Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looks like a real nice piece of property you have there Ray. Pond does look a little low.
I have seen it go from full to around 4 ft deep. All the water that feeds it comes from the hillside behind it up and down the road. When it is dry all the springs stop flowing.
Looks like the Hos were going strong. I wish they would date the images.
Thanks you just reminded me to get food for the fish in the pond. I re stocked it last year and hope they made it through the winter. The winter of 13-14 I lost everything because the pond froze solid when the water level dropped to low.

Can't they live in ice ? Place I lived years ago, someone had what amounted to a big puddle, maybe a foot deep with about an 8 inch 'goldfish' in it. As far as I could tell it was froze completely solid with the fish in the middle. Come spring it was swimming again...
Morning all, Two cups down and the suns coming up as I type. Should be a nice day, hope the fish and pond are ok.
Back from grocery shopping. Cleaning up from breakfast. Yard work today. Where did the sun go. Clouded back up and windy.
Good morning all, I slept in late and trying to get my first cup down, enjoying looking at the blue skies here for a change :glasses7: the man on the hill was drug to an auction far far away yesterday #-o wife is happy though :D
Back from grocery shopping. Cleaning up from breakfast. Yard work today. Where did the sun go. Clouded back up and windy.

I hope the sun pops back out and you can enjoy it some Ray , ( I hope the sun stays out here as well ) :D
Hello from the left coast! Can't sleep past 5:00 AM these days. Busy season at work. The Keurig is getting a workout-running on caffine these days, 7 days a week. Below is a photo of my yesterday at work. Large pump station construction. I am not in photo but my crew is. Cant wait to get all the water running and back to work on the Barracuda. Best to all-----


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it's supposed to be mid 60 s today partly cloudy but windy. time to hop in the shower and get ready to usher in church. have a good Sunday guys.