Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning gents. Yesterday in my travels I stopped at a friend’s place, to give him a hand. After we finished he asked if I would like a beer. He got two beers and was looking around and said “where did I put the church key. ? How did a bottle opener become known as a church key?
Morning gents. Yesterday in my travels I stopped at a friend’s place, to give him a hand. After we finished he asked if I would like a beer. He got two beers and was looking around and said “where did I put the church key. ? How did a bottle opener become known as a church key?
Been called that for years
Morning fellas and Happy Friday the 13th.
Looks like a nice day today
Tonight will be the last show at the funeral home.
Tonight will be free food and drinks as well.
They have also given us permission to use their lot to gather as long as there aren't any big funerals.
Have a great and lucky day lol
Morning fellas and Happy Friday the 13th.
Looks like a nice day today
Tonight will be the last show at the funeral home.
Tonight will be free food and drinks as well.
They have also given us permission to use their lot to gather as long as there aren't any big funerals.
Have a great and lucky day lol
Watching the news, how many of you remember the air raid sirens, when you had to get under your desk and cover your head at school or some other place that offered more protection.
Morning gents. Yesterday in my travels I stopped at a friend’s place, to give him a hand. After we finished he asked if I would like a beer. He got two beers and was looking around and said “where did I put the church key. ? How did a bottle opener become known as a church key?
I asked my Dad about this years ago, and I just did some quick searching.

Turns out he was right! According to The Old Farmer's Almanac:

What is the origin of the phrase church key when referring to a bottle opener?


Apparently bottles, especially beer bottles, were once opened with heavy, cast iron openers that resembled the same type of key used to open church doors in Europe. The name stuck even for today’s modern openers.
Morning guys.
Went to the last car show at the funeral home last night.
Got there at 4pm and it was gorgeous.
But once that sun started to go down or behind the clouds man it sure cooled off quickly.
A good turnout though and did I mention a free BBQ.









Been sunny one minute and overcast the next.
Biting wind out at times as well.
I went and got gassed up and went for a drive.
4 windows down and the heater on other wise I'd freeze the goolies off.
Not a bad day considering it was supposed to rain all day.
All my family were supposed to gather here and not only celebrate Thanksgiving but to have some family portraits done. But because of the weather were supposed to have and my one grandson had to work we decided to cancel till Xmas or Spring.
Home safe traveled over 400 miles today to pick up door panels for the flip ElCamino south of Cleveland then north and east of Cleveland for a trunk lid for the Laguna.
We gots a bad bear in the hood. Busted into the neighbors truck.
Had one try to get into one of my old square body GMC trucks a long time ago. I had left it parked at my mother's place out in the country and after a couple weeks she called and said that the driver's side mirror had been broken off. When I went out to check it out, I saw the claw marks in the paint as well. Brown bears were pretty common out there.
Had one try to get into one of my old square body GMC trucks a long time ago. I had left it parked at my mother's place out in the country and after a couple weeks she called and said that the driver's side mirror had been broken off. When I went out to check it out, I saw the claw marks in the paint as well. Brown bears were pretty common out there.
Before glue in windows, they were good at popping out the windshields. Bears are smart.