Stop in for a cup of coffee

On serious note how is the flooding your way? We got the National Guard out our way and roads closed and submerged but we are not cut off yet. And looks like we have escaped relatively unscathed. Water should be receding tomorrow. Yeah!
The rivers are starting to drop but very slowly. It will be interesting if we get this snow they are talking later this week. Although the prediction is showing it to go back up. I drove by a couple areas this past weekend and its pretty dang high still. Stillwater built a 15' dyke in downtown and its a good thing they did otherwise it would all be underwater.
They're still going back and forth on the snow here. Say anywhere fro 2-12 inches.
My son,waaay up north got a foot of snow in the last two days. He cant wait to get out of there.
But only gets a week off.
Sounds like an oil patch gig
Remediaton in a fuel storage area, where the storage tanks were for many years and all the spills need cleaning up.
Also roads, lagoons. Prep for foundation work. My son maintains the equipment.
On northern aboriginal land.
It was a long day,much was accomplished.
Im tired.shooting for first in the morning...