Last one to post in this thread wins!

Was just on the phone with my cousin in Washington State and he is tired of all the crap also.
I've been a body man for 50 something years and just retired.
Glad to have you here Bodyperson welcome.
I knew that about you Fred and a few other things about you as I follow along on FABO. You seem like a real stand-up guy just like most people from ND. Minnesotans I like too. My father-in-law came from ND. Couldn't meet a better guy. Lost him too soon. Damn cigarettes.
Lol not yet... I should have it by Thursday then we'll look into the fab work needed. I may have to wait till I can start that project. One of the previous owners of the car thought it a good Idea to replace the radio and cut the dash to make it fit. Well I want it to have a stock dash and I think in order to mount this upgrade I'll need to locate one before I can move forward... soo anybody got a 65 Barracuda/ Valiant dash they need to sell?
You could put an add on FABO, maybe someone has one close by.
Gotta get back to work. Just want to share a little sumpin with you guys. Its top secret so no questions. Lol
I knew that about you Fred and a few other things about you as I follow along on FABO. You seem like a real stand-up guy just like most people from ND. Minnesotans I like too. My father-in-law came from ND. Couldn't meet a better guy. Lost him too soon. Damn cigarettes.
Sorry to here about your father in law, seems like lots of good guys die young.
Not really a stand-up guy but more of a big mouth kinda guy. Or loud fingers in this case.
NW Montana is great country I plan on doing a little bit of motor homing up there someday soon.
No it's quite far north of me.

Yea I was just throwing it out here. I'm not ready to dig into that project yet.
Looks to me like your going to be busy enough on the front end for awhile. Glad you know what your doing I would be lost.
Welcome Bodyperson, glad to hear Monkey's back too.

Just got back from Home Depot. I refuse to get up an ladders anymore to clean gutters. I ordered some attachment for the blower so as the fat man can stay on the ground and blow 'em clean. I hope it works! We're not into a solid freeze here yet!
Welcome Bodyperson, glad to hear Monkey's back too.

Just got back from Home Depot. I refuse to get up an ladders anymore to clean gutters. I ordered some attachment for the blower so as the fat man can stay on the ground and blow 'em clean. I hope it works! We're not into a solid freeze here yet!
I have one of those attachments for my cordless Works blower. Works great.
Welcome Bodyperson, glad to hear Monkey's back too.

Just got back from Home Depot. I refuse to get up an ladders anymore to clean gutters. I ordered some attachment for the blower so as the fat man can stay on the ground and blow 'em clean. I hope it works! We're not into a solid freeze here yet!
What you get snow down there? Damn was thinking about hiding out in your garage till spring. lol
What you get snow down there? Damn was thinking about hiding out in your garage till spring. lol

You're more than welcome to hide in the shop til spring!

We'll hook you up with a bed on the balcony.


The stairs are over on the right wall.

We might get 6" snow all winter here. It is usually gone within 24 or 36 hours anyway!
You're more than welcome to hide in the shop til spring!

We'll hook you up with a bed on the balcony.

View attachment 1715249006

The stairs are over on the right wall.

We might get 6" snow all winter here. It is usually gone within 24 or 36 hours anyway!
Works for me as long as I have my morning coffee and 5:00 drink. lol
Did you get your rotisserie back home yet?
Works for me as long as I have my morning coffee and 5:00 drink. lol
Did you get your rotisserie back home yet?

No sir, I gave him until Thanksgiving!

i have waited this long and I don't want to be a butthead to my brother.

Besides, then I will have zero excuses for acting like an old fad retarded guy. I will have to work! I am going to put up some plastic to cover some things before the grinding/sanding begins again. Because of my back (and lack of skill) I am looking forward to welding on the rotisserie though. No welding up!
Not to bad now Fred , Just got back from doctor, had a biopsy last Hump day for skin cancer on fight arm , of coarse my luck it gets infected real bad whole arm is an angry red .
Doc put me on antibiotics , now it's a waiting game. Sucks getting old.
Oh that sucks FOG. Do they have to do surgery
No sir, I gave him until Thanksgiving!

i have waited this long and I don't want to be a butthead to my brother.

Besides, then I will have zero excuses for acting like an old fad retarded guy. I will have to work! I am going to put up some plastic to cover some things before the grinding/sanding begins again. Because of my back (and lack of skill) I am looking forward to welding on the rotisserie though. No welding up!
I here what your saying about trying to work sideways and upside down trying to weld or do body work. Trying to get a rotisserie that a guy has not far from me all set up for my car.
Nice shop you have Jeff and looks like a man cave I would enjoy.
Will do. It's not a big deal , if it's skin cancer they will just remove it. I have a buddy he gets it done quite often. Thanks for asking .
Will do. It's not a big deal , if it's skin cancer they will just remove it. I have a buddy he gets it done quite often. Thanks for asking .

Absolutely, my brother gets looked at every 6 months and occasionally they will freeze a spot or 2 with nitrogen. The issue, as I understand it, is when you ignore it. I had a spot in my R lung in '06. It was indeed a place they could not biopsy. The Doc asked what I wanted him to do and I said "if I wasn't born with it take it out". He did, and after on the spot testing took half my R lung too. Turns out it was non-small cell carcinoma. I am a lucky fat man, still alive!

Mark, I know it's not easy but try to trust the doctors. Medicine has come a looooong way in C treatment!