Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning guys.
Was a great turnout at the car show last night. They had to start using the other parking lot for the overflow.
I won another great door prize. A large 3 topping pizza from a new pizza joint in town.
So that's approx 60 bucks worth of prizes so far.
Here's some pictures









So this car is a 1911 EMF. Which stands for Everitt Metzger Flanders.
It was built in Detroit next to Henry Fords Factory.
It sold for 1000 bucks back in 1911 but sadly went out of business when Henry dropped the price of the Model "T" from 600 something down to 300 something.
This car spent 100 years in South Africa and then brought back and now this guy owns it.
He said there's approximately 100 left in the world.
40 horse power and tops out at 35mph with brakes only on the rear I think that's fast enough.
When he was leaving it fired right up and ran like a champ. What a neat car.







Been another gorgeous day.
Heading to another car show tonight.
Betting it will be packed as well
Have fun Mark. :thumbsup:
Been busy around here trying to get the right aftermarket distributor for the 59 Apache pick up I been working on. Finally got one and have oil pressure and it's running great.
Been spreading lumpy drywall mud all day. Pruned the snot out of my tomatoes too. Damned suckers are prolific this year. No wonder I have little fruit. About time for a drink.
Sounds good, cheers Charlie.
Just sat down with a drink, hard day at the office. Dug, dried, rubbed and bagged 3, 75lb bags of potatoes. Wife’s been canning nonstop for over a week now. Garden getting empty cold room filling up. Put a couple deer in freezer and set. Been a real day here 24C sunny light breeze, but the wind shifted coming from the north west so we know what that means. Have a great evening and remember keep your stick on the ice.
Just sat down with a drink, hard day at the office. Dug, dried, rubbed and bagged 3, 75lb bags of potatoes. Wife’s been canning nonstop for over a week now. Garden getting empty cold room filling up. Put a couple deer in freezer and set. Been a real day here 24C sunny light breeze, but the wind shifted coming from the north west so we know what that means. Have a great evening and remember keep your stick on the ice.
Kinda wonder what winter will be like this year after a mild one last year.
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Kinda wonder what winter will be like this year after a mild one last year.
Sitting here and a couple of flocks of geese flew over, they’re gathering up into larger flocks signs of the season gents. Supposed to drop to 8C tonight, good evening for a bonfire. Got a bunch of brush to get rid of. Have a good evening chase the wife/girlfriend around they expect and like it.
Don't have that problem yet and hopping it is a bad enough winter to keep the **** away.
That problem is gaining around here. But now sitting around fire pit with the wife having a few more whiskey's man life is good! Here’s a trick for you, get3/4 copper pipe cut 4” long put a piece of cheap plastic green garden hose in it and throw it in your bonfire
Been spreading lumpy drywall mud all day. Pruned the snot out of my tomatoes too. Damned suckers are prolific this year. No wonder I have little fruit. About time for a drink.
We had a great yield with our tomatoes. Didn't do anything special except water them.
We've also had a lot of rain so maybe that helped as well
Morning guys.
Just as I expected, the car show was jammed packed last night.
What a beautiful night.
Have a guy interested in my old rad and shroud.
Be nice to get rid of that.
Here's some pictures. I took my battery pack this time so not to run out of battery.
They sure work good







This is a guy I know. It's a 67 Dart with a 514 with a set of twins.
He said it's pushing 1200-1400 HP.
The ground just shakes when he pulls in



