Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here is pic of the Unit. Has 5 slots. 4 soda 1 BEER !!

Those are sooo cool ! I wish I had one, or one like it Mitch, if I could get a quarter a beer from some of my nephews that visit that knows we will be drinking that day #-o They say.. Sure I will have a beer, and stay all day drinking on me then feed them so they can drive can get expensive :pale: But know that I think about it I enjoy there help and company :D better charge .50 cents
I charge labor to the common drop byes. Things overhead that I cannot do anymore. Usually stay for 2 beers then run.
Mike they sell a beer here called lions head and you really cannot beat the taste and it is cheap in the cans, like 12 a case. Mitch might be able to find it by him.
I am paying $22.00 for a 30 pack of Bud lite, I need a watered down beer with these new meds I take (chemo) and about 4 others ... doc siad enjoy a few beers it will not hurt a darn thing, may help :glasses7:
Whats Rolling Rock go for down there? Here it is around 26 a case. Good working outside beer also.
In PA you have to buy a case from the state run store. Sometimes a restaurant will sell sixes but way over priced. Until just recently you could not buy it on Sunday! So the prices are pretty much the same all over the area. At least no can deposit, Had that in NY and it was a pain in the ***.

Always wondered if you could fill a semi trailer up with empties and redeem them in NY?
In PA you have to buy a case from the state run store. Sometimes a restaurant will sell sixes but way over priced. Until just recently you could not buy it on Sunday! So the prices are pretty much the same all over the area. At least no can deposit, Had that in NY and it was a pain in the ***.

Always wondered if you could fill a semi trailer up with empties and redeem them in NY?

Hi, I'm back. Just did an oil change in a ladys car from Church before she went to work. I know that when I go to Carlisle I have had people run to the Beer Warehouse to get it. I aint been there but they say its pretty cool. You drive into the warehouse, pick out your beer, pay and drive thru.
The coolest place I have been to buy beer was in San Antonio Texas, Drive trough's all over the place and the way the laws were set up everyone in the car can consume except the driver. I brought the wife to a drive through there when we first arrived and wanted a few sodas and she ordered a daiquirie from this place. Drove away and she almost spit it out, It was a real one! Gotta love them Texans!
Morning guys. I hear beer here? It's interesting to hear the differences between the states you all live in. We have 5 cents redemption on each can and bottle. It is a pain to redeem but it does help with litter I think. We have a convenience store here that sells 2 cased of Busch Light for $25. Now that's a bargain.
That is a good deal. I hate the redemption thing in NY but it does feed the homeless! There was a down and out guy when I lived there that I saw rummaging through the trash one day and ran out to see what was up. Told me his story and then we started putting the cans in a shopping cart for him and he would swap it out once a week with an empty one! Wonder what happened to him?
We drink so much beer here That I'm embarrassed to take the empties to the street for trash. So...... My buddy in the restaurant business got me this can crusher. When I save up 6 or 8 bags of them I take them to the recycler and get around $20 for them.


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We used to have rounds of shot gun golf here and it was kind of funny the trash guy asked me one morning what the hell we do around here because there were two trash cans full of beer cans and a few hundred shotgun shells! We used to have a bunch of guys (from 5-12) shoot at a golf ball hit with a pitching wedge. Hard as hell to hit but when it was all you heard was that was me, no me! The little buggers are pretty good at standing up to being hit with shot.
We go to the family tobacco farm a couple times a year and set up a clay pigeon thrower on a tailgate and have a blast. Also bring all of your hand guns and rifles for target practice at jugs and cans. Gonna go real soon now before Turkey season comes in.
Over here I have a friend that the weekend before rifle season they have an interesting way of sighting in the rifles. They have a large farm in a valley and across the street is a chicken farmer. The farmer releases all of the old birds into a field about 2-300 yards away and they shoot the chickens, then have a big chicken bbg after. Interesting to say the least. Tender chicken whats left of it.
Hey where's Rani? She hasn't been here for a week and her last few posts were "Thank You's" to members and "I'll never forget" was the last lines.
I thought she was going away for a few weeks, but I am not sure. Hope she is OK
I thought she went away to Arizona or some place like that for a week or two.
Over here I have a friend that the weekend before rifle season they have an interesting way of sighting in the rifles. They have a large farm in a valley and across the street is a chicken farmer. The farmer releases all of the old birds into a field about 2-300 yards away and they shoot the chickens, then have a big chicken bbg after. Interesting to say the least. Tender chicken whats left of it.

We sit on the hill at the farm and whistle for the Groundhogs. When they come out I light em up. Some times from a couple a hundred yard away.
Has anyone ever used thouse muffler clamps that are like an 1: wide on their exhaust? I do not want to use the cheap clamps that came with the summit kit and just noticed the style in the stan action (wrong size though)
We sit on the hill at the farm and whistle for the Groundhogs. When they come out I light em up. Some times from a couple a hundred yard away.

I am sure that is fun. I had one here a few years ago in the field that was a poltergeist one. I hit it a few times with a 22, blew up its home with acetylene gas, and it cam back every time. Finally the old dog brought it back with scars and burned patches from the gas/boom. Crazy!