Stop in for a cup of coffee


The coney thing/cyclone in the middle collects the fines from the massive amount of air moving from the dryer in the lower right. Micron sized dust to 1/4" rock. Dust goes out the top to the bag house/giant vacuum cleaner, coarse material out the bottom and back to the blacktop plant to be used. HIGH wear, lots of patching, and as you can see none of it flat. Half Cs were my friend :lol:.
Big time snow here today. Didn't expect that, I guess I should watch the news / weather more often like an old person lol :eek:

So much for playing duster on my days off.
So tired of this winter weather...its starting to get depressing when I go into the garage and see the cars sitting there just ready to be driven...

OK, that is the tool they use for farm machinery that use a sickle with removable teeth, like on combine pickup heads and grain swathers.

Used for changing the sickle sections in the machine without removing the full sickle out of the machine.
One side pushes out the mushroomed rivet, then you put in the new sickle section and install 2 new rivets and mushroom them over with the other side of the tool.

Makes for a quick turn around fix when a rock breaks a section out of the sickle. Back up and running quick again . . .
Hand held english wheel. Just add one bolt and some molten metal adhesive...
Wild weather day here. 60* this morning, followed by a tornado warning and severe thunderstorms, then heavy rains. Now the temps are dropping like a rock and we have 30 mph sustained winds with gusts to 50 mph and intermittent heavy snow squalls.

OK, that is the tool they use for farm machinery that use a sickle with removable teeth, like on combine pickup heads and grain swathers.

Used for changing the sickle sections in the machine without removing the full sickle out of the machine.
One side pushes out the mushroomed rivet, then you put in the new sickle section and install 2 new rivets and mushroom them over with the other side of the tool.

Makes for a quick turn around fix when a rock breaks a section out of the sickle. Back up and running quick again . . .
Yup. And for riveting junk together on rat rods. At least that is the plan. Was here on the farm when i bought the place. Old alex (aka “dumb farmer”) left me a few treasures. I used to come here and help him fix his machinery. I bought about 10 years after he passed away.
Wild weather day here. 60* this morning, followed by a tornado warning and severe thunderstorms, then heavy rains. Now the temps are dropping like a rock and we have 30 mph sustained winds with gusts to 50 mph and intermittent heavy snow squalls.

Wife just texted me. She thinks our recycle bin went to Oz
Before I started restoring/reworking these old gas advertisements, I never knew that Conoco had licensed the Superman character for their N-tane advertising campaigns back then.

Good afternoon @Sublime one

How are you
I am well, I took a bit of a FABO break and had to focus on some other things. Getting ready to head to Canada and have coffee with TJ. It is always a hoot to meet members. With this site you get exactly what you think you are going to get when you meet in real time. Folks on here are as advertised, no posers. The annual car show gatherings are a highlight of my summer. You talk smack with someone all winter then look em in the eye come summer. Over a ice cold Shandy of course! Last year we had a scotch sampling under a FABO tent. I poured some very nice scotch to all kind of folks I had never met. Then we all went to a locals house for some killer BBQ. I have never met Frank (TJ) in my life but I am guessing it will take us no less than two cups of coffee to be long lost buds. I am going to watch the Hawks and Jets on Sunday in Winnipeg.
Molten metal added, put a dent in a piece of 14 ga sheet metal and worked it out. Then proceeded to arch the piece.
See what happens when the mind wanders?
Dollars invested? Nada. Just the wire,gas and electricity. the steel was from a dodge drag link and bearings were here when i bought the place.