Stop in for a cup of coffee

My latest t-shirt design for myself...

Very good choice. Hooked up with a redhead with 101. Wrecked a Challenger on 101. Great stuff in moderation!
You said redhead then you said moderation. I'm all about both of those things. (dang, my wifee is a brunette) :rofl::rofl:
I was watching The Weather Channel earlier and it was showing film from those tornados in Texas Saturday. It flattened some fella's hot rod shop. In amongst the remains there was a '64 Barracuda. RIP little Buddy :(
I have always been fascinated by the R2 Sportster ever since I was a kid. After I did this image a few years ago, my fascination with the aircraft grew dramatically. The design really is an Art Deco masterpiece.

Well, thats it for squarebody patch panels. They ground the welds and started with the first coat if fiberglass filler.
Once cab is back on chassis it comes to my shop for driveline and suspension work.
For anyone who might be interested in how my images evolve, here is a series of the evolution of one I’m working on now. I am only about halfway done and I have about 3 hours into it so far.




Shame on you lying to the lab just to get better results!
Nope actually cut out the bad carbs and have lost almost a pound a week since the first of the year.
Slowly cut back on the alcohol to nearly nothing.
Last week I cut out my go to snack food for years...crunchy peanut butter. Now that was tough!!
Going to my VA yearly Wednesday, and then my civilian doc in 3-4 months.
I can then and evaluate and compare the results of the two, and plan the next 3-4 months.
At least that the plan behind my motivation.
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Wow the last post of one day followed by the first post of a new day!!
Good morning!!
Morning Frank
A question for you. The battery cable heads are looking a little worn. Are they easy to pull off and replace??
I've found the positive cable head for sale, but not a negative.
A new harness is $$ and don't want to go there if I can.

Craig, look at Rhode Island wiring they might have the correct battery ends.
Depends what style. some are swedged if you have the tool easy, some appear to be poured/soldered around the wire. I would not try it on the car and just change the cable. Actually changing the cable is not hard at all. Got a pic of the end and where the cable goes in also?
Ya it doesn't look hard at all to swap out.
Guess I'll look around.
You have the auxillary power wire off the main positive wire? That's the only one that will be hard to make look original unless you can find one full length no splice.
I have a cable crimper so is easy.
Some i solder on. I do like the brass ones, they expensive and need clean cable to work.
I have a cable swedge tool I use for the hops wire. I don't like the copper either unless I need a stud on them for as lug..
We had a hydraulic one for the aircraft that was sweet made by DMC tools. Prob a $5K tool!
Take Cheryl to Kansas City this morning. She and her Mom are heading out for their Netherlands river cruise. They are gone 10 days.
Me, myself, and I for two weeks. She told me not to get in to much trouble. I'll try.