Stop in for a cup of coffee

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Dammit, you beat me....
Happy Saturday ya Moparian mob! Today is the first car show of the season up here. It is indoors of course as there is still a butt load of snow on the ground. An A body made the cover of their newspaper article promoting the show. I will see if I can get some pix of it today. It was built by a hot rod shop for a customer. Not saying I don't appreciate guys with pro built cars, but I just fundamentally appreciate a car built by the owners own hands much more. When you interact with the proud owner of the super nice car they often can't really even talk about their own car because they don't know how it was built.
Happy Saturday ya Moparian mob! Today is the first car show of the season up here. It is indoors of course as there is still a butt load of snow on the ground. An A body made the cover of their newspaper article promoting the show. I will see if I can get some pix of it today. It was built by a hot rod shop for a customer. Not saying I don't appreciate guys with pro built cars, but I just fundamentally appreciate a car built by the owners own hands much more. When you interact with the proud owner of the super nice car they often can't really even talk about their own car because they don't know how it was built.
Hey how many cars did they loose when that roof collapsed at the storage place a few weeks ago??
Every time I try to give advice on torquing fasteners, it turns into a pissing match...

Finally a thread where we can get into it and explain it properly... We had the proper forum/opportunity to get deep into it without hijacking someone's thread... The thread was opened by the OP for this purpose, so I ran with it...

It took me more than one post to address what goes into the do's and don'ts of tightening nuts and bolts... There are many aspects that affect that and you have to understand them all to get the full picture...

I took every opportunity to learn about the fine points of nuts and bolts that many people don't care to get into... With my car building background, I wanted to know as much as I can on how to put them together better...

I took advantage of the chance to work with the fastener engineers, fastener suppliers, and machine builders to pick their brains and learn as much as I could from them...
Karl, and as the OP that was exactly what I was looking for. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated the info. I simply did not have enough knowledge to seperate fact from fiction. You did it quite elegantly. I owe ya a beer for sure.
The Duster carpet arrived yesterday. Time to pull seats, shifter. Clean up the floor and finish the sound deadening. Hopefully get the carpet at least laid in this weekend and finished up by next weekend.
they are still digging out from the roof collapse and the County will not allow any one in yet. Using engineers and consultants to mitigate their loss. Last I knew they were at 38 cars damaged. The county is now saying their insurance will cover the building failure and repair but does not cover contents, i.e.: classic cars stored for winter. I think it is going to get quite ugly. The kind of folks that have those kind of cars and store them that way can Afford really good lawyers!
they are still digging out from the roof collapse and the County will not allow any one in yet. Using engineers and consultants to mitigate their loss. Last I knew they were at 38 cars damaged. The county is now saying their insurance will cover the building failure and repair but does not cover contents, i.e.: classic cars stored for winter. I think it is going to get quite ugly. The kind of folks that have those kind of cars and store them that way can Afford really good lawyers!
Sounds like local government...chit happens you pay for it.