Kyle Busch

- the Nantionwide series (almost the main event)....I rest my case.
Long time NASCAR fan here and still am. NASCAR has been going through drastic changes over years. More or less here in recent years. Its like most things... one stays the same but the other changes. NASCAR has took a hit because of the economy. The last race at Talladega people was talking like they will not be able to afford to come to the next race. Matter a fact my friends and I didn't make it!! They also have made changes that I believe is trying to lure in more fans but all have backfired. Like "the car of tomorrow" I knew that wasn't going to last long.

Also anyone that says something "is gay" most likely would hold one in his mouth in a skinny minute. Its just fact.... kind of like the old saying " the smeller is the feller" see what I'm talking about.

What made NASCAR more fun is my mom and I bet on the race. We each pull two drivers out of the hat. There is 10 numbers in hat and those are the lineup of each race before the race starts. Whichever driver comes in closes to the front wins $10. This has made the races so much fun to watch or listen too. Mom and I get a couple of laughs about our drivers getting knocked out of race, my driver came in right behind hers, etc... I stuck a extra number in the hat with a smiley face on it..... if that gets pulled you get three drivers for the weekend instead of two.
ok im gonna pay for this one . dale "the intimidator" did nothing but bash his way into victory lane by rear ending folks and putting drivers into walls. i watched this guy over and over repeatedly sideswiping and bump steering drivers out of control and in my opinion thats not racing ,that is a flat out demolishion derby on a 2 1/2 mile oval track at 180 mph .instead of beating the competition he was wrecking them all the time. i dont think you can legitimately compare busch to dale burnfart. after all, the very same b.s. he pulled on the track is the very same b.s. that got him what he got by one of my favorite drivers of all time, the #40 coors light dodge intrepid driven by sterling marlin who incidently and coincidently , was the last car to touch the goodwrench car from behind before it hit the wall. sometimes carma is really a *****.

I agree dale e. was the dirtiest driver of all time, the reason he got away w/ it all those years,???
it finally caught him, what goes around, comes around!
nascar letting him by w/ it and chrysler pulling out is why I quit watching back then.
you gotta admit, kyle can drive, too bad he isn`t in a mopar!
fish in box? bob
What's ghey is, all this arguin on an internet forum thread about sumthin you caint do anything about.

I was a NASCAR fan for a long time. I can remember Petty and Yarborough beatin the snot outta each other on live TV in the early 70s. I also remember Awesome Bill from Dawsonville runnin slam away from the pack in the early 80s. I watched my favorite driver get killed at Daytona in 2001. Sorry, but anybody says Earnhardt couldn't race has another thing comin. If he was taggin somebody in the rear, it was because he had a faster car and they were too stupid to get out of his way. I haven't watched in a long time now, because it's not about racin anymore, it's about money. It's about sellin the most tickets and gettin in the most sponsor names in 30 seconds. It's just not the same as it used to be. If you're gonna be out there tryin to wreck people intentionally on a race track, you better be prepared to pay the consequenses. Conversely, if you're gonna be stupid enough to stay in a faster car's way, you better be ready to eat some wall.
Kyle Busch needs to be brought down a notch. He seems to think rules don't apply to him. Sitting him out for the weekend was a good start. A truck series suspension (balance of the season) is in order along with a hefty fine. Along with that should go a 2012 Nascar wide season long probation.
[ame=""]Double Secret Probation.mpg - YouTube[/ame]
For all of the not so nice ones who think Dale deserved to die because of how he raced, you guys are all not so nice! PERIOD.

Man this pisses me off, what if it was your father? Same attitude then?
For all of the A- HOLES who think Dale deserved to die because of how he raced, you guys are all F***** UP! PERIOD.

Man this pisses me off, what if it was your father? Same attitude then?

Well said.
For all of the A- HOLES who think Dale deserved to die because of how he raced, you guys are all F***** UP! PERIOD.

Man this pisses me off, what if it was your father? Same attitude then?
I hope you don't think I feel this way, I don't :coffee2: and it was and still is a sad day we lost Dale, he was a master of pulling air and reading it as he drove his cars better then anyone. I was a Allen K #7 fan for many years RIP Dale and Allen your #3 and #7 car will always be remembered.
To anyone that has never been strapped in a circle car with 20 other cars around you it's true, if your not rubbing your not racing....
Kyle is lucky no one got hurt .. Now I need to go back and see what I posted noel :blob:
Your good Mike, nothing wrong with what you posted. This just rubbed me the wrong way. A man dies and people say "what goes around comes around". I heard it back right after it happened from all the #3 haters. Nobody deserves to die from being a hard racer. Heck, I thought Dan Weldon was a little prick but I dont feel like he deserved to die because of it. My appoligies for this uncalled for comment here.
Your good Mike, nothing wrong with what you posted. This just rubbed me the wrong way. A man dies and people say "thats what he deserved". I heard it back right after it happened from all the #3 haters. Nobody deserves to die from being a hard racer. Heck, I thought Dan Weldon was a little prick but I dont feel like he deserved to die because of it. Some people just gave themselves some real bad KARMA for thier ignorant comments. Be carefull out driving today and I hope nothing happens to saden YOUR families.

