My free Duster (Look close you will see why it is free)

Ok I don't know if it the fact that I have an actual resto thread started but man I have really gotten bit with wanting to work on the car. It sat for over a month cause I had lost confidence and I had no money for parts. The money situation hasn't changed but I figured I will make do with what I got and fab the rest. Today I took my daughter to the pumpkin patch and when we got home me and Booger (that's my daughters nickname she's in the 3rd pic) went out in the garage and started removing the rusty lower quarter. That was my plan for the day, ok got it, remove rusty quarter. Well I got it out and started thinking I now have access to the trunk extension. So an hour later I had it out. I have the roof panel from the Valiant so I am thinking I will try my hand at fabricating a trunk extension. Really how hard can it be it is one major bend slightly tighter than 90 degrees. A couple beads and bend a 3/4 inch tab all the way around. With that being said I am only giving myself 2 try's at making one out of metal, however I will make a couple out of poster board before ever cutting metal. I will also have to make a couple of the little supports that go under it but they look easy. The only piece I can reuse is the bracket that the outside bumper bolt goes through. So here are a few pics from todays escapade.

Trunk extension removal 001.jpg

Trunk extension removal 002.jpg

Trunk extension removal 005.jpg

Trunk extension removal 006.jpg

Trunk extension removal 007.jpg

Trunk extension removal 010.jpg

Trunk extension removal 013.jpg

Trunk extension removal 016.jpg

Trunk extension removal 017.jpg
Nice job on that column, Year one, paddock, and them guys sell the little decal for the "turn to lock", cheap, thats the capper to that perfect column!
i guess I ll hijack your thread a bit and tell ya we have the hood trunk lid and fenders patched, primed and blocked the first time on the 63 dart. got spring mounts made, new springs ordered, gonna proally paint the parts in the next few weeks before I pull back a bit, since i am bumming space in the body shop I ll wait till winter hits
I wish I had access to your fab guy that did all your patches. I am gonna try myself, this could get ugly. Hey does your friend that bought the 74 Duster still need a dash? I don't have the gauge cluster but I have the rest.
Ok my first try and "success" I made a template from my rusty extension and it came out really good I think. I think I will only make this one and just work it and modifiy till perfect but I will try my first metal one tommorrw. I went and trial fit it and it fit like a glove. If you need an explanation about how well it fit see my thread and it will explain.

Extension Template Attempt #1 009.jpg

Extension Template Attempt #1 011.jpg

Extension Template Attempt #1 012.jpg

Extension trial fit #1 006.jpg

Extension trial fit #1 008.jpg

Extension trial fit #1 010.jpg

Extension trial fit #1 009.jpg
C Stripes thanks I am watching your resto thread also. You are doin about the same thing although your car is way more complete then mine. I have already done the k-member and LBP disc swap and put in a B-body 8 3/4. I have at least got the beginnings of a real street cruiser.
metal man is just a short drive away, $$ 's I cant speak for. and they traded the Duster today for a built 440, and I am gettingt he 400 in the boot
Ok here it is, it's not perfect but it also didn't cost me $100. I will do some tweaking and it will be good as new. If I had ordered them I would still be waiting. It was also my first try at metal fabricating also, no to bad if I do say so myself. I'm not one to toot my own horn but TOOT TOOOOOOT!!:cheers:

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 001.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 003.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 006.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 008.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 012.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 016.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 014.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 015.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 017.jpg

Trunk extension metal attempt #1 023.jpg
Man looks real good, this has become one of my favorite threads. Keep it up almost makes me think there's hope for my car. Do you hve a welder? Cant wait to see the next step.
Ok here are the last pics for the trunk extension, I got it to fit just like I want.

Lower quarter template 001.jpg

Lower quarter template 009.jpg

Lower quarter template 010.jpg

Lower quarter template 011.jpg

Lower quarter template 013.jpg
So today I got the trunk extension to fit like I wanted. It fits fairly well it's not perfect but for $0 what can you expect. I am personnally happy with the way it came. So after I got the extension fitted properly I started on the lower quarter patch. It took a whole 5 minutes to make the template for it. My plan for tonite is to get the sheet metal cut and get fitted for it. After I get it fitted I will start on the little end cap and the piece below the taillights that is a little rough. The one thing I gotta figure out is the little bumper reccess at the end of the quarter. I think I may go and see if I can get a ouple of rust free patches from the junkyard and reuse an originakl end piece.

Lower quarter template 002.jpg

Lower quarter template 003.jpg

Lower quarter template 004.jpg

Lower quarter template 012.jpg

Lower quarter template 015.jpg

Lower quarter template 016.jpg
It looks great! You could just paint over the cardboard. It fits perfect. LOL. I need you too come up and help me do that with mine. My car is in about the same condition as yours, except it wasn't free.
I'm am still learnin as I go but it isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I have always done my own body work just never had to make pieces from nothing.
I'm am still learnin as I go but it isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I have always done my own body work just never had to make pieces from nothing.

Lookin' good, dusted. As the saying goes: "....the mother of necessity." Good use of the cardboard, by the way. When Pop and I had the resto shop we kept a pile of slipsheet on hand just for patterns.
I Got mine for trade also, 1974 plymouth duster 318 auto, traded it for a 1990 Ford f150 2wd i had off to a kid that stripped interior and tried turning it into a drag machine i guess but saved it later while cleaning out the inside found the original sales sheet in the glove box with all other paper work its a gold duster package with space saver fold down rear seat, to boot new radiator an fuel tank anybody got some blue interior parts lol


1974 Plymouth Duster "gold duster"
1975 Dodge d150 Short box 4x4 with 63 stepside box w/ 4 inch lift
Well I have spent about 3 days off and on working on the lower quarter patch and I finally got it done. It is about as good as one could get with out fancy metal working stuff, I have been using good old fashion muscle and ingenuity. I used a broom handle and a 2X6 to get all my bends like I want them. I bent it a couple of times to get it right so I am gonna have to use a little filler in the bottom where it was bent and straightened and bent again, but all in all it looks good.

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 001.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 003.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 004.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 005.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 007.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 009.jpg
No just a rubber hammer and my hand. I use my work bench with a 2x6 screwed to the top to hold it in place.
okay you got me wondering, whats up with the i like apples on the reason for editing?????
I was wandering how long it would take to notice. There is no real reason. Did you laugh? If so then my "Evil" plan has worked.
Nice work!! You have alot of patience.....:thumbup:
Did the B-body rear end install easily into the Duster? I have never tried this swap however I'm interested in the process.
I had no problem they say that you are supposed to move the spring perches to get it perfect I just pushed my springs in and tightened them down. But I am planning on moving my springs in eventually so this was only a temporary install just to get LBP on all 4 corners.