Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gotta run to the store, little project baked a birthday cake for a special coworker, coconut/mango, need some heavy cream for the frosting. She is Jamaican and going to nursing school. Very good to see the ambition she has. She visited me in the hospital and brought me stuff which was very nice of her to take the time and effort.

To be honest I have been feeling down in the dumps lately but last night I got the fight back in me.
Got my faschtnachts! From a small local grocery though, not from the legion. I guess they were sold out. Had already changed their sign. Not like I could have parked anywhere nearby anyway. They are just off the square, with crappy parking to begin with. Then we got snow yesterday. And someone decided it would be a good day to jackhammer a big hole in the middle of the street in front of the place and cut it to one lane traffic in all directions through the square. :BangHead:
So anyway, what I got are pretty good. Not quite what I consider a traditional... These are round, no hole. The ones I usually get are somewhere between a rectangle and a triangle. And, I prefer them with granular sugar. They only had plain and powder...
Went for a walk and lifted a few weights at the Sportsplex. Man am I out of shape. I don't want to push it too far until I find out about my heart valve though. That will happen in a couple weeks.
Got the reservations for the up coming Phx road trip completed. Between NASCAR and the USAC/CRA Sprints being in town, affordable hotel rooms were hard to track down.
Me too, but they have restored and opened up a lot more of the ship since the last time there..

Happy birthday Tim....


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Went for a walk and lifted a few weights at the Sportsplex. Man am I out of shape. I don't want to push it too far until I find out about my heart valve though. That will happen in a couple weeks.
Be smart good Sir. Our family just went thru similiar event and had a great outcome. Potentially could have been very different. I am rat holing my cast aluminum tip of single malt for when I see you at either Minneapolis or Iowa! I think it is swanky single malt. When I don't recognize it that generally means it is the good stuff! Customer is kind of well off, so not surprised by the tip. I might even get unlazy and research what the heck it is.Hah!
Hello everyone. Settling back into a normal work routine. Miss the warm weather a bunch. 95deg difference from Friday aft to Mon morning.
We are going to the Midway museum. Will be a fun day. Sad tho we are going on an aircraft carrier as a museum that was still in active duty when I was still in the Navy....Makes me feel old....
LOL I have seen the Iowa fire broadsides a few times at all places Guantanamo bay before it became Terrorist Alcatraz!
Read that 3 times before I remembered it was a tip for welding aluminum. I was thinking Like WTH is a 'cast aluminum tip'? Is this some fancy
new way of bottling or something? duh :BangHead: :lol:
I'm surprised they use aluminum. Copper, stainless, or glass for any alcohol over about 20 proof and glass is preferred for long term storage of 80 proof or higher unless you like oak and then the longer the better up to about 15 years. LOL