Thank you Noel, and you be careful out there to :glasses7:
I have been out already this morning and I hope everyone stays clear of all the folks out there on there phones , putting make up on (i seen this this morning) a lady was approaching a hill and was in the middle of the road putting make up on :angry7: I backed off just in case!! Lucky no one was coming over the top of the hill at 55 mph... :wack:
I just got back, I seen this in the ditch on my way back home this morning and took a picture for you :pirate:


  • Creeds 600 VLX 031.jpg
    141.5 KB · Views: 192
Big Bamboo! lol What are your plans for it?

Sorry for my profanity laced rant this morning. I just don't get the hatred for Earnhardt. If you didn't like him as a driver thats fine. His death was very tragic for his family. Did he ever kill anyone with his driving style? No. But S Marlin has to live everyday knowing he had part in Sr's death. Im sure he's not happy about it.

rubbin is racin'......before we got pussified

lucky dog
under 50 mph speed limit on pit road during green flag
cars all egual
no passin under the yellow line

lets the boys race...
if I wanted to see a show...I'd watch Glee...well maybe somethin' else, but you get what I'm say'n
Big Bamboo! lol What are your plans for it?

Sorry for my profanity laced rant this morning. I just don't get the hatred for Earnhardt. If you didn't like him as a driver thats fine. His death was very tragic for his family. Did he ever kill anyone with his driving style? No. But S Marlin has to live everyday knowing he had part in Sr's death. Im sure he's not happy about it.

No problem on your rant/thoughts brother :glasses7:

The bamboo will be a deer/Coyote/Bob cat/ cougar if I am lucky blind close to a dear run, memike stays on the ground :mrgreen:
and they make great tomato stakes and doing some art work possibly :D
They will dry and look tan for the season, the sooner I get my blind out there the better :cheers: and today would be a great day to get it built and in place to set behind this winter and spring :colors:
Big Bamboo! lol What are your plans for it?

Sorry for my profanity laced rant this morning. I just don't get the hatred for Earnhardt. If you didn't like him as a driver thats fine. His death was very tragic for his family. Did he ever kill anyone with his driving style? No. But S Marlin has to live everyday knowing he had part in Sr's death. Im sure he's not happy about it.


Don't think anyone said he DESERVED it. He died doing what he would have spun someone else into the wall for, blocking. Seems the drivers today are able to use strategy and drive AROUND people, whereas Sr. just drove through them. The King himself said in an interview that Dale was just an okay driver. I think if anyone has room to talk, it would be R.P. He also said the competition at the time wasn't very strong.
His death was tragic for his family and his followers. Noone tried to diminish or downplay that.
...but anybody is just an "OK" driver in comparison to Petty. 'Cept for Kyle, that whole family was a bunch of drivin fools.
Early morning is not a great time for me. I usually post before thinking. Not saying I didn't mean what I posted, but I just would have let it go.

Calling people aholes was uncalled for from me. My appoligies please.
Hey Mike! You should have told everybody that was "Arkansas Asparagus" and made 'em think a little.
I don't know why but I just didn't think you had bamboo in Arkansas. We see a lot of it out here in SoCal.
Early morning is not a great time for me. I usually post before thinking. Not saying I didn't mean what I posted, but I just would have let it go.

Calling people aholes was uncalled for from me. My appoligies please.

I didn't see nuffin wrong with it. heh.
Just checked the M&M's Racing webpage. The 18 car is there,the crew is there. KB is not there. Hmmmm!!
Don't think anyone said he DESERVED it. He died doing what he would have spun someone else into the wall for, blocking. Seems the drivers today are able to use strategy and drive AROUND people, whereas Sr. just drove through them. The King himself said in an interview that Dale was just an okay driver. I think if anyone has room to talk, it would be R.P. He also said the competition at the time wasn't very strong.
His death was tragic for his family and his followers. Noone tried to diminish or downplay that.
absoloutely. i never said he deserved to die ,i would not wish that on very many and certianly not a race car driver. flip the script once and put sterling marlin in dales position and had dale put #40 in the wall and killed him, people would still be talking about how great dale is and that sterling marlin had it coming because he was driving too slow ? dale went out of his way to block, to run up the back of selected drivers and put them in the wall and sterling marlin was only trying to get dale out of his way because he was driving to slow... whats good for the goose is good for the gander...
Ok really the 40 didnt put him in the wall if u will look at the crash a gin u will see big e was lose b4 the 40 hit him yall i remember it like it was the other day cuz .. I remember what i said when he hit he wall i siad .. oh hell hes going to be fine ... 5 mins later he was not getting out of his car then i knew he was not dont look at the crappy youtube crap cuz u cant see it that good there ... i have it on tape ... no i will not send it to u i aint looked at sice that day and i never will ... but i looked at the crash over and over that day he was side way b4 the 40 hit him guys yes he was blocking but he was not put in the wall he was lose and the 40 could not slow down in time or even have time to get on the brake really have any of u went 3 wide at 200 mph ... if so then u know how hard it is to say that dale got what was coming to him is bull crap yall need to get a life ... to say that this is gay really what are u 12 ? come on i mite be retarted but damn it really look like some are more messed up then i am
The very basis of sport is respect for the opponent more to see a history of this ***** it again!

Kyle Bush and Paul Tracy deserve a hand across their mouths, immature and dangerous to others.

The respect for people mature is in speech and that of morons by the blows .