Stop in for a cup of coffee

FedEx just did the very same thing to me last night, delivered 4 of the 5 boxes from Rock auto but the 5th they put a note “can not locate street address” I’m calling today and asking wtf
WOW that's almost funny the 5th box didn't follow the other four all from the same seller...Geezzz
Good Morning Crew...hope all is well with you all today. Hoping the Demon works better tonight when I get a chance to put it back together.
I'd have to drive through Indianapolis, and with a 20 mile stretch of I-70 through town shut down for construction that ain't gonna happen.
This summer their detour route also had construction taking place.
With that, and two normal traffic patterns for two highways on one, it turned into a 30mph 20 mile journey.
And that was on a Sunday afternoon. What a mess!!
Would love to check out the Nationals. Unfortunately it’s a bit more than a day/weekend jaunt for me.

Suppose you could drop down to 64 and come up from the bottom... could see the WV mountains that way... and wave as ya went past my place when you got to Ohio lol
Rain storm close need to get going. I want to get to the "other" coffee group before it starts.