Stop in for a cup of coffee

Do you know what size clothes she wheres? I’m going through a bunch of stuff that’s in really good shape from my daughter that she’s out grown and was gonna donate it to one of the local places but if you could use it, I’d ship it to you, on the house
Very nice gesture Chris.
Right now Meth is looking pretty good!!!:rofl:
once everything gets settled, and adjusted, things will get easier/calmer. At least you're out of the middle of the night bottles and diaper change phase.
I tried that. Still just two pieces of wood on the wall... No light at all..
I see East Tenn had a little rattler this morning. Bet that got their attention. Or they just figgered the still up the holler sploded again :rofl:
That's funny. Speaking of which, I watched some Moonshiners on tv yesterday. Looks like a new season starting.
Grain alcohol is easier and more fascinating I think although I don't know the procedure for methanol. Can't be much different. I see nowdays Methanol is made from carbon monoxide.
Speaking of chemistry, Time to start cooking some chicken for chicken chili. I need a crock pot full for tomorrow night. Chili competition at a city employee Christmas party.
I have some of the "Fox Fire Books" There's probably 1/4 of one volume dedicated to making Shine. Ingredients, still plans, instructions, the whole thing. Along with some of the pitfalls involved just to keep the reading interesting :lol:. Another book on alcohol fuels, very similar.
Speaking of chemistry, Time to start cooking some chicken for chicken chili. I need a crock pot full for tomorrow night. Chili competition at a city employee Christmas party.
Don't forget the color coordinated veggies :lol: Red Chili= red bells and red onions .. Green chili = Yellow and green Bells and white onions :lol:
Barnes and Noble have a dozen or so books about making moonshine. Interesting stuff. There are a few states that have side stepped Federal law and now allow alcohol production for personal use with production limits. Just like beer and wine making and now marijuana. It is a Federal offense to distill unless you live in those states. There is quite a underground movement that would like to get the federal laws changed but not too many folks want to step up. Guess whose garage the Feds will raid first! LOL
Here distilling and brewing and wine making for personal use has limits. Don't dare get caught selling it though. Those state and federal peeps get all nutted up when they don't get their tax money out of it :rofl:
Here distilling and brewing and wine making for personal use has limits. Don't dare get caught selling it though. Those state and federal peeps get all nutted up when they don't get their tax money out of it :rofl:
You can distill ethanol for fuel with the proper permits but you can't drink it. The craft distilleries open up with some experience under their belt. Illegal experience. LOL