Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning everyone. Just a quick stop in.
And Mike, I haven't slept in anything but a recliner in over 40 plus years.
Except for hospital stays.
My tail bone is screaming at me. LOL
Morning everyone. Just a quick stop in.
And Mike, I haven't slept in anything but a recliner in over 40 plus years.
Except for hospital stays.
I cant sleep sitting up at all. I have tried napping in my recliner but never more than a few minutes.
Customer came and checked out his ihc overheating issue.
Seems satisfied with the result.
Will be happy when it goes. And i gets paid.
Odd one.
Customer having trouble with his inboard motor. Flooding.
I suggested he pull carb and stop in.
Brings whole boat. I guess the jostling around solved the sticky needle as it cleared up when he tried starting it here.
OK got the truck loaded. Loaded the car last night. To loud to load at 6am, the neighbors on a Sunday wouldn't be to happy if I did. :D
Need to make a quick Mickey D run for a large coffee for Tom and I. Cheryl decided to sit this one out.
She's been on the go for weeks and I suggested she take it easy. She agrees and then last night told me she was going in to work today for a few hours...Geezzz some rest day??
OK got the truck loaded. Loaded the car last night. To loud to load at 6am, the neighbors on a Sunday wouldn't be to happy if I did. :D
Need to make a quick Mickey D run for a large coffee for Tom and I. Cheryl decided to sit this one out.
She's been on the go for weeks and I suggested she take it easy. She agrees and then last night told me she was going in to work today for a few hours...Geezzz some rest day??
The power of the Wolfie award!:rofl:
His weight loss and strategy are amazing. The descending size pix of him validate his strategy.
Yep, very sound strategy. We burn so many calories as kids and then it gradually changes as we get older and older for a lot of us. Instead of playing for 10 or 12 hours a day... we sit at a desk or whatever.