Need NonMopar Tranny Advice...........



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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This is geared toward those of you who have tech experience w/ Ford 5R110 knowledge. I am trying to help out a co-worker and at the same time save myself some grief.

Back Story: We took a month off for the holidays for him to have a new short block installed in his '06 F350, two cylinders had lost 25% compresssion, while the cab was off the truck he replaced a perfectly good tranny (read: A fool and his money soon part). He had a Ford tech do the work in a friend of mines shop. When everything was installed they filled the tranny while not completely warmed up, resulting in an overfull condition. There was a seepage of tranny fluid coming from the top of the unit, Ford tech says it was coming from the overflow vent, nothing to worry about.
Instead of pulling the plug on the pan the ford tech told him it would find its level on its own.
Now 2 weeks later and a 900 mile trip FL to KY, checking fluid level along the way, he still has seepage, after the truck sat for 2 days he drove to a store, checked fluid and was low, 3 qts to bring back to full.Now mind you there is an aftermarket trans cooler and an aditional remote trans filter that was added, so I'm guessing the whole system contains about 30 qts +/-.

Any thoughts???
Could the remote filter be causing back pressure, causing the system to vent?
There are no other area's on the vehicle that shows fluid loss other than the top of tranny (vent area).
It shifts fine and runs out strong. No overheating of fluid according to aftermarket gauge.

In two weeks he will have to hook to his 40' 5th wheel and haul to TX for our next job.
I do not want to be on a rescue mission.

Any advice or input (other than sell/buy Dodge) would be much appreciated.

I am not a trans expert by any means just saying what I have this a 4x4 vehicle.......if it is check the transfercase to see if that is overfull....possible the seal b/w the case and trans got torn and trans fluid in seaping into case making trans low.......
is this a 4x4 vehicle.......if it is check the transfercase to see if that is overfull....possible the seal b/w the case and trans got torn and trans fluid in seaping into case......

I am pretty sure that the transfer case is sealed all to itself and only bolts to the back of the trans. There is a gasket there but fluid can't get accross.
You don't mention whether the trans operated properly, nor what the fluid level is after adding the three quarts.

If the trans worked well, and the fluid level is now staying at a normal level, you may be past the problem.
You don't mention whether the trans operated properly, nor what the fluid level is after adding the three quarts.

If the trans worked well, and the fluid level is now staying at a normal level, you may be past the problem.

checked fluid and was low, 3 qts to bring back to full
Yes on 4x4.
Yes on trans operating properly, 3 qts brought it back up to proper level on stick, but there still is seepage from the top of the unit.

Thanks for the interest so far guys, keep em coming.

Long story but this guy has everything from water/meth injection to backup camera's/sensors and every aftermarket part one could purchase on this turd. I have the same engine/trans combo in my company truck 140,000 miles stock form. NO PROBLEMS. This guy just throws $$$$ at his problems and never gets them fixxed. He has mech failure on just about every trip. We mobilize about every 5-6 weeks 800-2,000 miles at a time. Never fails, I have to screw my trip up back tracking for him.

Now he's broke and still having problems.
Converter drainback maybe? I've never worked on a Ford that new but older ford trans have a checkvalve on the cooler line that sometimes doesn't seat and lets the converter drain.
Yes on 4x4.
Yes on trans operating properly, 3 qts brought it back up to proper level on stick, but there still is seepage from the top of the unit.

Thanks for the interest so far guys, keep em coming.

Long story but this guy has everything from water/meth injection to backup camera's/sensors and every aftermarket part one could purchase on this turd. I have the same engine/trans combo in my company truck 140,000 miles stock form. NO PROBLEMS. This guy just throws $$$$ at his problems and never gets them fixxed. He has mech failure on just about every trip. We mobilize about every 5-6 weeks 800-2,000 miles at a time. Never fails, I have to screw my trip up back tracking for him.

Now he's broke and still having problems.

if this is a new trans, whats stopping him from seeking warranty coverage?

Also, if the trans is working properly, perhaps letting it run and see if the seeping stops is in order.
The trans is new, I'm sure he has a warranty(Non OEM trans, aftermarket) on it but the problem lies where as we work on the road (airfield constuction/technical services contract w/FAA) and are on the road 2-3 months at a time and are now 900 miles(KY) from his mechanic who did the install in FL. Our next stop will be in Corpus Christi,TX before we will have a chance to get his money pit back to FL.
He drained a qt out today, we will see what tomorrow brings.

Long story on this guy, but he spends his $$ like a drunken sailor when home and he is now broke and no funds to seek professional help.

My only interest in getting to the bottom of his problem, is I do not want the problem to become mine.

I just figured after 900 miles it would have found its level point, if just overfull, but then it was low and had to add more.
Was it a NEW or a REBUILT transmission?

I assumed from your post that it was a used low mileage transmission. I didn't think to ask.

If it was new from Ford then any Ford dealer should be able to handle the warranty. If it was rebuilt by a chain then they may have a shop in the area you are in.

I will try to call a transmission builder I know and see what he has to say after I find out new or rebuilt.
I would assume its a rebuilt "performance" unit from a place called SunCoast Transmissions in Pensecola,FL. This guy only does his research/homework by looking at the Performance Diesel mags.

By the way, new TQ converter as well. When I asked he could not even tell me what stall. I stayed clear of the install while home in order to work on my cuda.

Thanks for the input and a call to your tech would be much appreciated.
before I came over from the dark-side I had nothing but Fords, there is only a few reasons fluid comes out of the vent or fill tube, the transmission is over full, there is coolant in the fluid, the case is porous, the dipstick is incorrect, the vent is plugged, or the drain-back holes are plugged, I did put a aftermarket filter in-line on one and it did build to much pressure and blow transmission fluid.
If the problem wasn't there before the aftermarket filter and cooler were installed then I would bypass the filter first and see what happens.
Thanks all for the input in this matter.
Finally got down to the meat and taters of it today.
I got him to take it into the local Ford dealer.
His original mech had lost the o-ring that installs on a speed sensor, his fix was to silicone it. Silicone and trans fluid is not a good combo.
