation.