Stop in for a cup of coffee

That previous image was inspired by other Ethyl Corporation ads I have been reworking. It seems their advertising was significantly aimed at women. A concept that was trending heavily in advertising during that time, target women and the men will also follow. The other way around didn’t work very well back then as women tended to ignore ads aimed at men.

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Also during WWII, ,many women went to work in factories when the men were overseas fighting...

My ex's grandma was a welder...
what a day, I had to help someone install a water line in an old house that has a crawl space under the floor. It's dirt down there and with the duct work and beams and everything in there, im the only one who fit.

So I found myself crawling around under a floor for a few hours with a crappy little flashlight. Then I got a Charlie horse in my leg when I was pretty far in. when I was coming out I came out in the basement and knocked the ladder over because I couldn't see it and I felt like I was going to fall. Then I suddenly felt myself floating, a friend who is 6'4' and like 350 lbs, lifted me completely out of my own control and lowered me to the ground. I should have said "weeeee" but it was so dusty and I couldn't see anything with dust in my face.

what a day. Got the job done though

Did you get many spider webs in your face??? I hate them... :eek:
Man, I fubared my back somehow doing the broiler coil in the oven yesterday. It’s been getting worse all day. If it doesn’t straighten out tomorrow, off to the chiropractor I go.

Must have been the awkward twisted angle I was working at. I should have taken the oven door off before I started. It’s just a couple of latches to release and take it off, but I figured it would be a short job and didn’t need to go to the extra trouble.

Note to self for next time.

Put a heating pad on it...
Man, I fubared my back somehow doing the broiler coil in the oven yesterday. It’s been getting worse all day. If it doesn’t straighten out tomorrow, off to the chiropractor I go.

Must have been the awkward twisted angle I was working at. I should have taken the oven door off before I started. It’s just a couple of latches to release and take it off, but I figured it would be a short job and didn’t need to go to the extra trouble.

Note to self for next time.
Sorry to hear, I can certainly relate. Back pain has to be one of the most painful things anyone can experience, well maybe except childbirth.

I have had back problems to where I couldn't even stand up straight, I wouldn't wish on an enemy. Except maybe bin laden, I would wish it on him.
Speaking of the older boy...

He just came in my room and asked me to hold on to two free tickets to the Chicago Auto Show (new cars) ... It starts tomorrow... He has Monday off and wants to go then... :D

The benefits of working at a car dealer.... :thumbsup:
I only saw one or two spider webs. It's a relatively new construction.

Spiders don't really bother me, there's worse you could run into

It's not the webs that are bad, it's the spiders that are on them...

There are brown recluse spiders around here that are poisonous and will get you very sick if they bite you....

Good thing it was a newer house that didn't have many webs....
1153 CST I finally made it to Rainies crew! Been out in shop sorting out foot pedals.


This is such a great song... Too bad Keith Moon died shortly after it was released and there are no live concert videos of him playing it... He's one of my favorite drummers...

However there is some good footage of him in this video...
